Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How To Save A Life

If I Held the Answers

by gerard_is_my_savior 1 review

What you have been waiting for...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-24 - Updated: 2008-02-25 - 1810 words - Complete

"I can't take it any longer!" Frank moaned. "I have to eat right now!"
"No! You don't! You are fine, Frankie. Just chill out!" Mikey scolded."I want that food in my belly right this very moment! I'm going to die, Mike, if I don't eat your mom's cooking right now!"
"Frank, it's okay," Avenue said laughing at him. He sure brought a new life to the room. They were all sitting in the living room, waiting in anticapation, all the while
smelling the delightful smells of the Christmas turkey floating in through the open kitchen door.
"Oh, Avey!" he cried, bounding onto her lap, where she sat on the couch. "I need you more than I need food! That ring on your finger means nothing, nothing compared to the way I feel for you! We could runaway, or roll away, in your case, elope, and leave Gerard behind forever! Isn't that what you really want?"
"What I really want," Gerard yelled. "Is for you to get off of my future wife, and go f---"
"Gerard, boys! Time for supper!And," she said, poking her head out from the kitchen. "Gerard Arthur, Miechal James and Franklin Anthony, wash you hands before you step one foot into my kitchen!"
"Yes, mom."
"And I will take you with me sweat heart," she said to Avenue. Gerard helped her from the couch and eased her gently into her wheelchair. He stared at her lovingly for a moment and then kissed her forehead tenderly. She looked into his soft hazel eyes, so full of love, yet full of pain.
"Come on, dear. We will get you set up nice at the table," Donna said, smiling at her son and future daughter. Gerard finally pulled away from her and followed his bandmates into the kitchen to wash his hands.
Donna wheeled Avenue into the dining room and parked her before the large oak table. Before her lay an array of finely decorated and well cooked food, ranging from green bean cassarole with little french fried onions, mashed potatoes with smooth butter melting on top all the way to a finely roasted white breasted turkey.
"This so beautiful!" Avenue cried. "Just like I always imagined it would be..."
"I knew how much it meant to you, baby," Gerard said, coming up behind her. "So
I made mom do everything to make this a Christmas you would always remember."
Gerard took the seat next to her. "Because I know that your family is no longer
with you."
She only gave him a weak, sad smile.
"YEAH!" Frank yelled excitedly, running into the dining room. "There is nothing better than Ms. Way food!"
Mikey rolled his eyes and sat next to his mother, who sat across from Avenue. Frank sat next to Avenue, leaving Gerard at the head of the table.
"Join hands," Donna instructed. All of them did so. "Gerard, would you say grace
"Sure," he said, then took a deep breath. "Dear Heavenly Father, we come here gatheredto celebrate the birth of your son. Thank you for our many blessings and the wonderful food layed out before us. And thank you for the life of my wonderful Fiancee, Avenue. Amen."
They all let go of each other's hands, but no one said one word. Not even Frank. Avenue
did not even look at that food that was being passed silently around her. Instead, she looked at her plate, a distant look in her eye.


"Avenue, I'm so glad you are staying with me now. You too Kammeron. I'm sorry
about what happened to your parents, dears, but I will take good care of you!" said
their Aunt Caroline. They had never known that their mother had a sister.
Kammeron reached over and took his sister's hand.
"I will make sure this is your last terrible Christmas," he whispered in her ear. "I promise."
"Avey," Gerard whispered. "Avey, are you okay?"
She looked up at him then, her eyes filled with darkness, clouding her beautiful green
orbs, turning them almost black. She didn't know what to say, she could hardly breathe.
"I..." she stammered, but couldn't carry on. Her heart felt like linder at the moment, hard,
heavy, gray linder that no one could ease.
Gerard took her hand in his."Avenue, what is wrong. Avenue! Speak to me!"
"Gee, what's going on?" Mikey asked.
"I don't know, she won't speak. Speak, god dammit, Avenue. Say something!"
She couldn't. She wanted too, oh, how she wanted to!
"Gerard..." she whispered. "We are not safe."
"Avenue! What the hell is this?" Kammeron yelled to the 16 year old girl he had just hit to
the floor. "You fucking think I want this to happen? Do you think I enjoy seeing you this
way? Fuck no, I don't! Look at you! You are a mess! You can't gain control of yourself, and it's this band's fault! Isn't it?" He asked, holding up a CD entitled 'I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love'.
"No, it's not! I swear. It helps me!"
"Helps you do what, Avey? Slit your wrists? Does this music provide the blade? Or does
it help you pop pills? Tell me, because I'm listening!"
"You're all wrong, Kam. And I will never stop listening to My Chem. Never!"
"The you will never see me again, Avenue. I loved you so much, worked so hard, I built you into a beautiful talented young women, just so you could turn into this?
I come back from college to see what exactly? To see you, the real you, not, this, this phsyco drug addict emo who wants to die! No, I came to see my Avenue. So this is where I leave you baby, broken and battered in your own self-inflicted hell.
I hope you rot in your sin, Avenue Layne. I hope it burns!" He walked out of her room then, slamming her door shut. She heard his car pull out of the driveway only a few seconds later, and watched as the lights faded down the road, carrying her brother off into the night, never to return to her again.
"I've decided to stage this earlier, the anticipation far too great."
"Whatever you want, dear Kammeron. But please remember that this is final, no backing out."
"Yes sir. I know that."
The phone on the other end went dead. Kammeron turned it off and cast it into the drain in the street. It would only be evidence, and that was not needed. He looked
at the house before him. "I'm sorry, my dear sister. But this is what you get." He smiled at himself as a song came to his mind. "Never again, oh never again, I'll give you two shots to the back of your head and you're all dead now."
"Avey! What do mean? We're perfectly fine. Look at us, we're all safe and happy,Ave. Why can't you be to?" Gerard asked.
"No, it's Kammeron, c'mon, we have to leave! He's here, I know he is!"
"Avenue! Just fucking stop! You're acting like a fucking phsyco!"
"Gerard Arthur, language!"
"Not now, mom! Look at her! She's going into shock or something!"
"Gerard, trust me! He is here! Kammeron is here!"
"Who the hell is this Kammeron guy?" Gerard asked. He was furious, and going red in the face.
"Gerard, he's the man that tried to kill you."
Suddenly, a very large bang came from the front of the house. "Avenue, your
brother is here! Why don't you come say hello?"
"Fuck!" Frank whispered.
"What do we do?" Donna asked.
"Hurry, to my room!" Gerard said. "We can seperate ourselves. Frank, do you think
you could carry Avenue?"
"Yeah, I can, but aren't you coming?"
"No, I'm not. I have to face him. But hurry, get down there and call the police."
Frank and Mikey nodded their heads and scooped up Avenue in their arms and went down the stairs to Gerard's room and Donna followed, locking the door behind him.
Gerard went to the kitchen a pulled a steak knife from the drawer. It was his only chance.
"Gerard? Is that you?" called a voice, getting closer.
Gee remained still, quiet, holding his breath. Suddenly, in the doorway appeared a tall man, at least 6'4" with long brown shaggy hair and brown, liquid brown eyes that were filled with hate.
"So, it is you, isn't it. Gerard Arthur Motherfucking Way. You're the man that stole
my sister's innocence, aren't you? You're the one that turned her into a wrist cutting
emo drug addict. It is all your fualt."
"No, no it isn't! I had no idea what..."
"Don't feed me your lies, you Chemical Romance scum." He held up his gun, his rifle, and faced the barrel directly at Gerard's face. "You stole the only thing I ever
loved! Do you understand that? I fucking loved her!" Tears were rolling down his cheeks. His brown eyes swollen from the tears. "And you took her from me.
You, and you alone. I still don't understand why, but you did. And I hate you for it."
"I didn't mean to, Kammeron. And you have to understand that. I did nothing compared to the damage you have done to her! Have you seen her? She can't walk and doesn't even have a left leg! How does that feel for reality? And in a week she will be sitting in one of the world's finest hospital, receiving a new leg, and she will have her spine rebuilt along with her centeral nervous system repaired. And none of it thanks to you! I'm putting every dollar I have ever owned into that woman!"
"Do you love her, Gerard?" he asked, his face heating up.
"Yes, I do!" Gerard tightened his grip on his knife. He never let his guard down, not once.
"Rot in hell!" Kammeron yelled, raising his gun. Suddenly, there was a loud BANG of gunfire.
He looked down at his stomach. He didn't feel anything, didn't see any blood. He looked up to see Kammeron holding his chest. He fell to the floor with a thud. Behind him
him stood a trembling Ray, gun clutched in hand. Bob stood beside him, his eyes wide with shock.
"He was going to kill you, Gerard. I had too. I had too."
Gerard jumped over the body, lying lifeless on the floor, blood spilling out onto the white lenoluem. He stood next to Ray.
"It's okay Ray. It's okay."

This is no where near the end. This is a novel length fanfic, so there is way more to come.
You could even say that this is just the begining. =]
Love, Autumn
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