Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Brothers In Arms

When all things come to a stop

by Shank 0 reviews

Things couldnt be worse between the two brothers back in their home villave.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-02-24 - Updated: 2008-02-25 - 1121 words - Complete


Since Sakon and his brother had got back to their village from the Chuunin exams, they were treated like royalty. Wherever they went, people would comment and thank them for their efforts in the Chuunin exam and what honour they had done for the village. Sakon and Ukon’s family were getting payed more money in earnings and things couldn’t have been better-but things between Sakon and Ukon couldn’t have been worse. In everything they had done, they had always been competitive in any ninja activity, but it had never got the better of their relationship. Both of them together meant a lot to the village they came from. It was very small and not too prosperous, these up and coming ninjas provided hope for people in the village, but they meant nothing if they were fighting amongst themselves. Sakon had chosen to say nothing to his brother for he didn’t want to start any trouble, yet he loved getting praised from as many people as getting told how good he was made him feel good.
During the week, the Chuunins and Jounins were called out for a random test, which they had every now and then to see what their current ninja performance was like. Because they were a small village, they had to make sure that their individual ninja skill was high. The test consisted of a game of capture the flag in a large amount of two man teams. Sakon was paired with his brother and they prepared themselves. Sakon finally decided to break the silence between them, “You ready?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Ukon fired back defensively.
“We are up against the best in the village, so don’t screw it up.” Ukon got very annoyed with this, but had no choice but to accept because their game was officially started. They began setting plans for their course of action. Every two man team on the field had a flag and the team with the least amount of flags after every five minutes would be eliminated until there was one team left.
Once they had decided on a plan, Sakon and Ukon set out to find any teams they could with flags. It wasn’t long before Sakon and Ukon felt someone coming. They hid amongst the bushes and saw two ninjas come into view. Ukon almost got up to engage them as they looked rather weak compared to the brothers in close combat. Sakon stopped him though as he saw something strange. He had already set a trap for these ninjas, a tree branch strung back would have easily knocked a person out with the force it swung at, Sakon set it off and it should have been a clear shot. The branch though, went straight through the ninjas exposing them as simple clones. Sakon smiled, the ninjas must have known there was somebody around here and were trying to fish them out with simple clones. The ninjas came out of hiding and came towards the hiding spot he and his brother were in, he wasn’t entirely ready but Ukon jumped out ahead to fight them. Sakon quickly came out and they both easily collected a flag from the two man team.
They lasted the entire exam and it almost seemed like old times. They were working together and fighting really well against jounin level ninjas. It was enough for the examiners and the important ninjas of the village would now first hand be able to recognise their strength and worth as a ninja. They had been able to collect many flags off different teams and as it wasn’t a fight to the death, but more so getting into a position of victory, like a checkmate in chess. Sakon was able to examine areas and situations well and carefully act accordingly whereas Ukon was there to lead forward when the direct contact was needed, each of them helping where the other fell short. They survived the whole way through and before they knew it, they were down to two other opponent teams. “We have to charge and take a chance.” Ukon pleaded with his brother.
“If there are three teams, than one will just hide and let both of us battle it out and then take what is left when we are too tired to move. They will be able to win the competition with little effort; there is no way we can charge straight in.” Ukon was going to argue but decided not too as he trusted Sakon with this, although he didn’t like to admit it. He needed Sakon just like Sakon needed him and they both wanted to fight and win this, and for that too happen, they needed to stick together. They waited a little longer in hiding and both of them decided to send out a clone. It wasn’t long after this that another team took the bait and threw their kunai to test if it was indeed a clone. Upon seeing where the kunai came from, Ukon charged, Sakon didn’t even think to say anything until it was too late, “It is a trap Ukon.” But Ukon couldn’t hear him. He had no choice but to chase after his brother and he came out of his hiding so fast he was unaware there were a two man team waiting and trapped him immediately. He didn’t have the flag, but the judges concluded he was put into no other position but surrender and Ukon was made to hand in the flag, ending their run in the competition.
As they left the gaming area, Ukon and furious, “How the hell could you lose to those guys?”
“For starters, both teams left were jounins and I wouldn’t have been caught if you hadn’t left me.”
“Left you? I was doing what I had to for us to win…last time I remember; you almost killed me in our match.”
“You wanted me to fight properly in our match.” Ukon had heard enough and attacked Sakon out of the blue. Sakon couldn’t believe it, but he was ready for it and met him halfway and they collided in fury with nothing but their fists. Sakon was fed up with everything and managed to shove Ukon away from him. Ukon had this look on his face of pure anger and Sakon knew there was no way out of this one. It was now dark and nobody was around, they had all the time and privacy in the world and this fight was going to be brutal. This time they were fighting not because they had to, but because they wanted to.
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