Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hush Little Baby, Your Dads Are Alright

Great Way To Kick Off A Show

by wheresyourheart 1 review

Gerard gets a phone call.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-26 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 561 words

A smiling Gerard stepped out onto stage, and the crowd went wild. In the front row, girls (and guys) were screaming, reaching as far as they could onto the stage. Adrenaline ran from the top of his head, to the tip of his fingers, surging down to his toes. "I'd like to start you all off with a fucking new song, I hope you like it, it's for my one and only!" He glanced over at Frank, a secret smile growing on his face. Frank returned the smile and Ray begain with the first notes of the song. After, Frank started strumming the guitar, a fast rhythm as Bob started with a few cymbal crashes and then a powerful drumbeat that made the whole room vibrate. And Gerard started singing his heart out---

"Say, the lights are really low enough to play,
Would you cast yourself so solitary?"

Although Gerard was singing, putting his all into it, his mind started to drift. He thought about when he'd first met that special someone. About the night before when they'd almost came out to the press about their relationship... but backed out at the very last second.

"And would you stay right here?
When I tell you,
That someone out there loves you.
Would you stay right here?
Well I'd tell you,
That someone out there loves you after all."

The song ended. Everyone was screaming twice as hard (if that was even possible). It was deffinetly a great way to kick off a show.

"Great show guys!" a fourteen-year-old fangirl said, a smile plastered over her face. Gerard signed her shirt and handed the sharpie marker to Frank. "So," she started. "Who's the 'special someone'?" Jealousy had been surging through her since Gerard had said there was someone special in his life. She was going to take whoever she was down, and take what was rightfully hers... /right/.

Frank's arm twitched and he'd messed up the smiley face he'd been drawing on the fangirl's back. Gerard swallowed, and laughed nervously, sounding more like a cross between a cow and a dog. The girl looked at him funny.

"It's a secret," he said, giving her a bright smile. That was more than enough to make her heart flutter.

"Okay guys, it's time for us to get back inside!" Ray announced. Everyone who'd been out back to get autographs sighed, and the band made their way backstage. Everyone sat around and talked, smoked a few cigerettes, and had a good laugh. It was just a normal night.

That's when Brian, the band's manager, walked into the room looking somewhat dazed. "Gerard, there's someone on the phone for you, it's... uh, here."

Gerard took the cell phone from Brian. If it was so important, why didn't they just call my phone? he thought to himself. "Hello?" he said. Brian had really made him uneasy about answering this.

"Hi, this is Jenny Brink from D.H.S.," a voice on the other line said. "Um, Lynn Reynolds has passed and your here on our records as her daughter's father. Let's see... her name's Tegan Ruby Way."

So tell me what you think, and if it's any good :)
And the song, if you're wondering is Stay Awake. It's like a new new song, that they haven't recorded yet, just played in concerts. Look it up on youtube.
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