Categories > Original > Drama

Savage Life Blood

by EriksBlue 0 reviews

About a boy with a evil murderus brother, a rotten father, a died mother, and a person who saves the boy from a life of misery.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Horror, Humor - Warnings: [R] [V] - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2006-02-05 - Updated: 2006-04-10 - 3044 words

  • lost familys love and ties

    by EriksBlue 0 reviews

    About a boy with a evil murderus brother, a rotten father, a died mother, and a person who saves me from a life of misery.

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  • New Life Old Scars

    by EriksBlue 0 reviews

    About a boy with a evil murderus brother, a rotten father, a died mother, and a person who saves the boy from a life of misery.

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  • When a doctor calls pick up or die!

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  • Her Secret

    by EriksBlue 0 reviews

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