Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To Save A Life

Promises and Proposals

by Moonshyne 3 reviews

The band makes promises while Bob makes a proposal. Last regular chapter. Epilogue to follow.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-17 - Updated: 2008-03-17 - 1052 words - Complete

Bob walked past the crowd that was just outside the door. It consisted of Gee, Ray, Mikey, Kat, Kenny and Sam. Kat was worried she’s seen that face before it was one of hurt. She ran to catch up with him. The rest went into the auditorium.

Brian was glaring at Frankie, “What the fuck just happened? Half hour ago you were all brothers. Half hour ago it was great to have Bob back. So tell me what the fuck just happened? You’re heading out to South East Asia tonight with out a drummer.”

Frank noticed the group that had come in. “It seems while we were worried sick whether Bob was dead or alive he was living the high life with Barbie and Ken here.”

They all turned around and looked at the couple.

Sam put her head down.

“Yeah I took Bob. Yes took Bob, he was never a willing participant. He fought every step of the way. He tried to escape numerous times but I was always one step ahead of him. His last attempt he left in the middle of a blizzard without a coat or hat. He was out there for almost a half hour before Kenny showed up. The hot tub was something we were trying to get him warm and it was working. Until we lost power and were stuck in an elevator. I thought we were both going to die. Bob saved my life earlier in the week and I had just saved his and I thought we were really going to die in there. Then Kenny again came to the rescue. Thing changed that night between us. Bob understood where I was coming from and forgave me. He wanted to forget about everything before I found him in the woods.”

“And the kiss?” asked Frank.

“Bob and found out we shared a past. Not a very nice one but one none the less. He comfort me when I told him about my life story and Brianna, he was there when I caught Kenny and his ex sharing a kiss. I found myself falling for him he’s an extraordinary person. I know I don’t deserve someone like him or Kenny for that fact. But believe me when I say he by no means was living the high life.” Sam walked out the door.

Kenny turned to the group, “You notice how tired Bob looks? He suffers from nightmares. Sam treated him like shit except for that last night. He could never go back to sleep after his nightmare so we talked. Gerard he was so worried about what this was doing to you. It would have killed him if you went back to the bottle. Ray he was hoping you wouldn’t revert into yourself, Mikey he hoped that this wouldn’t send you over the edge because you worked so hard to get yourself healthy. Frank he had hoped that you wouldn’t lose your zaniness. Even though he was often your victim he wouldn’t have it any other way. All he talked about was how worried he about was all of you and Kat. When I was taking him for his MRI he told me it didn’t matter if he could play again as long as he was with the four of you. You say you’re a band that saves people lives, can you now save one of your own?” With that Kenny left.

Meanwhile on the terrace Bob was having a cigarette when Kat found him.
She moved behind him and put her arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”

“Babe I’ve done some things that look bad. But I had to. I want to tell you what but I can’t compromise the situation any more.”

“Bob just knowing you want to tell me is enough for now and someday I hope you will be able to tell me.”

“We’ve been through a lot haven’t we?”

“Yeah we’ve been through our share.”

“I wanted to give this to you New Years Eve.” Bob got down on one knee and produced the black velvet box. “Katlyn will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Kat looked at the ring and then Bob, “Yes!!!”

Sam watched the happy couple with a tear in her eye. Who was she kidding she could never have Bob. Kenny caught up to her watching Bob lifting Kat off the ground and swinging her around. “You okay?”

“I will be.”

“Good, my pager just went off they’re prepping Brianna. There should be a heart and set of lungs here in a couple of hours.”

Sam started crying. They did it.

The band made their way to the terrace and found the happy couple. “I’m going to show the girls,” said Kat.

As she walked by she showed the band her ring. And then she left.


“She deserves it.”

“And what do you deserve?” asked Ray.

Bob glanced at the door and saw Kat showing Sam her ring. ‘Not what I want’ he thought.

“This the whole happily ever after like you all have.”

“Bob, I’m sorry. Sam explained everything,” said Frank. “You just don’t know how worried we were. We had to go to the morgue to identify your body. We had to hear stories how you were brutally murdered.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know.”

“Why don’t we take this tour to get back to where we were, before this whole mess began? We promise not to tell anyone about Sam and Kenny,” said Ray.

“Thank you.”

The five of them walked out to a waiting Brian. “So?”

“Get Tucker on the phone,” said Ray.


“Tell him we won’t be needing him.”

Brian smiled at another bullet being dodged.

“Well come on guys we have a flight to catch and tour to start.”

After a week Bob received a text from Sam, “Congrats you saved another life. Brianna has made it past the danger zone. Also congrats on your engagement.”

Sam sat next to her sister after delivering the text. She may not have got the man of her dreams but she did accomplish what she set out to do, to save a life.
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