Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life You Created

The Doctor's Appointment

by Moonshyne 2 reviews

Bob and Sam go for her first ultrasound and get encouraging news.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-03-19 - Updated: 2008-03-19 - 489 words - Complete

Bob's POV

Today is a doctor’s appointment day. We sit here patiently waiting our turn. I’m scared to death at what could happen, if this is some cruel way of our past catching up to us. Today we’re having our first ultrasound to make sure everything is going okay. It doesn’t really matter it was okay last time too. I’m so glad Sam was unconscious and didn’t see what I had to.

“Samantha Bryar,” called the nurse. She’s new or else she would know who Sam was.

We go to the back and Sam gets weighed, pulse, blood pressure and respiration checked. The nurse keeps looking at me.

“Are you Bob Bryar?”


“Is it true that the band is getting back together?”

“No I’m sorry it’s not.”

“Too bad, the technician will be right with you.”

She leaves us, I just know that on her break she’s going to call her friends like she got a huge scoop. I don’t know why. The five of us have been denying that rumor since our last show. Nothing happened we just felt we said all there was to. It was time to live our lives. We’re still really close and I talk to them every single day, though no one knows about Sam yet. I just wanted everything to be safe.

As we waited I started playing with my lip ring. It’s something I do when I’m anxious or bored. Right now I’m plenty anxious. Sam changes into her hospital robes as I wait.

Sam sits on the bed and I hold her hand, give her a half smile and kiss her forehead.

The technician comes in and looks at her chart. She gives a sympathetic smile as she reads about the spontaneous abortion. I really hate this part.

She shuts off the lights and puts the gel on Sam’s belly. She turns the volume up and I hear that washing machine sound that is the baby’s heartbeat. I don’t want to look but I can’t help myself. I smile as the technician points out the head, torso, arms and legs. We can see the heart beating strongly through the baby’s chest. I look at Sam and give her the first real smile since we arrived. Maybe this time all our dreams will come true.

The doctor comes in and takes a look, moving the wand across Sam’s belly. He goes about his task silently focusing on everything except the baby.

“Mr. and Mrs. Bryar after looking at your ultrasound I see no reason why Mrs. Bryar can’t carry to full term. Congratulations.”

“Can you tell if it’s a boy or girl?”

“Not yet, definitely your next visit though.”

After the doctor left the news sunk in. We’re really going to have a baby this time.
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