Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Closure - MAR 20

by AlexSanDee 2 reviews

Monica and Kelly visit Jamia.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-20 - Updated: 2008-03-20 - 1690 words

“Well you definitely look better than last time I saw you.” Monica said giving Frank a hug. She then surprised him by giving him a loud kiss on the cheek. “That’s from Gee.”
Frank laughed, “Oh, tell him thanks. I’ve missed his kisses.”
Everyone in the room laughed.
“Hey pull up some chairs.” Jamia said directing from the bed. “I’m so glad you guys came to see me.”
“No, they came to see me.” Frank said with a grin as he carefully sat on Jamia’s bed.
“Yeah, we really did come to see Frank.” Kelly laughed joining in the teasing.
Jamia rolled her eyes, “Fine, then you can just take him home with you. I can’t get him to leave the hospital.” She complained but they all could tell by the look she gave him she was happy about that fact.
“So how are you feeling?” Monica asked sitting down in the chair Kelly had pulled over for her.
“I feel wonderful. No more contractions and we got to see the babies this morning when they did a sonogram.” She took Frank’s hand in hers. “They are beautiful.”
Frank nodded, “Yep, and they were so active.” He grinned, “She’s right they are gonna be stage divers.”
“Ah, just like Dad.” Kelly said.
“Yeah” Jamia’s eyes narrowed as she looked at Frank, “Just like their Dad.”
Frank grinned.
“So how much longer are they gonna keep you in the hospital?” Monica asked Jamia.
“One more day just to make sure everything’s okay and then I should get to go home on Monday.”
“That’s great.” Monica looked over at Frank, “So feeling better since you got those teeth removed?”
He nodded, “A lot better. But I’m already sick of soft foods.”
“You just got them pulled yesterday.” Jamia reminded him, “Stop being a baby.”
He squeezed her hand, “What? You don’t want to deal with three babies?”
Monica was touched by the love that was so apparent between the two. “You two are gonna just love holding your babies for the first time.” She couldn’t help but think back to holding her girls as newborns.
“I hear you many he holding a baby too.” Jamia said watching Monica’s face closely to see her true emotions.
Monica paused just a moment then smiled, “Yeah, Gee told me that the mother wants to meet with me.”
“Really?” Jamia said, “Is that normal?”
Monica wasn’t sure. “I guess since this is a private adoption it’s not unusual.”
Her cell phone vibrated. “Oh, I guess I should have turned it off.” She apologized as she took it out of her pocket. She saw that it was Brian calling. “I need to take this. Be back in a few minutes.” She got up and walked out.
“So Kelly when do you get your stitches out?” Frank asked.
“I go back to the doctor on Wednesday but most of them have already dissolved.” She pulled her hoodie to the side so they could see her shoulder. “They still look pretty bad but Mom says to give it time.”
“So how’s Luke?” Jamia asked,
“He goes to the doctor tomorrow.” She frowned, “I know he’s kinda scared about it. He’s worried that his hand won’t heal right and that he’ll never be able to draw again.”
“He’s just gotta think positive.” Frank said, “Tell him we’re all sending him positive thoughts.”
Kelly nodded, “I will.”
They looked up to see Alicia enter the room. “Hey, all.” She said breezing in and taking Monica’s chair. “Did you all miss me?”
Jamia laughed, “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home today and relax.”
Alicia nodded, “Yep, that’s what you said.”
Frank got off the bed, “Hey, I’m gonna go make a few phone calls.” He leaned down and kissed Jamia before leaving.
“Hey, leaving just cause I got here?” she teased.
Frank walked by her chair and gave her shoulder a squeeze, “You know it.”
Alicia looked over at Kelly, “I saw your Mom talking on the phone outside on my way in. Is she okay?”
Monica had told Kelly that Alicia knew about Liv and Kelly could tell by the way Alicia was asking the question she was wondering if the phone call had anything to do with the situation at home. “She’s fine just sorta tired.” Kelly answered.
Jamia was watching the two of them closely, “So what is it that I don’t know?’
Alicia and Kelly gave each other a surprised look. “What?” Alicia said trying to sound surprised by the question.
“Look, I can tell something is wrong. Monica looks exhausted and I can see something is bothering her.” Jamia said softly, “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I’m just worried.”
“Don’t worry about me.” Monica said walking back in. “I’m fine.” She pulled another chair over and sat down beside Alicia. “That was Brian. I’m going to meet with the mother of the baby we hope to adopt tomorrow at eleven. Kara will be in school.” She hoped Alicia understood what she was saying. She was hoping Alicia could stay with Liv.
Alicia did. She nodded.
Once again Jamia watched the exchange closely. Monica turned to her. “Jamia I don’t want to make you feel that we’re keeping something from you.” She looked at Kelly and Alicia before continuing, “Something is going on but I need you to promise what I tell you will stay a secret.”
“This doesn’t sound good.” Jamia said, “What’s going on?”
Alicia and Kelly sat back quietly as Monica told Jamia about Liv. Jamia was shocked.
“Oh my God.” She whispered. “I’m so sorry for her.”
“Since Alicia found out I thought it only right that you know. I think of both of you as sisters.” Monica said her voice revealing her true emotion. “I’m going to tell Christa too. She and I have become really close.”
Alicia nodded, “Yeah, I think you should. And don’t worry Monica, none of us will tell the guys. We understand that Gee can’t find out.”
“You’ve got to make her talk to Gee.” Frank’s voice startled them. “He needs closure with Liv.”
Monica swiveled around in her chair horrified to see Frank standing in the doorway.
“Sorry but I overheard everything.” He shook his head sadly, “Monica, please. Tell her she’s got to talk to him.”

Monica was driving home from Donna’s after dropping off Kelly and spending an hour with Elle. She was tired and fighting back tears. Things were getting so complicated. She picked up her phone and called Christa.
“Hey.” Christa answered. “I was just about to call you.”
“I was wondering if you could come over tomorrow morning.” Monica said quickly. “I know you’re busy unpacking and all but I really need to talk to you.”
Christa immediately knew something was wrong, “Do you need me to come by tonight?” she offered.
Monica smiled, “Thanks but I’m afraid I don’t want to deal with this tonight.”
“This? Monica you’re scaring me. Are you okay?”
Monica sighed, “Yeah, I’m okay. I just need to talk to you about something important but I’d really like to wait until tomorrow.” She had a thought, “Don’t mention anything to Ray.”
“I won’t.” Christa promised. “What time to do want me to come by?”
“About nine if you can.”
“I’ll be there.” Christa said softly, “Call me if you need me, okay?”
“I will” Monica answered tiredly. “Thanks.” She said goodbye and disconnected. All she wanted to go was get home and check on Liv. She hated leaving Kara alone with her for so long. As she pulled into the driveway her phone rang again. Monica looked and saw that it was Bert calling. She closed her eyes and decided not to answer. She just couldn’t talk to him right now. He would ask about Liv and she would have to lie. She just couldn’t do it, not now.

Kara walked into the kitchen carrying Liv’s dinner tray, “She hardly ate anything.” She said setting it down on the counter.
Monica looked at the mostly untouched dinner plate, “It’s okay.” She said sadly. “Let Frank have the rest of her meatloaf.”
Kara nodded and took the plate over to Frank’s bowl. Frank happily finished the slice of meatloaf. “Mom, I just feel so helpless and I hate it.”
“I know.” Monica said turning to her. “I’m worried about leaving Alicia with her tomorrow. I don’t like putting any stress on Alicia but I have to leave tomorrow for a few hours and Carrie can’t come until tomorrow night.”
“You have to leave because you have to meet with the mother of your unborn child.” Kara said not able to hide the contempt in her voice.
Monica looked at her, “I thought you were okay with this adoption.”
“I don’t give a shit about that but does it have to be now? Don’t you have enough to deal with?’
Monica understood Kara was just upset, “Look, I know the timing is terrible but what can I do?’
“Tell Gerard you don’t want to adopt a baby right now?’ Kara answered angrily.
“And when he asks why not now what do I tell him?”
Kara leaned against the counter, “I don’t know.” She sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Monica whispered.
The sound of the doorbell surprised them both. Monica shrugged to Kara and walked towards the front door. She was shocked when she opened the door to find Bert standing on the porch holding a bouquet of roses. He smiled, “For you.” He held them out to Monica.
Monica tried to hide her surprise, “Bert, what are you doing here?”
“Just came by to visit. You gonna invite me in?”
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