Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Look Inside Me

Painful Bruises and A Little Boys Cry With Crying Nightmares

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-21 - Updated: 2008-03-21 - 1032 words - Complete

Ch. 4
Painful Bruises and A Little Boys Cry With Crying Nightmares

Night, Benji laid there looking at the ceiling thinking, “Why did Billy run away and why in the hell did he yell at me… Plus… He’s changed so much… More stressed from when his first father left him.” He closed his eyes rolling on his side, “Man… Who knows what is his problem now..” He looked at the card on the window, “At least I know he cares still bout our friendship.” He closed his eyes again and kept thinking then opened his eyes, “Why did he have all them tattoos?” He sighed, “Probably cause he wants to…” He felt tears sting his eyes again, “But why do I have a very bad feeling? Like, I am missing something, like I should notice something I’m not?” He put his face in the pillow trying not to cry, “I should go to bed…” He closed his eyes and soon fell to sleep

Benji opened his eyes to the sound of someone in the room. He looked over as Hilary was picking up some extra bed sheets. He smiled and sat up and crawled up behind her and poked her in the sides yelling, “Hilary!”

She screamed and looked at him, “Benji!” She screamed. She put her hand on her chest trying to catch her breath, “What are you doing awake?” She finally asked

“It’s your fault…” He said smiling

“You shouldn’t be getting up!” She said and crossed her arms

“I’m not off the bed though Nurse Hilary…” He said giving her a innocent look, “Plus…” He waved his hand in the air, “It was hard to resist…” He pointed at her, “You were bent forward so hey you know our guy problems… girl bending down means boy target…” He smiled shrugging

She sighed, “Benji just… stop…” She looked at him

Benji blinked, “What’s the matter Hilary?” He crawled to the end of the bed hugging his knees

Hilary sighed again and moved hair from her face just for it to fall back into place, “Look… it’s nothing… Alright?” She looked at the window

Benji started rocking back and forth, “What is it Hilary Ann.” He said watching her carefully trying to read her expression

She looked at him tears in her eyes, “I know why Billy is meaner now than he was when you were here…”

He blinked remembering he was trying to figure that out just last night, “Why?” He asked still studying her face worried by the answer

She looked at him, “While you were gone for them five years Billy’s mom got married…” She said leaning on the windowsill

Benji blinked, “So he has a Stepfather?” He asked

She nodded not answering

“What’s he like Hil?” Benji asked now reading what he wanted to find on her face and it was bad, “He’s not…”

She looked at him and grabbed the sheets again and walked up to the door, “Why do you think he has them tattoos Benji?” She walked out of the room

Benji looked down feeling his heart sink, “No way… I could’ve been there for him for them five years…” Tears went to his eyes. Suddenly his body locked up and he couldn’t breath and his head started to throb, “What’s going on?” He thought, “I cant breath…” He fell off the bed hitting the floor hard. He reached slowly for the control panel with the nurse button and lightly grabbed it but before he could push the button his hand slipped from the control panel and he collapsed unconscious.


“Wha… where am I?”


“Am I dead?”


“Hilary… is that Hilary’s voice”

“Benji… Oh my god... someone! Get a doctor in here! He wont wake up!”

“I’m awake… can’t she hear me…”

“Hurry up!”

“Am I dead…” He began to open his eyes looking up at Hilary

Hilary looked down at him, “Benji! Oh my god! You’re awake!”

“I am…”

Hilary lifted his head, “Are you ok?”


“Benji are you ok… please answer me!”

“I’m awake Hilary…”

She wiped tears from her eyes

He opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything

“Benji, the doctor is coming… hold on…”

Benji slowly nodded but soon fell back unconscious

Benji is walking down the street laughing with Joel and Billy going to La Plata school. Age unknown. It started to grow dark around him, he grabbed Joel’s arm and looked at him then at Billy who is laying on the ground beaten bad, cuts and marks everywhere, Benji screamed, nothing came, he looked at Joel who wasn’t there anymore. Benji screamed and the black shattered like glass and Benji started to fall.

Benji sat up screaming in bed, “JOEL!” He looked around breathing heavy, “Joel?” He looked around and sitting in a chair corner was Joel.

Joel stood up and walked up to him and hugged him, “You ok Benji?”

Benji leaned on him, “Billy was dead and you disappeared” he said sobbing in Joel’s chest

Joel blinked, “I wouldn’t leave you and you don’t need to worry…Billy is fine…” He hugged Benji tightly

Benji looked at Joel, “Is Billy’s stepfather… abusive?” Benji asked

Joel froze and looked down at Benji tears going to his eyes now he nodded slowly, “Um.. yeah… sadly no one can prove it… Billy only told us and won’t tell anyone else… And if we told he would be so mad…” Joel looked away

Benji blinked and pushed away, “Does that matter! It is better for him to be mad than him to be hurt!” Benji stood up

Joel blinked, “What are you doing?” He stood up

Benji looked at Joel, “I’m going to the police station!” He yelled

Joel grabbed Benji and shoved him down on the bed, “No you wont! You collapsed Benji! We thought you died! You are going nowhere you hear me Nowhere!” Joel started crying harder

Benji blinked looking up at his brother, he pulled Joel down hugging him and letting him cry in his shoulder
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