Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Let's Party Till We Drop!

Chapter 2 Party Plans

by jasminejjk 0 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-29 - Updated: 2008-04-04 - 849 words

"What was that?!" I said.

"It sounded like Roxy!" Brendon exclaimed, swiftly pulling me up and running inside.

We ran upstairs and banged on her door. She opened it with her clothes on backwards and twisted-looking. Pete was on the floor rolling with laughter. Obviously he pulled another one of his pranks on Roxy. He really was a funny guy, but Roxy didn't think so when she was the victim.

"What happened?" I yelled a little bit too loud.

"Did you see the look on her face?!" exclaimed Pete, still rolling.

"Pete thought it would be funny to put a fake rat, that didn't feel so fake, under the covers!" screamed Roxy, enraged.

"Wow your cool..." said Brendon, with sarcasm, to Pete.

"You know what we should do?" asked Pete. Before anyone could answer, he went on. "We should have a Halloween party! Roxy and Jaqui can invite all their friends, and Brendon and I can try to see if we can get quite famous people here." He quotationed "famous."

"Hey that sounds great!" Roxy and Brendon said in unision. I nodded in excitement. This would be so cool.

"I'll do invitations!" I exclaimed.

"I'll figure out who's coming." said Pete.

"Decorations!" pitched in Roxy.

"I guess food and music?" Brendon wondered to himself, but outloud. Those were 2 of his 3 best subjects. The third was paying attention to me.

"I guess food and music?" Brendon wondered to himself, but outloud. Those were 2 of his 3 best subjects. The third was paying too much damn attention to Jaqui. The dude needs to chill for a second and stop drooling. Haha.

Pete is so sexy...I need to think of a good way to decorate this fucking mansion of a house. It only had three bedrooms but it also had a guesthouse, 5 bathrooms, a pool, a sauna, a hot tub, a tennis court, holy shit what else does this place have? Of course orange and black but nothing like streamers. Too highschool...

I miss highschool. Me, Jaqui, and Kristina ran that place. Ever since Jaqui and I went off to college here, we haven't heard much from her. I better tell Jaqui to invite her! Damn Pete needs to stop with his pranks! That damn "rat" scared the shit out of me! Its preety funny though, if you think about it.

"I'm going out to the party shop!" I yelled on my way out the door. The Senerium mall had the best and sexiest party store! "Is this a costume party?" I asked.

"Yea I guess it could be," said Pete.

"Ok well I'm getting my costume today! Haha!" I laughed to myself.


Damn what do I get to eat? I mean food is one of my best subjects, but its what everybody else likes, right? I'll just get whatever. This party isn't for another to weeks so I guess I'll start on the music part. Of course We'll have our two albums. Maybe some rap. I walked into the room, looking for my boxes of albums, some that just came out.

Maybe some Lil Wayne? Jaqui loves his music. Not better than mine though. Dude, I should get some dance music too. Hmmmm... No country... Bleh! Maybe some F-O-B, just to make Pete happy. More rap, how about that? Creed, Foo Fighters... Hannah Montana? What the fuck is that doing in here? Maybe Jaqui's little sister would want that. Well I've got the music part down.

I know what I can do for the food right now! Caterers! Duh, Brendon. Get a clue. Where's my phone? Don't we have a house phone at all!? I'll do it later. Where's Jaqui? Hmmmm... I'll sneak up on her I guess.


Maybe I can do these invitations in a sexy orange and black formation. I did have a major in art. I'll make these on the computer, even though it would be a lot funner by hand. Is "funner" even a word? WTF? Haha. i heard a sound but shook it off. Jaqui, you're so edgy when you're alone! Yes I AM afraid of the dark sometimes. But it's not dark so why do I feel like someone's watching me?

Suddenly I heard shuffling of feet. Before I could turn around, I was swept off my feet, and was being carried upstairs.

"Brendon!" I screamed. He was quite the parnkster too, but in more of a pop-out-of-know-where kind of way. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Do like being scared by something this sexy?" he asked in a conceited voice.

"Why of course I do. One day I'll have a heart attack from something that sexy also!" I sounded madder than I should have. "C'mon I have to do these invitations. They're more important than anything besides the party istelf!"

"Okaaaayyyyyy," he said like a whining 7-year-old. "Hey what's that?" He was refering to something behind the mirror, halfway slipped out.
It was a peice of paper that looked a hundred years old. It had writing on it that was a brownish-red. It said:

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