Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreams of broken Angels....

Angels are comin to mind

by hisladysorrows 5 reviews

Those dark dreams summer had are finally so clear...can it finally be?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-01 - Updated: 2008-04-02 - 1171 words

I smiled a bright smile. “You always seem know to know what to say Numy,” I said softly. “Wisdom comes with time darling…. No worries” she smiled. It felt like forever. We drove up this huge hill. We were going to a mountainside restaurant. This was going to be beautiful. Slowly the car came to a halt. “Madam Numy, We are here… I’ll be around to let you both out,” said the driver kindly with a soft smile. “Are you ready to meet the other half of my world summer” asked Numy kindly? I took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be” I said with a sigh. Numy grabbed my hand. “My boys will love you darling, just give them a chance… I’m sure you’ll grow to love them as well,” she said giving me a kiss on my cheek. I stepped out first and gave her my hand to help her get out. She laughed. “I’m old darling but not that old,” she said giving a nice hard pat on the back. Kind of reassuring she’s still young. She walked ahead of me. And held the door open for me when we entered. The place was beautiful, and elegant. I felt undressed to be here. The server’s eyes got big when he saw us. He got a stupid smirk. “You must be with the Way party…Correct”? Numy got a raised eyebrow. “Yes, we are…. is their a problem sir” she said raising her voice a little bit. “N.. No mam, right this way” he said starting ahead of us. We were lead down a long hallway filled with paintings.
Then lead onto an elevator. My stomach was turning. Numy could see it in my face and eyes. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. “No worries darling…just remember, give them a chance” she said smiling. I bit my lip…the elevator dinged. The gentlemen stepped out before us and knocked on the door. “Yes…come in” I head a male voice rang. The Gentlemen opened the door. There was a ruckus of laughter and clanging. I walk in the Numy and see a man jump from a chandler to the floor. “Sir, if that brakes your paying for it” he said sternly. “Then put it on my tab” said another guy. THAT VOICE… Could it be? It couldn’t be. “Boys will be boys” reassured Numy. I could barley breath that voice…. That was the voice from my dreams. “Aunt Numy” I heard that voice call again. A man turned around and set his drink down. He started walking over to us. He was tall about 5'11. He had long black hair and the brightest hazel eyes i've ever seen. He was oddly a pale tan. He smiled delightfully at Numy. "Look at you, you get younger everytime i see you" he said kissing her cheek. "Now stop your bullshit and give your old aunt numy a real hug" she said opening her arms to him. He tightly embraced her. i was almost shaking hearing that voice. Was that the man from my dreams? The man that made me feel safe, like there was somewhere i could belong? A tall skinny guy walked over as well. He had long brown hair and beautiful big brown eyes. He was pale and very skinny. "Aunt numy" he said excitedly. He immideatly hugged her. While Numy and the man were talking the other man walked over to me. I tried to hide the fear in my eyes and my shaking, like i would do back at home. He stared at me for a moment and looked a little bit down at me. "You must be summer" he said softly. That voice almost brought tears to my eyes. I could barely speak..."Yes i'm summer". He put his hand out to me. I reached out to shake it but instead i was slowly tooken into a soft embrace. He grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest. My heart raced. He wrapped an arm around the small of my back and one around the back of my head. My head lay on his chest as i could hear his chest softly beat. "It's great to finally meet you summer, i've heard so much about you, i couldn't be happier your hear today" he said softly. I began to shed a tear. I quickly sniffled it back in. When i sniffled i got a wiff of him. His smell was so familar and relaxing....the smell of Frebreeze, Cigarettes and Axe. He pulled me slowly away and lifted my chin so he could see my face. "Did numy introduce me or any of the guys to you before you got here" he asked softly. I bit my lip nervously. I didn't want affend him by not knowing his name. I stuttred out " was a surprise". I stepped back and kinda flinched to make sure he wasn't going to hit me. He gave me a werid aquared look. "No worries i'm not upset" he said reaching his hand out to me again. I took his hand and stepped closer to him. The tall thin pale guy came in front of us with numy. "I see you two got aquainted" said numy softly pinching my cheek and planting a kiss on my forehead. "Yuh old fart, you forgot to tell her are names" he said jokingly. Numy cackled. "Well everything slips me now a days, your lucky i remebered to put my underwear on" she cackled. He covered his eyes and laughed. The thin and pale man reached his other hand and exteneded it to me. "Well then let me be the first to introduce myself, I'm micheal; but you can call me mikey"he said sweetly and happily. I went to shake his hand and he quickly pulled me in. He gave me a bare hug. I giggled as he did. The tall black haired man looked at me and smiled. He went to numy and gave her another hug. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at him and smiled brightly. Then they both stared at me. The other three guys were making a bunch of banging noise in the backround and trying to make a song to the rythmn. i giggled at the sound. The three saw me laughing. So one of them tried to wrap. He had a fro. "I see this little lady standin here, she got a little smile and she seems so sweet, i probally oughta not call her young cause shes gotta be at least 18, what a queen" he tried to wrap. The tattoo'd black haired man tried to beatbox. While the other man kept drumming. I laughed so hard. This was going to turn out beautiful i felt. Mikey held me close to him as they tried to keep the beat up... This was the start to something beautiful
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