Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreams of broken Angels....

Well i've been holding on tonight...Is it better if i stay?

by hisladysorrows 2 reviews

Looks like Frank Cause a bit of the rucuss! What's going to happen?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-03 - Updated: 2008-04-04 - 1887 words


He ran into the room three doors down. “What seems to be the problem here?” he said looking at the big broken chandler on the floor. “Well you obviously are blind, but this man; better yet this beast broke this chandler and now someone needs to pay for it” exclaimed the manager of the restaurant. “Well sir if you could calm down we can calmly talk over how I can pay for this” The man said softly. “CALM…you want me to be calm, there’s a two thousand dollar chandler on the floor from some lunatic swinging like monkey man” he exclaimed. Frank had to turn around to hide himself laughing. Ray stood by him and kept elbowing him in the side to get him to calm down. Numy stepped up by the man. “Well I don’t think you obviously know who your talking to sir, and you have no common decency so in that aspect let me help you out” she said reaching into her pocket. The tall long black haired man kept whispering to Numy asking her “what are you doing”. Numy pulled out a wad of cash. She threw two thousand dollars on the floor, spit on it, and walked out the door. Frank finally couldn’t hold his laughter back anymore. He started to laugh hysterically. He walked out the room after Numy. Soon followed Mikey and Ray then came the drummer man and the tall dark haired man. The tall dark haired man told the rest of the guys and Numy he’d catch up. He soon entered the third door down. “Summer, beautiful you still in here” he said softly.
“Yeah, in the same spot” I whispered sniffling. He came over to me and looked at me. “All right beautiful, frank just got us kicked out of this joint so were going to head back to the hotel” he said extending me a hand. “Do you feel like your strong enough to get up; I know you’ve been crying a lot and I don’t want you to feel light headed or anything beautiful” he said still extending his hand out to me. I nodded and okay to get up. I grabbed his hand and started to get up. When I finally got to my feet I began to feel my knees shake horribly. I collapsed into him. Without a blink of an eye he caught me. “Ahh, you seem a little too weak to be walking still beautiful, least let me carry you,” he said softly. I could see he meant no harm. His eyes were soft and kind and there was nothing about them that scared me. I shook my head to give the okay. He bent down half way and put his arm under my knees. “On the count of three I’m going to lift your legs, I want you to lift up and wrap both arm around my neck; make sure you hold on tight to me okay” he said starring at me from underneath. I shook my head. “All right, here we go; One…Two…Three!” he said quickly.
Swiftly he lifted my legs out from under me and I grabbed onto his neck. He wrapped his other arm around my back and cradled me against him. I let him take me away. I felt safe and relaxed. My arms were clenched tightly around his neck and my head was buried into his chest. I could him breath; and his heartbeat was gentle…almost soothing. I heard the elevator door ding. “You might feel a little light for a moment okay beautiful” he said to me. “Okay” I quickly mumbled back. I heard the elevator floors ding. Finally I felt us slow to the bottom. He took me out. As he walked out I could hear him asking someone to open the door for us. “Oh gee-gee is she okay darling” she said brushing the hair back on my head and kissing my forehead. “She was crying a lot upstairs and was pretty weak when she got up so I decided I’d carry her down” he said softly back to her. Every time he spoke I noticed he never raised his voice. It was always this soft kind of baritone, accented voice. I loved it thou. “Oh darling, she’s so warm; I think she maybe running a fever” Numy said with her hand placed on my forehead. He asked Numy if she’d hold my back while he felt my forehead. I felt Numy grasp my back the best she could. He quickly slipped his hand from my back and laid it on my forehead. “You’re right Numy, maybe we should call a doctor and see if he will come visit her in your hotel room; better yet why not ours it’s bigger and you two could stay with us” he said intriguingly. Numy was hesitant. “I don’t know how well she’s adjusted to you five boys yet; remember gee-gee she’s still very fragile and not use to this attention” She said stroking my hair. He softly readjusted me in his arms. “I understand Numy, I respect your” before he could finish his sentences I cut him off. “Please don’t,” I whispered. They both paused. “Summer darling what did you say” said Numy concerned. “I want to stay there, I. I feel safe” I said stuttering. There was a silence. “Well gee-gee I was mistaken, I guess she’s token quite the liking to you five” she said happily. “Good it’s settled, I’ll take a cab with her up to our hotel; you the boys take the limo to yours and grab all your things and tonight you two can move into our room with us” he said cheerfully. “Numy can you quickly call Bob out here” he said softly. I could hear Numy run through the sliding doors out to the limo. I heard her footsteps come up and then another set. “Whatcha need chief” he said happily. “Bob can you hold summer while I make a call to the hotel and to get a taxi” he said softly. “You got it” said Bob. “Alright summer I’m going to give you over to Bob, I promise he’s not going to hurt you and he won’t drop you” he said walking towards Bob. Bob reached out as the man handed me over. “Summer I need you to grab my neck” said Bob grunting as he grabbed me. I let go of the man’s neck and clung onto Bob. I grabbed tightly. I could hear he felt me grab on. “Don’t worry I got you, just relax” he said trying to calm me. “Don’t worry summer just hold on deary” Said Numy brushing my hair once again. “If Donna ever met her, I bet she’d fall in love with her gee-gee” said Numy still playing with my hair. Bob coughed and adjusted me a bit more. “Well girly for meeting you for the first time officially, this sure is a funny way huh” he said with a laugh. I laughed a little bit. “Glad to know I’m safe” I said kind of mumbling. I could hear his voice in the background talking to a man about two extra beds. “I want them both pillow top queens; I don’t care if you have to steal it from another room just please put in the sweet” he said trying to be as nice as he could stand to be. “The name is spelt G-E-W-A-Y; alright thank you very much” he said hanging up his cell phone. “Alright we have both of those situated” he said happily. “Eh man, are we sitting her longer to piss them off or are we going” yelled Frank standing in the sunroof. Bob laughed. “I think that’s your cue chief” he said walking me over to the man. “Summer darling I’m going with boys now; I’ll meet up with you and gee-gee a little later, I love you darling” she said giving me a kiss on the forehead as the man took me into his arms. It didn’t register at first what she said. I got situated in his arms. Numy brushed the hair out of my face once more before she took off to the limo. “I love you too Numy” I called out to her. I heard a small gasp and sigh. Then I heard the door close. I knew she heard me. The limo took off and we stood there a moment before the cab pulled up. “You feel okay right now, you’re not scared are you” he said holding me close against himself. I snuggled close against him. “I feel safe with you” I whispered. His accent came through this time. “What did you say beautiful” he asked softly. I leaned up to his ear. “I feel safe with you” I whispered again. I snuggled closely to his chest. He was quite. “I feel the same way, and honestly I haven’t felt that way in a long time” he said back to me. I got a cheesy smirk for some odd reason. Wow, me making someone feel safe. I would of never guessed it. “Really” I said softly. He made me turn my head towards him. He starred into my eyes. “Really” he said softly. I smiled for the first time in I don’t remember how long. His smiled seem to gleam. It made me feel warm at heart. “You know, I never did learn your name” I said to him while still staring at him. He chuckled softly. “All this time I’m holding a beautiful girl like you and you still don’t know my name” he said being funny. I moved my mouth to the side and shrugged. “How’d you get to be so lucky; lots of beautiful girls beg me to hold them and you just get the main luck of me doing it without even asking” he said laughing. I smiled at him and just stared at his big hazel eyes. He stared back down at me and smiled. “What?” he asked funnily. “You still never told me your name” I said softly. “You really want to know my name” he said looking down happily. “Yes I really do” I said snuggling up closer to him. “Fine, my name is: Gerard Arthur Way” he said softly looking off into the sky. “Well it’s nice to finally meet you Mr. way” I said burring my head in his chest. “You make me feel old; you can call me Gerard beautiful” he said with a laugh. “Okay Gerard, it’s nice to meet you finally” I said almost falling asleep in his arms. “You know, you remind me of someone I once knew” he said softly. “Someone from a dream I use to have a couple months ago” he said once again softly. Slowly the cab pulled up to a stop. Could it be? When I was dreaming of him was he dreaming of me? Could he be the angel that saved me so many times from this harsh reality of what i called life?
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