Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pending

Already, A New Friend Of Sorts

by heavennhellcombined 3 reviews

Sara meets an odd chick with red hair.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Published: 2008-04-09 - Updated: 2008-04-19 - 616 words

“… We will be landing shortly” Came the flight attendants voice over the planes speakers, looking up from my laptop, I wacked the power button on it and closed it, sliding the shiny, black laptop into my computer bag. The teenager next to me sighed as she put up her table and dropped her book into a black messenger bag that said My Chemical Romance in over-sized, white letters. Earlier into the flight, I had learned her name was Hayley and she was going the same place I was; Vans Warped Tour.

“So, Hayley, why are you going to the Warped Tour? Just for fun..?” I asked curiously, leaning back in the uncomfortable, dark blue Delta seat.

She smiled at me, making a funny face while doing so. “Nah, I’m in a band. We’re called Paramore. What about you? Are you going for fun or are you in a band, too?”

I bit the side of my lip and gave her a look. “I’m not going for fun… And am I even dressed like a musician?”

She shook her head slightly, “Nah, you’re not, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. Especially since you have a piercing scar next to your lip and the black tips of your hair are sticking out of your bun a bit, so, yeah.”

I looked to the side and tried to decide if I had heard her take a breath through all that, “You’re pretty observant. I’m not an artist anymore.”

She wrinkled her nose slightly, “I’ve been told that a lot. That’s cool. That you were an artist, I mean.” Scarily, this girl reminds me of myself when I was sixteen. Where did all my spunk and personality go?

I smiled at her, wrinkling my nose. “You’ll get over it sometime, people used to tell me that a lot, when I was your age.” The plane’s wheels hit the ground, bouncing all of its passengers for a moment before it came to a stop.

“Thank you for flying with Delta airlines and please, stay in your seats until the red lights go off. When opening the overhead compartments, please remember that bags possibly will fall out. Thank you and please enjoy your stay.” Hayley was mimicking the lady speaking, laughing to herself as she did it.

Shaking my head, I zipped my computer bag shut and pulled it and my purse onto my lap. “Kids these days.” I mused jokingly, rubbing my forehead dramatically.

Hayley laughed, pulling her own bag onto her lap. “That’s not very nice, considering you’re the adult. You should be more… What’s the word? Oh yeah, mature.”

I looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, “No, no I don’t recall ever having to be anything.”
Hayley stood up, sliding the bag’s strap onto her shoulder as she did so. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a red t-shirt that matched her hair. I followed her into the aisle, carrying my two bags in my hand.

Once we were off of the plane, she stopped and turned around to face me. “Hey, are you going straight to the fair grounds where the concert is going to be or somewhere else? Because it’d probably be easier if we just took the same cab there, if you are.”

I nodded, “I’m going to the fair grounds. I have to meet up with a few people.”

She smiled, “Cool! Do you have bags or just that stuff? Because I need to go get my stuff…”

I laughed, “Of course I have bags. Come on, I know where we get them.”
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