Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > TEENAGERS (soz for the unoriginal title)

The Fight

by ThexBitch 0 reviews

Domino gets into a fight at school

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-04-12 - Updated: 2008-04-12 - 1371 words - Complete

School would be fine if I just kept my head down, I decided to myself as I woke up the next morning. And I did, until lunchtime. I was walking by with my tray when I saw Mikey and the boys being set upon by what looked like the entire football team, plus a few cheerleaders.
“Hey faggot, whatcha doin’” said who I guessed was the leader of this particular pack. Flicking Mikey’s light brown hair as he circled him.
“Admiring the view.” He said sarcastically, Gerard sighed and shook his head. Ray, Frank, Matt and Gerard moved forward to help the baby of the group, but were stopped by the three biggest fuckers I have ever seen in my life. The ‘leader’ sniggered as two of his goons grabbed Mikey’s arms and held him upright. He punched and knee’d him hard in the stomach, causing his glasses to fall to the ground. One of the cheerleaders crunched them under her foot and spat on the remains. At this, I snapped. I walked up and slapped her, earning me a kick to the back by someone I didn’t see.
“Domino!” I heard someone shout out my name. My back was in agony as the quarterback grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the feet of the leader guy. I stood up.
“What do we have here? A new toy.”
“You want a toy, go buy a Barbie.” I hissed. He laughed and punched my stomach. I could taste blood and spat the scarlet liquid in his face. The humour in it was gone and in its place was sheer anger. Whether or not I curled into a ball, I could see I was going to get a severe work out. I could have probably have done some damage, but the two guys holding me were too damn strong. They had abandoned Mikey, who was still reeling from his hit, and the rest had a tight hold on the other four. I wasn’t having anyone calling me a coward, so I stood up as straight as I could and took one of the worst beatings of my life.

Sweet, sweet unconsciousness.

About an hour later

I couldn’t believe she had just done that. She just took the beating of a lifetime for my little brother.
She was lying in the school hospital bed with bruises all over her arms and legs. Her stomach was bruised by the punches and kicks delt to it over the course of the beating. Her face however, only held its black eye from yesterday. I stifled a laugh. Those guys were evil enough to beat on a girl, but they didn’t have enough bottle to hit said girl in the face. She stirred and her eyes flicked open.
“What the fuck?” she asked Tommy and Carnage who were sitting next to her bed. She looked at her hands and seemed to remember the day’s events. She let her hands drop with a soft thump and asked,
“Who stopped it?”
“Carnage and I. We heard Gerard when he screamed your name and when he and all the others were yelling for them to stop.” I blushed slightly at this but shook it off before she saw.
“Thanks.” she said to no one in particular. She flexed her bruised hands and mumbled ‘shit’ under her breath when she saw the damage report from the nurse. She was told she could go home and to my amazement, she could walk almost normally. Carnage and Tommy didn’t seem to think this strange so we didn’t say anything. Well I didn’t.
“You can walk?!” it was three of the jocks that had wailed on her earlier. I started towards them, but Ray held me back and pointed to the three in front of us five. Carnage and Tommy had balled their hands into fists and Domino was flexing hers.
“Yeah, I can walk. Is that a problem?” he looked stunned and said ‘Bitch’ under his breath. Before I knew it, Domino was on top of Sonny and was punching into him with unbelievable force. She sprung up, kicked him in the stomach and spat on his face, I noted her saliva was still a little red.
“That’s MISS Bitch to you!” she said. Tommy and Carnage had moved when she did and pushed his two buddies into the wall, where they delt their own punishment. When Domino fell back so did they, and walked off down the hall with us following after them stunned. We separated in the car park when Carnage drove them home in Domino’s black Hummer. We spoke of it all the way home. They were still buzzing around me when we got back to my house. Ray stayed in the family room with me while the rest went to get food and stuff.
“You have the hots for her, don’t you?” I turned to him, mortified. Was I that obvious? Did Domino know???
“Don’t worry bro, we won’t say anything to her.” Mikey said, joining us with Frank and Matt.
I think it’s cute, Gee has a crush on the hot new girl.” I blushed scarlet and chucked a pillow at Frank. I lay back in my seat and listened to the rabble around me. It was crazy hot in the house so I told them I was going outside to get some fresh air. When I got outside, it took me a few seconds to adjust to the darkness that had surrounded us in the last few hours. I greeted my mom and dad as they headed inside from work. My mom shot me a look after seeing Domino, who was sprawled on her front steps. I told her that Mikey would explain. The cry of “Mikey Way, what the hell happened to your glasses?” alerted Domino to my presence. She sat up so that I could sit beside her and I noticed a cigarette in her bruised hand. She saw me looking at it and offered it to me. I took it gratefully.
“Confiscated?” she asked with an amused smile when she saw the look of relief at my first one in about a week.
“My grandma died of lung cancer.” I explained, realising with a pang, how much I missed her.
“Helena?” she asked, waving away my questioning look. When I had cast the stub down in the dirt I looked at my toes.
“What?” she asked.
“You didn’t have to do that.” I murmured, stealing a sideways glance at her. She looked almost embarrassed, “But I’m grateful you did, and I know Mikey is too. Thanks.”
“I couldn’t just let them do that to him. They had no right! I had to at least distract them or…”
“Let them beat you up instead?”
“It worked didn’t it?”
“Yeah, but, what they did to you…” she snorted.
“You think that was bad? You have no idea. You should have seen Corey when they found him. I didn’t think a white kid could go so black.”
“That isn’t an excuse. You aren’t even supposed to hit girls once, let alone beat them up.”
“Look, your experiences are a hell of a lot different from mine. So are your views on a ‘bad’ beating.” I suddenly realised what she was getting at.
“How bad did he beat you mom?” she looked at her blood stained converse for a few seconds before answering quietly.
“They don’t have a word for what he did to her.” We went to bed soon after, but when she said goodbye, I saw the first emotion I had ever seen in her eyes, torment.

“You like him. Don’t you?” asked Carnage when I stopped by his room to say good night to him. He and Tommy were sitting on his bed playing cards when I walked in.
“What’s it to you?” I asked defensively. They shrugged. I said goodnight to them and my sister before going to bed.
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