Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life You Created

The Long Ride

by Moonshyne 1 review

Bob and the band begin the long ride back to Jersey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-16 - Updated: 2008-04-17 - 1402 words - Complete

Mary and Michael sat and watched old video of her dad and the rest of the band. Michael eventually fell asleep while Mary kept watching. A news story about her mother’s death came on.

“Tragedy strikes for the drummer of the retired alternative rock band My Chemical Romance. Today his pregnant wife was struck down in a hit and run accident. She died shortly after delivering their daughter. If you remember Samantha Green was one of Mr. Bryar’s founders after he was held hostage for four days four years ago by the Barbie Doll Bandit, who incidentally was never caught. Mrs. Bryar is survived by her husband, daughter and sister. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Bryar and his family. If you have any information regarding this accident please contact the Downers Grove police as the driver is still at large.”

Mary shook her head and thought to herself, ‘Another lie. He told her it was just car trouble.’

Bob watched as the plane descended upon New York City. ‘What happened?’ he thought, ‘twenty-four hours ago my life was great. My beautiful daughter had no idea about anything. I had a beautiful woman in my bed. And now I’m on a plane destined to go to a place I never wanted to go to again seeing people I never wanted to see again.’

As the plane was descending four men got out of a car and made their way to the entrance of the terminal that Bob’s flight would be arriving at. They checked the board and saw that the flight was on time. They all looked at each other nervously. Ray took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Mikey looked to see if there was an open coffee joint, Frankie looked down at the ground while shuffling his feet, and Gerard looked at the people around him. Even up to a few years ago they would have been stopped by fans looking for autographs, but those days are gone. A day like today he would have welcomed it just to take his mind off what was about to go down.

The last time they saw Bob he was a drunken mess and they were taking his daughter away from him. This was not going to be a pretty reunion at all.

The plane had finally parked at it’s terminal gate and Bob was the last one to stand up. He felt like he was walking to his death sentence.

The band watched as people were grabbing their luggage. Finally they saw him. Dressed in black, black knit hat, black t-shirt, black hoodie, and faded black jeans. Missing was the long blonde hair, blonde beard and lip ring. That was replaced by long black hair, and a black beard.

Bob spotted the four of them, but he wondered where his daughter was. He told her to get her bags packed and he wanted her at the airport. The idea was to get out of there as soon as possible. He thought he might have had to face Ray which in itself was bad enough but he had to face all of them. He took a deep breath and walked up to them. It was show time.

“Where the fuck is my daughter Ray?”

“Nice seeing you too Bob.”

“I came here to get my daughter, and no other reason.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

“What the fuck did you tell her?”

“Let’s get out of here you’re drawing attention to yourself Bob,” said Gerard. He knew just how to get to Bob. Hiding yourself for over seventeen years the last thing you would want was to draw attention to yourself.

Ray led the rest to his car.

“Where are we going?”

“My house. Christa is over at Gerard’s, Anjelica has her own place and Maria stayed over a friend’s last night. So it will be empty.”

“Where’s Mary?”

“She’s with Michael,” said Gerard.

“Michael is your Michael? Take me there right now!”

Frank stepped in, “Bob she doesn’t want to see you right now. She was devastated when she found out. It took Ray a while to get her to stop crying. She feels that her whole life was I lie, that she knows nothing about you. She’ll be over Ray’s at two.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to do until two?”

“We were hoping the five of us could talk straighten things out,” said Mikey. “Then you can think about how you’re going to explain to your daughter why you felt the need to make that part of your life disappear.”

“You of all people should know that Mikey. Get rid of the old start new.”

“But I never left my friends.”

The rest of the ride was silent, until Ray pulled into a Starbucks. He and Frank went in and got coffees and some sweets for breakfast.

“So this is going really well.” said Frank to Ray.

“No one’s dead yet.”

“The day is still young my friend.”

“It’s weird to see him without a cigarette in his hand.”

“It’s weird to see him in black hair again and the black beard is new.”

“Do you think seventeen years is too long a separation to be friends again?”

“Not when you really love someone. And once upon a time we loved Bob and he loved us right back. We need to find that wall and break it down.”

“The question is can we do it before two?”

“We better for Mary’s and especially Nate’s sake.”

“When Nate pleaded with me last night I almost lost it.”

“Don’t get me wrong he loves Brian with all his heart. But he knew he was different from the rest of the family. When they told him about Bob he just wanted to get to know him, see if he can fill in the missing piece.”

“Brian never really had you fooled, did he?”

“When they named him Nate, I was a bit suspicious. But Kat said she always liked that name even before she met Bob, and Brian told us about his cousin Nathan that died tragically young. How could we argue. The blonde hair threw me off a bit. But they both said that it was a recessive trait in their genes. It’s when Nate was just over a year I started noticing things, things that reminded me of Bob. I thought at the time maybe I just wanted Bob to have a child so bad since Sam miscarried their first child. I just remembered when he called from the airport before they were going for their honeymoon how excited he was that Sam was pregnant.

“He was so happy he was going to be like us, married and have children.”

“Your coffees are ready,” said the woman behind the counter.

“I hope there are still three people out there,” Frank smiled.

In the car while waiting for Frank and Ray.

“I’ll kill your son if he touches one hair on her.”

“I gave him that speech already. Besides he knows how upset she is.
He loves her Bob.”

“He’s known her for how long? He can’t love her.”

“Spoken from a man who fell in love after five days, of which most of them he had a gun pointed at his head.”

“That was different, we had the school crush thing going.”

“You had the school crush thing. Admit it, it took you less than a week to fall in love with Sam. You just can’t stand the fact that maybe I’ll be back in your life.”

“That’s one wedding you’ll never catch me at. I’ll fucking disown her if she marries him.”

“You won’t have to worry about that Bob. From what I saw last night she wouldn’t want you there anyway.”

“Fuck off Way.”

“Same to you Bryar, that’s right it’s Green now.”

It was then that Ray and Frank got back in the car.

Frank spoke first, “So how did you kids get along?”

Bob and Gerard at the same time said “Fuck off Frank.”

And each one in the car gave a little smile just for a moment it seemed like old times.
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