Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart It Can't Contain It ...

Chapter Seven

by Redrox 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2008-04-18 - Updated: 2008-04-20 - 905 words

Warm breath clouded Rachel’s view as she looked out of the living room window. She was miles away as the sun rose over the smooth sea and frost covered the vegetation on the hill below.
Rachel hadn’t slept that night. She rarely slept anymore. Her dreams were no longer wonderful worlds of imagination and wonder. The night was no longer her friend, hiding her from the shadows that ruined the day. She used to be a creature of the night. Night had been so beautiful to her; it was the one place that her shadows couldn’t venture. Not anymore. The shadows had mutated and now stalked her in the night as well as the day.
“Shadow’s only exist in the light Rachel…”

She was curled up in her father’s red chair that sat in one of the corners of the room. The living room had originally been a modern clean cut room (according to her mothers tastes), with the TV and some furniture. Now it was cluttered with books piled to the ceiling, x-box's, laptops and other assorted things the girls had saved from their own homes. It wasn’t a small room but with all the junk it might as well have been. Caroline had so many books that her little section had been cornered off from everyone with two bookshelf’s that extended to the ceiling. All of the girls had been at university studying something or other. Caroline had been majoring in Anthropology, something Rachel herself had considered. Even though Caroline was no longer at university, seeing as it had been burnt to the ground, she had decided to do a thesis on the culture of the “Shadows”. As she saw it even if they didn’t survive, then her research would be very useful to the rest of the world. If they were still out there.
Rachel’s little corner didn’t reflect the other girls spaces. Hers was neat. It had her father’s chair in it along with a small shelf of books, some of them fiction, others instruction manuals, explaining things that helped her with everyday tasks. She also had a computer that was connected to “Kim’s System” as they called it. It kept her updated with what was going on in their day and connected to the security system.
Kim was the brains of this group. She had been studying Computer Engineering at the same university as Caroline, Adelaide University. The same that Rachel had studied Technical Production in Music at. Kim’s System blew everyone’s mind when she showed it to them. It was connected to every system in ‘The Headland’. She used existing cable and telephone lines to set up cameras, sensors and the lighting system. Everything could be switched on or off at the push of a button. She was always updating it and making improvements, although Rachel failed to see where it needed improving.
Lindsey’s corner was like a little greenhouse full of plants that had melded with some type of technology. She had pansies, a bonsai tree, roses, several Native plants and a small bottle brush tree. Along with that she had two computers, a desktop and laptop, along with a small solar panel surrounded by tools on a little desk. Lindsey had been studying Environmental Studies with a major in sustainable energy. She worked with Kim to make all the energy need to support ‘The Headland’. Most of it was collected from the sun through solar panels that were on top almost every roof and channeled into batteries.
Naomi’s ‘Office’ was next to Rachel’s. It was full of family photos and music. She was a trumpet and violin player and had a love for Jazz. Naomi was the person Rachel was closest to and they often talked long into the night about their favorite musicians, teaching each other how to play each others instruments. Rachel had introduced her to Rock music and she had grown to love it as much as Jazz. It was the same for Rachel, although she still preferred rock.
Kelsey had the biggest ‘office’ it was right in the center of the room opposite the flat screen that been mounted on the main wall so everyone could see it. It was full of objects that she had gotten from stores and peoples homes to entertain her. Almost all of it was designer brands with an overly expensive price tag. She only had one photo of her family in it and she spent most of her time there. Entertaining herself with game consoles and first edition books. Rachel didn’t enjoy Kelsey’s company and avoided her like the plague.
The room had a path in it that twisted around everything like a maze. Everyone came here to escape their rooms or to keep themselves occupied. It was a section of the world where nothing could touch them.
A beeping shook Rachel out of her daze. The sun now appeared to be sitting on the horizon, and Rachel knew that the ‘shadows’ had finished playing and had retreated back to their own homes. The beeping continued and Rachel looked down at her computer. A box had half filled the screen proclaiming the time was 5:02am. In the background Rachel heard someone stirring and she got up and headed for the ‘living’ room, where today’s day would begin.
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