Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > seizeMANNEQUIN
"No, no, no. I said Good Evening Los Angeles!!!"
1 review"No, no, no. I said Good Evening Los Angeles!!!"The response was even louder than before. "That's better," Pepper replied, "I"m Pepper Wright and this is my band and we're seizeMANNEQUIN!" Ap...
Authors note: Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I've had several families issues :[ But I do have the next chapter already in progress and let's just say Roxy "Riot" Way from my FOB romance work in progress "My Warped Tour 05 Romance" will be making a cameo as well as her "Rock Hard, Play Loud" magazine article 'Souncheck'.!
xoxo, Dani
January 5, 2007
The Airport
10:00 A.M.
"Pepper, you ready?"
Pepper waved to Izzy and Mason who were boarding the second jet.
"Yeah," Pepper replied taking Brendon's hand as the two of them boarded Panic's jet.
Fifteen minutes later both Panic and seizeMANNEEQUIN were on their way to Los Angeles to begin the rest of the "Nothing Rhymes With Circus"Tour the boys had began almost three months prior.
"Oh man Bren, I'm so nervous. We've never played a place as big as the arena we're gonna play at."
"It's ok, babe. You'll do fine. Just don't focus on the audience itself. Just find you a spot at the back and look there. And just don't forget to breathe."
Spencer turned around in his seat in front of them and smiled at Pepper.
"Your gonna be great. We sent Pete a recording of you guys and he was very impressed. If Pete thinks so, then it is so."
Pepper smiled at Spencer, "Thank you."
8 hours later (4 after touchdown)
"Ok Pepper, guys, Panic just finished their soundcheck. If you'll follow me, we'll go get your equipment set up and you can begin yours," Zack said.
seizeMANNEQUIN picked up their gear and followed him onto the stage. As Pepper's band went on stage, Panic came off. As Brendon passed Pepper he gave her a quick kiss before sitting just off stage with the rest of his band.
Pepper, Izzy, and Mason plugged in their guitars as Anaheim set up her keyboard and Kerry adjusted her microphone. Meanwhile Yoshi was waiting patiently at his drum kit.
"You guys ready," Pepper asked?
Everyonen nodded and they went into their first song.
Fifteen minutes later, after fixing some minor difficulties, seizeMANNEQUIN walked off the stage.
"Your gonna be great tonight," Brendon said acknowledging the band as he grabbed Pepper and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Brendon, I think we will too," Kerry said giving Jon a high five.
"Pepper? You goys go on in fifteen minutes," Zack said popping his head in the dressing room door.
"Ok," Pepper replied from the mirror where she was adjusting her rose embroidered vest,"How do I look Izzy."
"You look great, me?"
"Ok guys, lets get out there and do this thing," Mason said walking in handing each member a water bottle.
Pepper picked up her guitar and closing her eyes, took a deep breath. Opening them, she nodded and led her band out onto the stage.
"Good evening Los Angeles," Pepper cried from her microphone.
Pepper's greeting was replied with numerous whoops and hollers.
Pepper shook her head at her band.
"No, no, no. I said Good Evening Los Angeles!!!"
The response was even louder than before.
"That's better," Pepper replied, "I"m Pepper Wright and this is my band and we're seizeMANNEQUIN!"
Applause and such rang out through the arena and Pepper began playing her baseline.
The last guitar chord rang out and the crowd was going crazy.
Pepper took a long sip of her water and carefully screwed the cap on.
"Ok guys, now that we've warmed you up, here's the real reason why you came..... PANIC AT THE DISCO!!!!!!"
Everybody cheered as our boys walked onto the stage giving high fives to the seizeMANNEQUIN band members.
Brendon was the last one on stage and as Pepper was exiting he gave Pepper a kiss, causing catcalls and such from the audience.
'You did great," Brendon whispered to a blushing Pepper.
"Well guys, that was an amazing way to kick off the rest of the tour, don't you think," Jon asked as both bands were exiting the venue.
"Yeah, especially Brendon and Pepper's kiss. You know that that picture will be on Buzznet and that video on Youtube by tomorrow, right?"
Ryan and the other bands memmbers laughed as Pepper made a face.
xoxo, Dani
January 5, 2007
The Airport
10:00 A.M.
"Pepper, you ready?"
Pepper waved to Izzy and Mason who were boarding the second jet.
"Yeah," Pepper replied taking Brendon's hand as the two of them boarded Panic's jet.
Fifteen minutes later both Panic and seizeMANNEEQUIN were on their way to Los Angeles to begin the rest of the "Nothing Rhymes With Circus"Tour the boys had began almost three months prior.
"Oh man Bren, I'm so nervous. We've never played a place as big as the arena we're gonna play at."
"It's ok, babe. You'll do fine. Just don't focus on the audience itself. Just find you a spot at the back and look there. And just don't forget to breathe."
Spencer turned around in his seat in front of them and smiled at Pepper.
"Your gonna be great. We sent Pete a recording of you guys and he was very impressed. If Pete thinks so, then it is so."
Pepper smiled at Spencer, "Thank you."
8 hours later (4 after touchdown)
"Ok Pepper, guys, Panic just finished their soundcheck. If you'll follow me, we'll go get your equipment set up and you can begin yours," Zack said.
seizeMANNEQUIN picked up their gear and followed him onto the stage. As Pepper's band went on stage, Panic came off. As Brendon passed Pepper he gave her a quick kiss before sitting just off stage with the rest of his band.
Pepper, Izzy, and Mason plugged in their guitars as Anaheim set up her keyboard and Kerry adjusted her microphone. Meanwhile Yoshi was waiting patiently at his drum kit.
"You guys ready," Pepper asked?
Everyonen nodded and they went into their first song.
Fifteen minutes later, after fixing some minor difficulties, seizeMANNEQUIN walked off the stage.
"Your gonna be great tonight," Brendon said acknowledging the band as he grabbed Pepper and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Brendon, I think we will too," Kerry said giving Jon a high five.
"Pepper? You goys go on in fifteen minutes," Zack said popping his head in the dressing room door.
"Ok," Pepper replied from the mirror where she was adjusting her rose embroidered vest,"How do I look Izzy."
"You look great, me?"
"Ok guys, lets get out there and do this thing," Mason said walking in handing each member a water bottle.
Pepper picked up her guitar and closing her eyes, took a deep breath. Opening them, she nodded and led her band out onto the stage.
"Good evening Los Angeles," Pepper cried from her microphone.
Pepper's greeting was replied with numerous whoops and hollers.
Pepper shook her head at her band.
"No, no, no. I said Good Evening Los Angeles!!!"
The response was even louder than before.
"That's better," Pepper replied, "I"m Pepper Wright and this is my band and we're seizeMANNEQUIN!"
Applause and such rang out through the arena and Pepper began playing her baseline.
The last guitar chord rang out and the crowd was going crazy.
Pepper took a long sip of her water and carefully screwed the cap on.
"Ok guys, now that we've warmed you up, here's the real reason why you came..... PANIC AT THE DISCO!!!!!!"
Everybody cheered as our boys walked onto the stage giving high fives to the seizeMANNEQUIN band members.
Brendon was the last one on stage and as Pepper was exiting he gave Pepper a kiss, causing catcalls and such from the audience.
'You did great," Brendon whispered to a blushing Pepper.
"Well guys, that was an amazing way to kick off the rest of the tour, don't you think," Jon asked as both bands were exiting the venue.
"Yeah, especially Brendon and Pepper's kiss. You know that that picture will be on Buzznet and that video on Youtube by tomorrow, right?"
Ryan and the other bands memmbers laughed as Pepper made a face.
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