Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Escaping Darkness

Praying For Perfect.

by brokenhalo 0 reviews

Praying For Perfect.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-04-23 - Updated: 2008-04-23 - 416 words - Complete


Praying For Perfect.
Sarah’s POV
Snuggling against Gerard's burly form, warm lips trailed across his bare chest, amber gaze turning up to my new husband as his sweet lips curved into a doting smile.
“Was today perfect?”
I nodded, maneuvering myself upon Gerard's body, large hands rising to cup my face and keep my hair from masking his view. “I wish everyone could be this happy.”
“Are you implying that to someone we know?”
I managed a short shrug. “Mary I guess...”
“Babe, I'm sure Mary's fine.” Gerard smiled, fingertips caressing my heated skin. “She is pregnant, she’s probably got too many emotions to deal with.” He leaned up, kissing me softly.
“Maybe we could visit them.”
“Maybe.” He agreed, easily rolling us over upon the hotel bed, silencing the conversation with another kiss.

Mary’s POV
Smoothing the sand with my toes, I kept a safe distance from the incoming tide, softly inhaling the sea scent and relishing the peaceful moment. After avoiding Frank all day, I didn’t want to think about the awkwardness of going to bed together. We had changed so much in a year, maybe too much had changed between us. His past was something we never talked about, I didn’t know how he got involved with murdering people or who those people he worked for even were. Every question was silenced by a harsh stare.
“Baby?” Shivering with Frank's soft tone, my gaze lifted to his sad hazel eyes. “Mary, don’t leave me...I’m freaking out and I can’t deal with this alone.”
It broke my heart to hear him beg, and I rushed forward embracing my fragile love so he clung to me, apologies whispering in my ear as I soothingly rubbed his back. Despite my doubts, I honestly loved Frank and hated seeing him in pain, I just didn’t know what to do.
“I’m not leaving you Frankie.” I murmured, kissing his head lightly. “But I don’t know how to help you.”
Frank leaned back, gracing his lips over mine. “I think I should see Gerard.” I pursed my lips together and nodded. “And I want you to stay here...” Before I could protest, Frank shook his head, hands cupping my face. “You’ll be safe here, I’ll bring everyone back here and we’ll sort something out. I love you Mary.”
Clinging to Frank, my eyes snapped close, silently praying this was nothing more than a nightmare.
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