Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Oaths of Fantasy
Chapter 1 - It Began with Words
31 reviewsHermione bonds herself to Harry in First year. These are the changes that happen because of this simple act.
Oaths of Fantasy
(#) red_jacobson 2008-04-24
okay, you have my attention! can't wait to see where you go with this next
redOaths of Fantasy
(#) dennisud 2008-04-24
So... the "High Elves" of Toliken are back! and they be Harry & Hermione!
Oh this is going to be an epic tale to behold!
dennisudOaths of Fantasy
(#) Shelly 2008-04-24
Wow,this is awesome. i love harry and hermione as elves. Can't wait until you write the next chapter.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Green_Hat_Linux 2008-04-24
its different, but possibly in a good way, ill wait for a few chapters before i decide which, but it does look good from a preliminary stand pointOaths of Fantasy
(#) archangelm 2008-04-25
That was very interesting, can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work !!Oaths of Fantasy
(#) dragon_knight_mage 2008-04-25
Very interesting story. You should continue it....plz its a really good start
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