Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Oaths of Fantasy
Chapter 1 - It Began with Words
31 reviewsHermione bonds herself to Harry in First year. These are the changes that happen because of this simple act.
Oaths of Fantasy
(#) GryffindorDragon 2008-04-25
Nice start. This sounds to be very interesting. I like Hermione bound to Harry, though the story doesn't quite match the blurb. It seems the change takes place because of Harry's wish and his hidden lineage. Anyway, keep it up.Author's response
Actually the bonding is because of Hermione... She binds herself. The Freeway might of added energy to it to make the tattoos stronger or deeper but the magic she used is the same magic any Witch can. Its just her experience with Muggle Fantasy that makes it act diffriently
This is both a Super H/Hr and not.. Other then one talent they share and some species specific stuff everything they do anyone else can if they are willing to work for it. The access to the Fairway is a racial trait. If they were Vampires then could blood teleport... Any Vampire in this story can learn to do so..Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Elfwyn 2008-04-25
Good start, the most creative way to bring out a hidden ancestry I've seen. Can't wait for more, and a little super power isn't a bad thing, after all the elves gave magic to the world.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Cateagle 2008-04-25
Definitely a most interesting and unique start to the story. I can see a Hermione who's immersed herself in muggle fantasy doing just what she did when Harry rescued her (and even muggle fantasy may well have a basis in reality that the wizarding world has not realized or forgotten about). In any case, I loved the bit about Harry's ancestry as it makes a bit more sense of his father's animagus form. It's interesting to see that both of them have Sidhe ancestry; I have to ask if all who have the ability to work magic have such ancestry or if there are other sources or occassional "sports" without any such ancestry, no matter how removed?
It will be rather interesting to see how this bonding the knowledge of their natures changes things to come.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Cateagle 2008-04-25
Definitely an interesting and unusual start to Harry & Hermione's time int eh wizarding world; I'll be interested in seeing how her bonding herself to him and the knowledge they've acquired changes the events that are comng. I could readily see someone who'd immersed themselves in muggle fantasy to be able to see things that wizarding society has forgotten or denied and thus this AU comes to pass. I'll be most interested in seeing if anyone does maange to notice the changes in them and figure out the cause (well, anyone other than Luna, she'd probably understand immediately upon meeting them). I do want a spot of clarification, though, does all magical ability indiecate descent from the high elves or other magical beings or are there some humans who are "sports", capable of handling magic without any magical beings in tehir ancesty?Oaths of Fantasy
(#) RorschachsBlot 2008-04-26
Interesting start, look forward to seeing where it goes.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Vanir 2008-04-27
My, my. Not only did you facilitate a fairly original Superness, you did so beautifully. Please try and maintain some of this lovely language as you move on.
Looking forward to more.
VanirAuthor's response
I hope I do this right. I don't want it to be a bland SuperFic where there are no challenges. Harry and Hermione aren't so much Super compared to everyone else as they are different and not lazy. Tom Riddle is evil but he was also not lazy and therefore learned more then his peers and teachers... Flamel was so not lazy that he created the stone to have more time to study magic. ETCOaths of Fantasy
(#) Dragen 2008-04-28
Great start to the story mate, oh I love this new out look, not many people take time to do PoV of Hermione's where she begins Hogwarts so well done.
I like how you made Harry into an elf, keep up the great work mate.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) tashriia 2008-04-29
I love the ideas, and the imagery you've captured in words is great. There are some grammatical and punctuation errors, which detract a little from the flow. Overall, it's well done.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) zhpfanread 2015-03-09
A really nice Story, interesting and not main stream.
I do look forward for a continuation. I hope this is not an another inclomplet, but worth to finish tale.
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