Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Oaths of Fantasy
Chapter 2 - Eyes of Death
29 reviewsThe two Sidhe return Uphill. Papa elf and the house-elves of Hogwarts. Percy gets a reprimand.
Oaths of Fantasy
(#) GDragon 2008-04-27
1st chapter showed promise... could be good.
can't see 2nd chapter. page comes up but no story.
look forward to reading more.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2008-04-27
This chapter seems to have failed to upload properly. With this site in particular it's good to read a chapter immediately after submitting it to check for one of about a million possible errors. I love the site, but...Oaths of Fantasy
(#) cpg468 2008-04-27
Just FYI, Percy is the oldest Weasley at Hogwarts right now. Further, the only younger brother, relative to the twins, is Ron.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) slickrcbd 2008-04-27
For whatever reason, this chapter is showing up blank. The statistics are there, but no content.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Eewec 2008-04-27
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting an empty chapter 2 when I try to view it and none of the other reviews are showing on that chapter either for me.
Then again it may just be a glitch with ficwad, it seems to be playing up alot recently.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Flamer 2008-04-27
The chapter still seems to be down. Ficwad can be rather fickle sometimes.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) Vanir 2008-04-27
Guys, log out and try again. The chapter doesn't show to me either when I'm logged in, but i could read it just fine logged out. And again, not, when i logged in again to review. I guess the site has another cold. Good one, Puck. Watch the tempuses, though. I like the prose, but if you try and keep the tempus straight, it'll be much better. The foreshadowing peaked my interest enough to put the story on Watch.
VanirOaths of Fantasy
(#) Random_Guy 2008-04-27
A good second chapter, if a little short. It is still looking like a good promising story so far.
The main problem seems to be the need for a beta. There are a number of cases where the wording of a sentance makes it difficult to understand, and a couple of small, but glaring errors.
Best example of this is possibly:
Quote: the message clear, “Thou shalt touch what I protect”.
This gives the image of Harry tell Percy to touch Hermione, rather than the, i assume, intended image of Harry telling Percy not to touch Hermione.
Small error (ommited word) causing complete change in meaning.Author's response
Actually going to make me search for my dictionary of old words ... But I believe I did use the correct word..
Shall - Will
Shalt - Shall Not therefore Will Not
The chapters are short because of how my brain works.. Would you rather long ones with never long pauses in updates
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