Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tainted Shadows

The New York Kid

by chicago_fire 3 reviews

Will he heed Gerard's warning?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-04-28 - Updated: 2008-04-28 - 757 words

I hurried to hush myself as I heard someone walking into the lavatory. Please don't notice me, I thought. I don't exist, just pretend I don't exist. I squeezed my eyes shut hard. I then realized I didn't lock the stall door. I prayed that they would stay out of the stall. I unintentionally let out a sniffle. Fuck, I was sure to be found now. Possibly beaten, perhaps bombarded with questions and given a real reason to cry. I was so pathetic and I knew it. I shook fiercely and awaited what was to come. The stall door opened. I looked up to see who it was. It was a boy I had never seen before. He had dirty blonde hair and a nose ring. His uniform was disheveled, like he didn't know the proper way it was supposed to be worn. The boy stared at me with intent eyes which appeared to be a hazel or brown. He parted his lips to speak with a shock ridden face.

"U-Uhm, are you okay?" I heard him speak and looked away from him and wiped my face on my sleeve.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Sorry I'm in your way."

"No, it's cool. Want some help?" He extended a hand to help me to my feet. I took it bravely.
"Thanks." I said brushing myself off. I began to wonder why he was even talking to me. If he had gone to this school for a while he should have already knew I was labeled as a freak.

"My name's Adam." Wow, he wanted to shake my hand now.


"Cool name. I'm new here. First day." Oh, that's why he was talking to me.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from New York. Have you always lived here?"

"Yeah, born and raised."

"Can you tell me where the science lab is? I'm totally lost"

"Sure, it's my next class." This is weird. We have class together? I should warn him about me. They'd beat him up too if he was my friend. I proceeded out the door as the bell rang.


"Mhmm. Follow me. But after that you better stay away from me."


"Cause they'll pick on you too if you hang around me."


"Bert McCracken and his goons."

"Oh. Why do they pick on you?"

"Because they think I'm a freak."

"I don't think you're a freak."

"You just met me."


"So, it would be a great idea if you stayed away because you don't want to clothed in bruises like me."

"They beat you up?" I knew Adam was just curious but I now regretted talking to him in the bathroom.

"Yes. Bert always does. Almost everyday." We were nearing the science lab. I tried to fight the sea of people ahead of me. Adam desperately attempted to follow. I guess he decided to shut up for a moment. I wasn't being bombarded with questions again just yet. I walked into the classroom to take my seat.

"Adam, go take your schedule to Mr.Steifer." He nodded as I pointed to our teacher. People flooded in slowly. The bell rang again and Adam was still at the front of the class. Mr. Steifer was most likely going to introduce him to the class.

"Good morning, class. Attention please." The class quieted at his almost booming voice.
"We have a new student here in our class. Mr. Lazzara, introduce yourself please."
"U-uh H-Hi. My name is Adam, I'm from New York."

"Good enough, take a seat by Mr. Way."

Everyone giggled at him. Adam gave me a apologetic face as he sat down by me. I sighed and listened to instructions. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I saw Frank walk in the door. I was happy but it was bittersweet. He was an office aide this hour and I would only see him for a moment. Well, at least he was okay. Time stopped for a moment. I couldn't do anything but stare. Adam snapped me out of it.

"Who's that?" Adam whispered sounding a bit confused.

I struggled to even speak but cleared my throat. "Frank Iero."

"You friends with him?"

"Not really." I attempted to cover up the hurt in my tone. What'd I'd do for him to call me a friend. That was a far off notion that I had never even heard outside of my head. It stung to hear it this way, but I dealt with it. Because I have to. I always have to.
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