Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Oaths of Fantasy
Chapter 3 - Hunt Master
54 reviewsHermione writes a letter. Katie notices a few things. Hedwig is an odd owl. Was that a Prophecy?
Oaths of Fantasy
(#) EdTheBeast 2020-06-04
A fantastic start to what looks like a great story! I saw the errors. I used to be a reader for online books. They are not to bad, per se. This is a story that should be finished, to bad its been so many years, stalled!Oaths of Fantasy
(#) HanseDavion 2020-08-24
Just found the story and loved it, had me stopping to look things up. Are you still writting? Did you move to a different web site? If so, which one?
HanseDavionOaths of Fantasy
(#) GorramWolf 2021-09-06
A beautiful story, full of a rich new idea that I have not seen before. I hope to someday see more.Oaths of Fantasy
(#) HanseDavion 2022-05-25
Found your story and enjoyed the story line. Are going to continue with it?
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