Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Laced With Nitroglycerin

16. Earthquake

by aznfoblover 2 reviews

ohhhhh snap.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-04-30 - Updated: 2008-05-01 - 891 words - Complete

Chapter 16
Earthquake (The Used)
"I never want you to go because I am all yours, so please be all mine..."

I woke up, disoriented and definitely not alone. I didn't even remember going back to my room, let alone falling asleep. But I did see my dad and Dani sitting beside my bed, visibly distressed. "Hey," I said softly. Dani was asleep, but I could see the tearstains on her face. My dad looked up at me and smiled. It was one of the first smiles I had seen on his face in a long time.

"We were so scared, Ryan," he whispered. "Dani was going out of her mind with worry." He fondly messed up my hair a bit, and I remembered the dad that I once knew, that I had grown up with. The one that wasn't always drunk, and that wasn't always angry. The guy who attempted to teach me to play football, but decided to teach me guitar instead when he saw that I couldn't pass or catch to save my life. I remember when he introduced me to Spencer and his grandfather, and how Spencer and I were inseparable from that day on. How did things go so wrong? "Son, don't you dare scare us like that again. We love you too much to lose you," my dad said in a hoarse whisper, placing his hand on my shoulder. I gulped and nodded.

"I love you too, Dad," I said. It was almost like a Hallmark momen, but I was painfully aware of the absence of the mother that I had never really known. Brendon burst into the room, breaking the small moment that we were having.

"Ryan, you have to come. The nurse lady said it was okay," he said, starting to roll my IV bag thing and get me out of the bed. Curious and a bit panicked, I set off towards Kate's room as fast as I could, which was more of a normal walking pace than a run or fast walk. In short, it was pretty slow. We finally got to the room, and there was Kate, still lying there, looking more morbidly cold and pale than asleep. I took a deep breath and tried not to freak out. This was why. Brendon knew that we were losing her. I immediately sat down and grabbed her hand again, willing my life into her and saying my little prayers as I had the day before. Or hours before. However long it had been since I was last in that chair and that position. I didn't even care that half of our friends and family were watching me through the window that I was sitting in front of and who were in the actual room. I cried and held onto her hand for dear life, hoping that she would come back. She had to come back, for all of us. None of us could ever imagine a world without Kate. I closed my eyes and rested my elbow on my knee, then rested my head on the empty hand attached to that elbow. I slowly brought her hand up and kissed it, then heard the sound of doors opening and chairs quietly scraping. I looked around and saw that everyone was gone. Sighing and with tears still running down my face, I looked at Kate.

"Oh, Kate," I whispered to her. "What have I done this time? This is all because I couldn't tell you that I love you. Well here it is now. I love you more than life itself. So now you need to come back and everything can be alright again, okay? Because isn't love supposed to conquer everything? Isn't that what they said in all of those stupid movies that we used to watch together? Come on, Kate, I need you. We all need you. I love you," I whispered passionately, more tears burning trails down my face as I kissed her hand once again. And suddenly, the beeps coming from all the machines she was hooked up to got farther and farther apart. My eyes widened, and the door flung open again, and I was being ushered out by the nice nurse in confusion. The doctors were all shouting in panicked tones and I was fighting to stay by her side. "No! What's going on?! What's happening to her?" I cried out, struggling against the nurse's surprisingly firm grip.

"Don't worry, sweetie," she said complacently. "It'll all be okay soon."

"No! What is going on?" I demanded, completely terrified as I watched them using the paddles through the window. My heart almost stopped when I saw their fierce expressions and the heart rate monitor thing flatlined. I could almost hear that dreaded beep that's way too overused in stupid soap operas. "No!" I whispered as they pulled a sheet over her head. And I was sure that my face turned white just before I blacked out in the middle of the hallway.
A/N: See? I was very pleasantly surprised when I got all those reviews, but now that shows that you guys can actually do it. So thank you, and here is your second or third to last chapter. I haven't decided yet.
Thanks to patdfan0702, jboesche09, RyanRossLuver, and xXlifesapartyXx for your wonderful reviews, and keep it up!
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