Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Me a Shot to Remember

My amazing excuses...

by rockchick493 2 reviews

Frankie and Jamia break up, and Frank finds something out about Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-16 - 531 words

Chapter 2 - Frank's P.O.V

Just as Gerard closed the door behind him, I pulled out my phone. This wasn't going to be easy but it had to be done.
I dialled Jamia's number and waited. She answered on the fifth ring.
"Hello?" she sounded as if she'd been crying.
"Hi Jam," I said cautiously.
"Oh my God! Frankie, I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened! And I was really really drunk!" her voice broke on the last word, and I could hear her sobbing.
"Jam! Listen to me, Jam." I sighed, here goes. "I think we should break up. This relationship isn't doing either of us any good."
"Please, Frankie, I love you. I don't want us to break up!" she said, sobbing harder.
"Too late, you shoulda thought of that earlier. We've already broken up." And with that I put the phone down. I couldn't bear to listen to another word. I needed to get out of here, out into the fresh air.

I opened the door and looking back into the room one last time, I walked out. I didn't get very far, as I crashed into something. Oh, it was just Gerard.

"Oh, sorry Gerard. Didn't see you there," I said, and locked my eyes with his. I love his eyes... they never cease to amaze me. They hide so much emotion - and their colour and shape... just wow! Hey, brain, it's seriously not the time!
"That's okay Frankie," he said. Was it me, or were we having a moment? It's probably me, considering Gerard is only my friend. I mean, I've always wished we were more, since the day we met six years ago.
"Hey Frank. Are you okay?" Mikey cut into my thoughts.
"Uh, yeah. I'll be okay, Mikes," I said, a bit ticked off.
"So what happened?" he asked. And the award for most annoying male goes to... mental drum roll... MIKEY WAY!!
I might as well tell him, he'd find out soon enough. "Well, Jamia cheated on me again... But I'm done with her; I took Gerard's advice. I'm too good for her, so I just broke up with her."
"Good for you dude!" Mikey said, genuinely happy for me.
I really needed to get out of here... time for one of my amazing excuses!
"Thanks. But I really need to pee so if you guys don't mind..."
I quickly walked away, but as I turned the corner, I stopped. I don't know what made me do it, but I'm glad I did. I was still in listening distance of Mikey and Gerard.
I heard Gerard say, "Mikey, I know what you're gonna say, but I don't care. I'll do what I want, and what I want is Frank."
OH MY GOD! Gerard wants me. ME! I am like sooo happy right now I don't know what to do... wait. What's Mikey saying?
"Okay dude, it's your life. But if you muck up our band, you will pay!"
Yeesh, sounds like a serious threat. I should probably get outta here, Mikey's coming this way! Damn it, where should I hide? Ooh, fire escape, good enough!
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