Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Runaway Clairvoyants

by Fue_Kurokawa 0 reviews

She ran away to find some peace of mind, but just wound up hitting another brick wall.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 2444 words

"Hello?" Ren answered, surprising even herself with her overly happy tone of voice.

"Serenity?" she voice replied, uncertainty clear as a bell in their voice. Ren laughed at the unsure sound and bent over, walking at a brisk pace in the streets, heading god knows where.

"It's a huge fucking coincidence, Ari! I was just about to call to see if you were up!" she exclaim, completely forgetting about the still sleeping people in their houses and beds. She didn't give a fuck about anything in fact, and she only really care about the fact that she was finally OUT of that confining house she had once dared call home.

"...why the fuck would you call ME?" the girl, Ari apparently, asked, and someone in the background muttered 'what the fuck?'. Ren laughed again, a little less loud this time, and slowed her walk the slightest bit.

"Yeah, I sorta ran away. I'm heading to your place. Is that okay?" Rennie asked, acting as though it was the most normal thing to ask at four in the fucking morning. She did, though, feel a little guilt; imposing herself on a friend so early in the morning wasn't exactly the nicest thing in the world to do.

"Uh... Yeah, sure, my parents don't really give a fuck. Number of times you rolled by in the middle of the fucking night..." Ari sighed, and someone snickerd in the background.

"Ari, who the fuck is at your place?" Ren asked, a little miffed; she really felt like whoever the fuck was laughing was laughing at HER and HER situation.

"Ah, it's just Rox. She spent the night." She said nonchalantly, and gasped. She yelled something incoherent so Rox, who was most likely behind her, and returned to the phone. "And yeah, I called to see if you were okay. I mean you seemed pretty emo and shit on MSN before."

Ren went back to that conversation three hours ago- -and it really seemed to be a lot longer ago than just that--and did, actually, remember that she'd been off, WAY off, and that she just wanted to crawl into a dark hole in the middle of nowhere to die. Until Gerard came on, that is. Ariel didn't know about him, yet. And Ren would probably just spill her guts out to the girl like she usually did, and she'd cry and she'd go on as if nothing happened.

Ariel was always there for her. ALWAYS. Ren had lived through a lot of things that would've otherwise taken a LOT bigger a toll on her had the other girl not been there. Two years older and now eighteen, Ariel still lived with her parents, though she really lived alone in her basement, which she'd claimed the year before, when her six years older brother moved out. She payed half the rent(since she had half the house) and made a decent living, with a part-time job at a petshop and going to school to study in photography.

"You know my mom. She's a bitch all the time." Ren shrugged, wedging her phone between her chin and shoulder as she reached into the small handbag she'd brought along for her pack of gum. "She just kept yelling and yelling and god fuck, I'm glad I’m out of there."

"Yeah, I know what you mean..." Ariel muttered quietly, and the incessant laughter in the background had seemed to stop. "Listen, you think you can stop by the drug store and buy a pitcher of milk? I'll pay you back when you get here."

"Sure thing." Ren replied, her smile returning to her face wider than before. "You got ice cream?"

"Gallons of it!" and the laughter started up again.

"Good, cause I'll be needing every fucking bucket I can get my hands on."


Serenity could've just turned back and go to the drugstore that way, but she found that she was scared to pass in front of her house, much preferring to take a longer route. And besides, that would leave Ariel(and Roxanne, too) the time to make themselves look presentable. And maybe Ariel would make pancakes..? That's what she did last time. And her parents didn't really care. They loved Ren and could understand what she was going through, and were always more than happy to see her around the house.

"Hey Ren." The cashier, Marie, greeted. She often saw the girl around the store at the weirdest hours, and the two of them had gotten to know each other pretty well. On a superficial level, as in Marie didn't know Ren's mother, or her outbursts, as Ren didn't know anything about Marie's private life.

"Yo. Picking up milk for Rox.” Ren replied with a smile, making herself a cup of coffee at the coffee machine, too. She thought that, while she was at it, she might as well give herself a little boost, seeing how early it was.

"Coffee's on the house, shrimp." Marie winked, depositing the few dollars for the coffee in the cash register, out of her own pockets. She did that a few times before, and always on the days after something big went on in Ren's life. It was, really, freakishly suspicious, but the younger girl made nothing of it and simply thanked the woman and skimmied out of the store, enjoying the crisp morning air and still-dark sky. The sun was creeping higher and higher, but because of the rainclouds invading the sky, no bright orb could be seen in the sky. Nor moon nor star nor the sun. And ren LOVED it. It was the kind of morning she lived for. The fucking early mornings just before the rainy days.

She knocked on the door; the heard the pressed footsteps, and Ariel was at the door, smiling brightly with a bucket of ice cream in her hands, with the biggest spoon Rennie had EVER seen.

"Bought the milk?"

"You betcha bitch."


Hours trickled by and Ren was happy, laughing along with Ariel and Rox, looking at videos on youtube and just having fun in general. The three girls took a little time to watch half of Romeo and Juliette, the one featuring Leo DiCaprio, and they laughed their asses off. Ren was poiting out how everything looked fake, Rox was laughing at the corniness, and Ariel kept on pointing out how the blood spatters weren’t the same from one scene to the other.

Then they all played Sims on the GameCube. It was an inside joke between Ren and Ari, when they'd make two guys and have them sleep with each other. But the minute that Ren saw that Ariel was making a character VERY similar to Gerard, she freaked.

"I... need to go to the bathroom." She stated quickly, almost stumbling on her words. She ran upstairs and shut the door closed almost noisly, and slid down to the floor.

She pulled down her wristbands and stared at the several shallow gashes she'd made on her wrists the night before, mere hours ago. She looked around for a razor, but diligently fought off the urge to grab it and slit her throat. It would hurt and she would die.
Duh, that's the entire plan, jackass.

"Hey, you okay in there?" Rox whispered hoarsely, trying to make sure the younger girl was still alive, whilst not waking up the rest of the household.

"Y-yeah." Ren muttered, flushing the toilet and coming out, flashing a bright smile.

You see, Roxanne is a very complex person. But one thing about her that ISN'T complex is her uncanning ability to read through people like she reads a book. And it's a very unnerving talent, because Rennie's ALWAYS hiding something and Rox ALWAYS brings it up and Ren ALWAYS denies it and it's just an endless waltz of guesses and lies.

"...You should really stop doing it." And Rox walked straight past Rennie and claimed the bathroom. Ren hadn't ever mentioned cutting herself--because she supposed that that was what Rox was talking about--to anyone but Ariel, and she'd sworn she'd never told anyone. So how the hell...?
She shrugged it off and went back downstairs, to find that Ariel was already on the computer and talking it up to someone on MSN. She turned around and smiled, asking Ren if she'd like to go on her account. Instantly, she said yes and shoved the older girl out of the chair and claimed the computer and logged onto her account.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Hello again.

Oh, god fuck, Ren had totally forgotten about HIM.

"vampire_lord2008? Who the fuck is that?" Ariel asked curiously, more than aware of ever contact in Rennie's list, and LESS than aware of who THIS person was.

"A...guy, I met at the Van's yesterday. You know when I ran away from the crowd..? Yeah, I ran into him and he gave me his address." She lied, finding that Ari was giving her some strange look. So the hesitation in her voice wasn’t adding to her credibility, but hey. It WAS a plausible story.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
You like BB too?

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Fuck yeah.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
They inspire me to draw sometimes.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
They made me draw some of my best pieces.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
You draw?

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Sort of. Mostly anime. Rarely realism.

"God fuck, another one of your little anime geeks?" Ariel laughed, really not in any position to rant about otakus. She was, after all, maybe the biggest anime fan Ren had ever met in her life. She knew almost EVERYTHING about anime, and knew almost every kind. For the really bloody and gory shows to the corny shoujo.

"Chill, I talked to him once, and that was when I came home yesterday. I didn't even know that he was an art savvy.” Ren laughed, a fake, shallow laugh, and tried to hide her not-so-obvious anxiety. And, of course, right then, Roxanne came down the stairs. And the look, the very LOOK she gave Ren told her she knew a lot more than what she let on.

Which was plain fucking SCARY.

And when Ren turned around, Ariel was already typing, and Ren was inwardly freaking.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Yo~, I’m Ariel, Rennie's friend. ;D

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Who're you?

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
I met Ren at the concert yesterday.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
When she saw me about to fall she pulled me away from the crowd.

Ren sighed thankfully; at least he made a story relatively similar to her own. As long as he didn't say anything too crazy, or too weird, so that her story could still hold up...

“Move, bitch!” Rennie laughed, shoving Ariel away, again, and taking her place on her old, worn thrown at the computer.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Sorry, my friends can be a little spazzy...

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
How are you?

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Not too phased by yesterday?

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Not at all.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Thanks again. ; )

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
I already told you

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
It's nothing.

The hours seem to slip by as Rennie grew more and more accustomed tothe person at the other end of the line, and talking to Rox and Ari seemed to put her even more at ease. She was more and more decontracted, and even Roxanne seemed to believe Ren's story more and more as time went by. She spoke to the band's frontman until eight, when she left the computer to go eat some of Ariel's delicious, mind blowing pancakes.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Gotta go...

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Ariel's making her pancakes. I wouldn't miss those for anything in the world.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
I'll be back in a bit..?

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Well, I have to go get ready anyways...

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
And Mike wants the laptop.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Well, I'll talk to you tonight?

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane says:
Bye, Ren.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break says:
Farewell, you mysterious vampiric stranger.

Something's getting in the way :: WREN :: Something's just about to break has left this conversation at 8:06 AM.

"Cut the crap Ren. Who the fuck was that?" Ariel snapped, leaning against the kitchen counter and almost GLARING at the poor younger girl. Roxanne was sitting at the table, her back to Ren.

"Wha... But I told you, it's just a--"

"She said cut the crap." Rox muttered, resting her head on the table. "Just say it."

"...You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." Serenity whispered, folding her arms and leaning against the doorway.

"Try me, fuck." Ariel said in a defying tone, crossing her arms in turn and raising a brow. The way she acted just seemed to say she already knew, or that she had guessed or that maybe she just KNEW.

"Gerard way."
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