Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Confusion

A few laughs, a lot of memories, and a whole lot of blushing

by aly_ajxxiero 2 reviews

This is when Frank gets to know Alyssa more... Haha.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-17 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 719 words

Hey guys! I said I'd post this chapter in about "5 hours" but I ended up having to post it just now, My day was kinda busy since I had training in stuff and all... So sorry for the wait, and enjoy!

"So, my sister, is Aycee? In Sweet Confusion? Holy shit..." Gerards mouth dropped open seeing his sister after 5 long years...
"Uhuh... And, Your sister, is still taking all the medications she had since she was 12!" Alyssa had to say it so Gerard would know how she was...
"Wait, wait wait, what happened to her, medications? How come I never see her each time I go to your house??" Frank suddenly butted in, slightly blushing from seeing his so-called-new-crush.
"Uhm, I have, uh, a heart problem and uhm, They gave me this medication for my blood and because of my anorexia." Alyssa softly replied.
"She was in the hospital for a few years, she needed all the help she could get from the doctors." Gerard continued for his sister.
"Ohhh... So, what do you know that I don't know about Gee, Alyssa?" Frank tried to 'move away' from the topic.
"Oh, uh, did you know that when he was 8, he still had his so-called-blankie?" Alyssa laughed at what she recalled. Frank laughed a bit but not too much.
"Thanks, I needed that." He laughed, but still trying to avoid Alyssa's eyes, he thought they would hypnotize him.
"Well, Uhm, you guys, Who's that girl?" Ray suddenly went in the room, in his boxers.
"Oh, Hi Ray! I'm Aycee... or Alyssa... Whichever you prefer... I'm Gerard's sister." Alyssa smiled at Ray.
"Hi... Alyssa..." He quietly said... Leaving the room to call Bob.
"Do you need a towel or something Christina? You get wet since Frank didn't let you in fast enough." Mikey asked the girl.
"Sure, Thanks James." Alyssa replied, she loved the memories with her brothers, if only they weren't torn apart 8 years ago, because she had to stay in the hospital.
Frank just stared at Alyssa, Alyssa glanced once in a while, then she would look away immediately.
"So, I'll leave you and Frank to get to know each other, and I'll go take a snooze, It's already 8, we have a meeting tomorrow and we have to be there at 6 in the morning." Gerard said, slowly leaving the room.
"Goodnight Gee! Sweet Dreams!" Alyssa told Gerard, Frank still stared...
"Night you two!" Gerard went to his bunk.

"So, Frank, what's happening to you??" Alyssa stood up, trying to get Frank to stop staring, she lost her balance and fell on him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was uh, swept away..." Frank replied, catching Alyssa when she fell.
"Thanks for catching me..." Alyssa said shyly.
"Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Frank suddenly said...
"None that I know of... Why?" Alyssa replied... her sleepy eyes was caught by Frank's eyes... which seemed to swirl...
"Well, let me be the one to tell you, that you're beautiful, and that your eyes are like little traps... Haha this is so cheezy." Frank said... Staring at Alyssa's eyes...
"Uhm, do you guys like, have an extra bunk where I can sleep?" Alyssa changed the topic, she didn't want to jump into conclusions, since Frank was her long time secret crush...
"Nope, but you can sleep in my bunk, I'll sleep on the couch." Frank replied.
"No i-it's fine, I'll sleep on the couch..." Alyssa shyly said... Frank was such a gentleman..
"Tell you what, we just knew each other, but you can sleep beside me if you want, we're the smallest in here anyway." Frank shyly said, he was afraid that Alyssa might turn down his offer.
"I-If th-that's okay w-with y-y-you then I-I will..." Alyssa stuttered, and she felt she was blushing madly..
"Hey, it's alright... come on, let's sleep, I gotta wake up early again tomorrow.

The two went to Frank's bunk and quickly fell asleep, tired from today...

So, They're gonna sleep... I'm gonna sleep too, It's way past my bedtime! Mom'll kill me if she sees me not asleep... Haha... R&R's please! :D I know it's sucky... haha... Oh and, if you think of a possible band name for my band, please include it in your oh-so-loved review :D Thank you my loves. =)

Alyssa... :)
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