Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Confusion

What the hell happened?

by aly_ajxxiero 1 review

Frank and Alyssa make-up, Alyssa admits her first few kisses, What else?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-20 - Updated: 2008-05-21 - 672 words

"How the hell could she fuckin' lie Mikes?!?! She never ever lied! She was with Brendon Urie the whole time! After all the hospitalizations, Brendon helped her and I didn't know they were actually together! Not even Katie knows!" Gerard told Mikey, Each time he said a word he wanted to kill someone.
"Gee, relax, maybe she wasn't ready to tell the truth." Mikey, usually the calmer one, stated.
"Shit shit shit, Now, how is she?!" Gerard jumped up when he saw Katie.
"I guess she's fine, she's with Frank in Frank's bunk... But she's still unconscious." Katie said.
"Well, whatever the case may be we have to talk to Frank to actually take care of her. Even if she lied or something." Ray suddenly popped out of nowhere.
"Guys, I still can't get it, I never really saw her with Brendon, I know she was always with Ryan Ross though." Katie said.
"If she was in the hospital, We all knew that, when she got out, maybe she met Brendon during all her sports stuff to let her get on track." Bob concluded.
"Well, We'll ask her when she gets up. Or when she's in her right and not lying mind." Mikey stated.

______________After 30 minutes_________________
"Guys! She's waking up!! I think she's back or something." Frank screamed.
"Wow, I thought you were mad at her." Gerard laughed a bit.
"What the h-hell happened?" Alyssa asked, still with a weak voice.
"I got mad at you, you fainted, you probably didn't take your medicine and... I... nevermind..." Frank said, relieved that he didn't slip. He almost said something...
"oh, Frank, I'm so sorry! I'm really really sorry!" She said, almost crying. She was hugging Frank.
"I-it's okay, but, dude, I mean, dude-ette, why did you lie?" Frank asked.
"You remind me of a little school girl, maybe because I was scared..." She replied to his question.
"Tell us your life story while you were gone." Katie said.
"Hey! I was with you!" Alyssa laughed.
"Apparently with Brendon too." Katie frowned.
"Fine, so, I was in the hospital for 3 years, If you remember We couldn't play because if it." Alyssa said, as if she told her life story a million times already.
"What happened after that?" Frank was listening as if Alyssa was his mother, reading him a bedtime story.
"Well, before I was hospitalized, me and Katie always wanted a band, we had a band, first called Raging Quiet, then Raging Silence, and finally, we called it Sweet confusion because we got confused if we'd call it Raging Quiet or Raging Silence. tadaaa. Then I went on doing sports for a while, I felt like I needed exercise, and here comes Brendon, then we go together for about two years. We break up, I make songs and we got famous, we were featured in MTV and here I am." Alyssa said, straight, which made Frank wonder if she ever got out of breath saying all those.
"Ohhh... Did you take your medicine? You haven't eaten, you and Frank. Why don't you go out and have a brunch date?" Katie snickered.
"Right... If it's okay with Frank than I'll go!" Alyssa blushed a bit.
"That's okay, let's get Starbucks first!" Frank suggested.
"We gotta bring the guys and Katie if we go to Starbucks!" Alyssa said.
"Then we bring 'em, we'll get our coffee, then we'll go eat, I spotted some kind of wierd but cool restaurant." Frank said.
"Fine. Haha." Alyssa replied... still blushing... Frank couldn't help himself, he pulled Alyssa into a kiss...

Hahaha, what and awkward story, I really don't know where it's going. =P Special thanks to the person who gave the name "Raging Quiet", You gave us a new band name! I'm sorry coz I forgot your name and your username.. Haha. Oh and dtng101, for always commenting:) You always make me smile! Well, Other readers, please make my day! I just got a sprain from too much, judo:)) Yeah... Please make me happy.. :D R&R Please! :)
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