Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Confusion

Dates on Confessions...

by aly_ajxxiero 1 review

Frank and Alyssa go on a date, Alyssa confesses that she loves Frank and they have a little kiss, for the first time.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-21 - Updated: 2008-05-22 - 612 words

Everyone in the tour bus was out, Where are they? In Starbucks.
"So uhm, this is pretty awkward, will someone order, come one, I'll pay for the expenses..." Alyssa said.
"Then pay! Haha, Get me a Cinnamon Latte please sis." Gerard replied.
"Mmh, Just give me one of those Chocolate Frappes, Coffee makes my tummy hurt." Katie said.
"Whaaaat?!?! Coffee-less drink!!!! Noooo!!! Gimme Mocha... Mocha Frappe... Frappy.. Goooood Fraapppppppeeee...." Mikey screamed.
"Yes Mikey, coffee-less drink. Is coffee-less a word? What's yours Bob? Ray?" Alyssa asked.
"Me and Bob are getting, uhm, the Caramel Frappe. CaRaMeL AnD Coffee... heavennnn..." Ray said. Alyssa just giggled.
"Frank, whatcha gonna get? I'll pay for it... Come on." Alyssa said to Frank, who was thinking about what will happen on their little lunch date.
"I'll come with you, wait, gimme what you're gonna get, we'll just share, Make it Venti." Frank replied as he stood up to go with Alyssa to the Cashier.
"Uhuh, I was going to get a Cinnamon Latte like Gee anyway. I'm not so sure about Frappes." Alyssa said.
"Sure sure." Frank replied, looking at the girl. The girl who grasped his heart...
"Hello Good afternoon May I have your order and your name please?" The cashier lady said.
"Uhm, Good afternoon, Could I get uhm, 2 Cinnamon Lattes, 1 Mocha Frappe, Chocolate Cream chip frappe thing, yeah, that one and, uhm, 2 Caramel Frappes, all Venti. For Gee" Alyssa said.
"Wow, that's alot of orders." Frank said.
"Yeah." Alyssa replied. She paid for the beverages and then waited for them to serve it, after 2 minutes they were there. Alyssa and Frank left for their little date. They went to the place where Frank said was cool yet weird.

While eating, they were talking.
"Uhm, break the silence please! It's... so... sad..." Alyssa said.
"Oh, sorry, So, uhm, what happened to you and Brendon actually, why did you break up?" Frank asked, like a little school girl asking her teacher something.
"Well, They all knew that I was his girlfriend since he kept on telling everybody, He gave the band a really big favor, He brought us to the stage. After all the recordings, gigs and concerts, He said I didn't have time for him anymore, so he broke up with me..." Alyssa said, you could actually see in her eyes that she wanted to cry. Frank approached her then hugged her.
"Aww, You're about to cry, don't cry... I'm here..." Frank said, like a mother comforting her daughter each time the daughter would cry.
"Oh Frank, I'm so sorry. I never meant to be like this..." Alyssa cried, leaning on Frank, her head resting on Franks shoulder.
"it's okay, Aly, You'll get over it soon..." Frank said. He didn't know why he did, but he kissed Alyssa on the cheek.
"Frank, will you get mad... if... if. I tell you that I love you?" Alyssa asked.
"Well of course not, I love you too." Frank said, and with that, they kissed. Which brought the whole restaurant looking at the both of them, but who cares? It's love...

How cute, I wish someone would treat me that way, each time I cry. And I want to cry now because they want to make me go to judo even if I just got a sprain the other day... GRRRRR!!! I had to cut the story short since I'm in a rush, I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch and I have to go to the dear dojo, where I do judo. Wish me luck! R&R please! Make me smile and I'll make you smile, add in your review how I can...:)

See you on the road,
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