Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Lied - MAY 26 (follows May 21)

by AlexSanDee 4 reviews

Monica hears Gerard's voice mail

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-05-26 - Updated: 2008-05-26 - 1574 words

"Wubbie dubbie, wubbie dubbie" Elle's singsong make Monica smile.
"Rubbie dubie?" Monica laughed as she soaped up the sponge and lathered Elle's back. The water was dangerously close to splashing out of the tub but Monica didn't care. The happiness in Elle's voice was contagious.
"Mommy swings that to mes." Elle said with a smile.
Monica's heart caught. She forced a smile on her face, "Well that's a good song but we have to make sure you really do rubbie dubbie yourself. Don't want any park dirt sticking to your body."
Elle raised her arms so Monica could soap her small body. "Me's has fun today."
"I did too, Baby." Monica said softly. It was a bittersweet truth. As lovely as the day had been her mind had continuously returned to another day at that same park. The day she had first seen Elle. The day Gerard had drawn the bug caricature for the little girl he hadn't known was his daughter. 'Maybe his daughter' a small voice deep within reminded her. Monica shook her head to silence that voice. Elle was Gee's child. She wouldn’t believe anything else.
"Whens mes mommy gonna gets mes?" Elle asked suddenly.
Monica bit her lip to stop the tears that threatened. "Don't know honey." She lied. She knew she needed to speak to Gee about this. He had said he wanted to be with her when they explained to Elle about her mommy. God, it was something she dreaded.
"Mes appy ere." Elle said looking up into Monica's face. "Mes wuvs Mommca." It was as if she sensed Monica's sadness.
"I love you too, Baby." Monica whispered.
"Mommca won't weave me?" Her little voice sounded scared.
Monica once again felt tears forming. "No, Baby. I won't leave you."
Elle smiled, "Dood."

"Oh God Kara, what did you say?" Bob asked grasping the phone tighter in his hands. He had known as soon as she answered something was very wrong. Kara has admitted that she'd called Gee and left him a message that would upset her mother.
"I told him that I had looked up to him. That he was breaking my Mom's heart."
"Shit." Bob uttered as he sat down heavily. "Anything else?"
"Just that she had trusted him with her heart and that I don't think he knows the meaning of the word. I could tell today by what she said that she was upset about Gerard’s reaction to the photos of her and Bert. Fuck, Bert was here for Mom. As much as he was hurting he helped Mom get through this. Gerard should understand that."
"As much as I know it hurts you to see your Mom unhappy this is between her and Gee." Bob said softly.
"So I'm just supposed to stand by and watch her get hurt? I can't do that." Kara said, "I just can't."
"There is nothing you can do." Bob reminded her.
Kara rolled over and stared at the ceiling, "I don't think I can stay here much longer. I want out of this house. I can't stay here and watch what's happening to Mom,” she whispered.
With all his heart Bob wished he could be with her. She needed him and he was so far from home. "But she needs you."
Kara shook her head sadly, "No, she doesn’t. You're right there is nothing I can do."

Downstairs in the family room Luke and Kelly snuggled together on the sofa watching a movie. It was a school night and Kelly had been sure her mom would say that Luke needed to go home but she hadn't. She'd allowed him to stay for the movie.
Suddenly Luke felt Kelly flinch in his arms. "What's wrong?"
Kelly blinked, "I don't know." She whispered.
"Do you feel bad?" Luke asked concerned because she suddenly looked pale.
She shook her head, "No, nothing like that."
Luke struggled to understand, "Can you explain to me how you feel?"
"Terrible sadness. Overwhelming sadness." She shuddered and Luke tightened his arms around her.
"I’m sorry." He said softly.
Kelly laid her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes hoping the feeling would pass.
A few minutes later Monica entered the room with Elle in her arms.
“Hey, can this silly kid watch TV with you guys?” She asked while Elle giggled in her arms.
“Sure she can.” Kelly said sitting up and making room for Elle. Monica sat her down on her feet and she ran towards the sofa and climbed up in Luke’s lap. He looked surprised a moment then smiled.
“I’m gonna take a shower. Has Kara come downstairs?” Monica asked. She was concerned that her oldest daughter had disappeared to her room before dinner and hadn’t been seen since.
“Nope, she’s still in her room, I guess.” Kelly answered.
Monica shrugged and headed towards the stairs. She smiled to herself when she heard Elle asking Luke a series of endless questions.
Arriving at her bedroom Monica started to get ready for her shower when she noticed the light blinking on her phone she’d left on the dresser. She hoped it was a message from Gerard. She grabbed the phone and called her voice mail number. Her smiled faded as she heard the hatred in his voice.
“I just got fucking raked over the coals by your daughter cause I don’t understand the meaning of trust. She’s wrong I know the meaning but do you? I fucking trusted you never to lie to me. What a fool I am. I thought with all my heart you were different. But now I know. You and Liv both fucking lied to me.”
Monica slowly sank to the bed. With shaking hands she hit the button to replay the message. Lied? What was he talking about? God, he sounded so angry. HER daughter? He’d called one of the girls HER daughter not THEIR daughter. Kara, it had to be Kara. What had Kara said to anger him like this? And why did he think she’d lied? Monica tried to think but her mind was racing. Did this have something to do with Bert? Did he honestly believe something was going on between them and that she had lied about it? Suddenly another thought caused her to inhale sharply. Was it possible he knew about Mikey and Liv and was angry she hadn’t told him? He’d asked if Liv had told him anything else about her past. She had lied about that. But how, how could he know? He had left the house that morning Liv told her. It couldn’t be that. Another thought crept into her mind. Eliza. What if Eliza had found out about Elle and knew by the time frame that if Liv and Mikey had been together like she thought….No. Monica couldn’t believe that was it. Why would Eliza tell Gerard now? What would she have to gain by it now that Liv was gone? Unless she knew how upset he would be and she could once more try to comfort him. All she knew was she needed to understand why he was so angry.
Slowly she got to her feet and went to Kara’s room. After knocking she entered without being invited.
“What did you say to Gerard?”
Kara rolled over and Monica was shocked to see she’d been crying. “I left him a voice message.” Kara said softly. “I reminded him how when I thought I was pregnant I went to him be cause I looked up to him. But now I don’t. I said you trusted him with your heart and he was breaking it.”
Monica sat down on the bed beside her and lowered her head.
“So I guessed you’re really pissed at me.” Kara whispered.
“No” Monica said shaking her head, “I wish you hadn’t left that message but I’m not pissed.” She stood and walked towards the door.
Monica stopped and turned to look at her.
“I’m sorry but I hate to see you like this. I knew Dad treated you like shit and I just can’t watch this happening. I’m gonna get my own apartment. I’ve already talked to Bob about it and he understands. I’m not leaving you Mom but I just can’t stay.”
Monica felt her heart breaking. “I understand.” She said then turned to slowly walk out the door.
Once back in her own bedroom Monica sat on the bed and tried to decide what to do. Part of her warned to wait until tomorrow but she knew she had to try to repair this situation now. She called but as she’d expected it went to voice mail.
“Gee, I don’t understand. What did I do? Why do you think you can’t trust me? Please, Gee. Please talk to me.”
After several minutes it became apparent he wasn’t going to call back. Monica lay back on the bed and tried to gather her thoughts, She was shocked when her phone alerted her to a text message. Her eyesight blurred when she read the message.
“Oh God” Monica whispered. “Oh my God.”
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