Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

The Storm - MAY 21

by AlexSanDee 6 reviews

Kara leaves a message for Gerard. He leaves one for Monica

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-05-21 - Updated: 2008-05-21 - 1110 words

It truly was a perfect day for a picnic in the park. Monica leaned back on her arms and looked out across to the swing set where Luke and Kelly were happily pushing Elle. Her dark hair flew behind her as she pumped her legs trying to swing even higher. She was such a beautiful child, so sweet and innocent. Monica silently made a vow to do everything in her power to make sure Elle had a happy childhood. She had promised Liv to take care of her baby and it was a promise she would never break.
Beside her on the blanket Kara was laying in the sun with her eyes closed. Monica thought she had dozed off until she spoke.
“Mom, why are you letting him treat you like this?”
Monica looked over at her, “Kara I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Oh course not. You never did want to talk about bad things. Just ignore them and they’ll go away, right?”
“Please.” Monica whispered, “Not now. I just want to forget about everything and enjoy this time.”
Kara shook her head sadly, “Yeah, enjoy this time.” She rolled over on her side and whispered, “The calm before the storm.”

At the venue the band has just finished the sound check and were backstage. Mikey found a quiet place to make a phone call. Alicia answered on the third ring.
“Hey, how’s my boy?”
“Tired of this fucking shit. Wishing I was home.”
Alicia sat turned down the sound on the T.V. “Gee still bad?”
Mikey slid down the wall to sit on the cold cement floor, “Yeah, he’s bad. He refused to do an interview today.”
“Shit, did he say why?”
“Said he didn’t want to. Alicia, I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I just want to come home.”
“Oh, Baby.” She said sadly. “I wish you could.”
“So how are you feeling today? I know you didn’t feel good last time I talked to you.”
Alicia was surprised he knew. She had been feeling bad. Most of the night she’d been up because her stomach was so upset. “I’m fine now.”
“I still don’t think you should be alone.” Mikey said suddenly, “I really think you should stay with someone. How about Mom?”
Alicia laughed, “Your mom just had Kelly and Elle living with her. I’m sure she and Don are enjoying having the house to themselves again.”
“I guess so.” He said softly. “I just worry about you.”
“You worry too much.” Alicia said with worry in her own voice. “Don’t let it get to you, okay?”
Mikey sighed, “This whole tour is going to shit and I don’t know what to do. I wish Frank was here. He and Gee have always been close. Maybe Gee would talk to him.”
“Frank tried yesterday.” Alicia said, “Jamia told me that Gee barely said two words to Frank when he called. Frank’s pretty worried about him too.”
“Fucking Liv.” Mikey spat. “This is all her fault.”
Alicia was shocked, “Mikey stop. Don’t talk like that.”
His anger was out of control, “I always tried to be nice to her. I knew she loved Gee I could see it in her eyes but she was so fucking evil to him. She’s still fucking with him.”
“Stop.” Alicia said softly, “Being angry with a dead woman isn’t gonna help anything.”
Suddenly his shoulders slumped “I know.”
“Mikey, just try to give Gee some time. He’s got to get better, right?”
Just then Gerard walked by Mikey without even acknowledging him. The blatant snub hurt. “I gotta go.” He said goodbye and stood. There wasn’t time to talk to Gerard now but tonight after the concert he intended to corner his brother and find out what was going on.

Later in the day after returning from the park Kara excused herself and went to her room. Monica had suggested they all make a homemade pizza but the thought of playing happy family anymore today was more than she could take. She could see the haunted look in her Mom’s eyes. It was just too much to bear. Glancing at the clock Kara knew the guys would be back at the hotel by now. She wanted to make her call before Bob had a chance to call her. It angered her that Gerard didn’t answer. She waited until the beep and left a message.
“I really looked up to you. Remember when I thought I was pregnant? I went to you for help. I believed in you. Now I know I was wrong. You’re not the man I thought you were. You’re hurting Mom. She loves you so much. She’s given you her heart and you’re breaking it. She gave it to you trusting you’d never hurt her. Trust? Do you understand that word?”
Kara snapped the phone closed and fell back on her bed. She felt the tears running down her cheeks.

Gerard slammed his hotel door so hard the pictures on the wall shook. He’d messed up again and after the concert and Ray had jumped him about it. Well fuck him. He didn’t give a shit what Ray thought. He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. He took a quick shower then lay down on his bed. Looking over he saw the light on his phone alerting him he had a voice message. He grabbed the phone and listened. Kara’s voice shook with anger. Gerard sat in stunned silence. After a moment his own anger took over. Without a second thought he called Monica.

Monica was giving Elle a bath when her cell phone rang in the bedroom where she’d laid it on the dresser. Gerard grew angrier by the second when she didn’t answer. When the call went to voice mail his voice was full of bitterness.
“I just got fucking raked over the coals by your daughter cause I don’t understand the meaning of trust. She’s wrong I know the meaning but do you? I fucking trusted you never to lie to me. What a fool I am. I thought with all my heart you were different. But now I know. You and Liv both fucking lied to me.”
He closed his phone and threw it across the room.

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