Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Half Way Around The World

Avoidance And A Night Out

by fob2adelaide 1 review

Emily escapes the argumentative Sarah by going to Patrick's...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-05-31 - Updated: 2008-05-31 - 926 words - Complete

A/N: Unfortuantely my school work is piling up so this is the second to last chapter of this story. I've truly loved writing this so it will be sad to finish it :-( I just wanted to let everyone know in advance that next weeks chapter shall be the last...oh and thanks for reading too!

Emily spent the afternoon trying to avoid Sarah because she would send glares at her whenever they were in the same room or pick some sort of a fight when Emily spoke. This was not only annoying but it also made Emily feel uncomfortable. Just before Patrick was due to arrive, Sarah started a huge argument about how Emily was allowed to go out but not her.
“It’s not fair,” she complained to Emily as she texted Pete, “Why are you allowed out?”
“I told the truth,” Emily stated, “Your parents trust me again.”
“It sounds like you’re their daughter,” Sarah said before storming off.
Emily shook her head and sighed, it was getting very hard having to be around Sarah when she was like this. How much longer could she stand Sarah and her immature attitude? She half felt like going back to Australia…but then she’d be without Patrick.
Eventually the time did come (it had seemed like forever to Emily) for Patrick to pick Emily up and take her to his place for their second date. Emily was very relieved about this because it meant that she could leave Sarah at home to brood and that she could be alone with Patrick once again.
Once Emily had got into Patrick’s car she kissed him on the lips passionately.
“Well that was nice of you,” Patrick smiled after they had pulled away from the kiss.
“Thanks,” Emily laughed, “But you don’t know how glad I am to see you!”
“Well obviously pretty glad,” Patrick chuckled starting the car’s engine, “Feel free to greet me like that at any time!”
Emily playfully hit him on the arm but then seriously said, “I’m just glad I could get out with you tonight because it’s been really tough with Sarah today. I’ve been waiting for this.”
“Yeah, me too,” Patrick agreed, “I spent half the day cooking for you, you know?!”
“What are we having?” Emily asked sincerely.
“It’s a surprise, sorry.”
“Okay, okay,” Emily said throwing her hands up in the air jokingly. She had always liked this playful banter that they had between them and looking around at Patrick, he did too. Emily then settled in for the ride to Patrick’s house and relaxed for the first time today.

Finally Emily and Patrick arrived at his house, a comfortable looking place that Emily instantly liked. They walked up to the front door and Patrick unlocked it before opening it for Emily to walk in before him. She took a step inside the house and looked around to see a living room, but it had a few exceptions. In one corner there was a rack of guitars, Patrick’s laptop and what looked like a mixture of studio and recording equipment. This was obviously the part of the house devoted only to Patrick’s music. Emily was instantly attracted to all of the music gear; she’d never seen so much of it in someone’s house before.
“Wow, this is great,” she said turning around to Patrick.
“Thanks Em, I’ve been working on it for ages, take a look,” Patrick said taking Emily’s hand and leading her over to the music equipment. Emily had a glance over at all of the guitars and some of the studio gear.
“So we’re going to use this to write a song?” Emily asked almost rhetorically. She was just overwhelmed that it looked so professional; she had expected an acoustic guitar and some manuscript paper.
“Yeah, we’re going to use this. Trust me, my laptop will save a lot of work.”
Emily nodded, “I’ll trust you on that, I’ve seen how much you work on your laptop.”
“A little too much sometimes,” Patrick laughed, “Anyway, are you ready for the surprise dinner?”
“Definitely,” Emily suddenly became aware that she was quite hungry.
“Okay, well you can sit in the dining room while I get it ready.”
Patrick took Emily to the dining room and she sat down at the table which had been set for dinner. He disappeared for a minute into the kitchen and then came out with two plates of pasta, pasta which had a delicious smelling sauce on it. He placed a plate in front of Emily and then one on the other side for him.
“This is great,” Emily said smiling, “Thanks for cooking dinner.”
“Hang on, it’s not all complete yet,” Patrick said. He grabbed a box of matches on the table and lit the candles which were also on it. Then he went and switched on some music to go in the background.
“Right, that’s better,” Patrick said sitting down, “Now you can eat my fabulous pasta!”
“Hang on a moment…” Emily said coming around the table to him, “You did all this for me…I think you deserve another kiss.”
Emily leaned down and kissed Patrick before he pulled her down onto his lap to deepen the kiss. Emily wrapped her arms around him and then suddenly the dinner was forgotten as they made their way to Patrick’s bedroom breathless and pressed close together…
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