Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Blindsided - JUNE 3

by AlexSanDee 3 reviews

The fallout from the video.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-03 - Updated: 2008-06-03 - 1586 words

Ray left the photo shoot on foot. The idea of getting in the van with Gee to go back to the hotel was more than he could stomach. How could Gerard have done this? He was a block from his destination when Christa called.
"Oh God, Ray. She was blindsided. She had no fucking idea. Was I wrong to show her the video?" Ray could tell she was close to tears.
"If you hadn't shown her someone else would have or she would have found it herself. You had to show her. I can't fucking believe this. How could he do this to her? What the fuck is wrong with him?"
"Did you ask him?" Christa sat down on the sofa heavily.
"Right after you called we had to do a photo shoot. There was no time. What did she say?" He stopped when he saw a nearby bench and took a seat.
"She just stood there. At first she couldn't speak. I hugged her and told her it would be okay. That he hadn't meant it. She just shook her head and said that he had meant it, that he had made his decision. Ray, what the fuck is going on? This makes no sense"
Ray shook his head, "I've got no fucking clue what's going on but I'm going to find out." he stood again too nervous and upset to stay seated. "Is she gonna be okay? Did she go home?"
"I didn't want her to leave but she said she had to go get Elle from Donna's. I guess Elle was upset when she left and was crying. Oh, Ray I just feel so terrible. I don't know what to do."
"I think you should go see her. She's gonna need a friend."
"Yeah, I'm going over there later. I'm not gonna call first I'm just gonna go." She said making up her mind.
"Hey, I'm almost back at the hotel. I'll call you later, okay? We've got to get to the venue so I'll call you after the concert."
"Okay" Christa whispered. "Try to find out why he did this to her."
"I will, Babe. Just take care of her."

Gerard left the photo shoot and took a taxi back to the hotel. He couldn't face his friends. Right now he couldn't face himself. He'd known this was coming. His heart hardened with anger had still stopped when he'd realized Ray knew what he'd done. He got to his room and sat down on the bed. Suddenly he remembered Kara's voice mail. Shit, she'd been right about him all along, they all had been right. He'd broken Monica's heart.

"Where the hell did you go?” Bob asked Ray as soon as he walked into the hotel lobby. "We looked up and you were gone."
Mikey nodded, "What the fuck happened between you and Gee?"
Ray nodded them over to a private alcove, "Where is he?"
"Gee?" Mikey said,” In his room, I guess. Matt said he saw Gee getting into a taxi. So what's going on?"
Ray took a deep breath, "Christa called me right before the shoot. She'd come across an interview on the Net that Gee did a few days ago" He paused, "In the interview Gee said he wasn't engaged anymore."
"What the fuck?" Bob roared, "Why wouldn't Kara have told me?"
"Because she didn't know." Ray said, "Monica didn't know."
"Oh fuck." Mikey closed his eyes, "Oh fuck."
"Yeah." Ray said, "Christa showed her the video before she heard about it from someone else. She knew how devastated Monica would be."
"I've got to call Kara." Bob said moving towards the elevators.
"We leave for the venue in ten minutes." Ray reminded him.
Bob didn't acknowledge him. He knew he had to speak to his wife.

Kara was sitting in her World History class when she got Bob's text message. All it said was ‘call me now’. Oh hell, she thought, something bad has happened. Bob knew she'd be in school right now and yet he wanted her to call now? She got a pass and was happy to find the restroom empty.
"What's wrong?' She asked as soon as he answered.
"Kara, Monica needs you." he said with a heavy heart.
"Why? What’s happened?”
“Gee gave an interview on Tuesday when the rest of us weren’t around. Fuck, none of us knew.” He said trying to explain.
Kara had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, “What did he say?”
Bob took a deep breath, “He said he wasn’t engaged anymore.”
“Oh, shit.” Kara leaned against the sink.
“Yeah. Christa saw the interview and called Ray. She was sure your mom didn’t know.”
“She told her, didn’t she?” Kara whispered.
“She was afraid someone else would, so yeah she showed her the video.”
“Oh shit.” Kara was at a loss for words.
“Hun, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say. He won’t talk to anyone. I’ve got to get to the venue.” Ray was walking towards him. “I just wanted you to know.” His voice dropped, “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Kara closed her eyes, trying to think. “Call me after the concert, okay?”
“Are you okay?” He heard the sadness in her voice and it worried him. With all his heart he wanted to be with her.
“I knew this was coming.” Kara said softly. “Guess I had just hoped I was wrong.” She wiped away a stray tear and closed her phone. A group of laughing girls walked in as she quickly slid past them. For a moment she stood in the hall wondering what to do.

“Frank, it’s Christa.”
“Oh, hey Christa.” He sat down the bowl of soup in front of Jamia. “How are you?”
Christa sighed, “Not so good. I have to tell you something.”
Immediately Frank was concerned, “Okay, what’s up?”
Jamia saw the look of shock come over his face as he listened.
“Oh, fuck.” He muttered. “I can’t believe it.”
“Frank, what’s wrong?” Jamia asked setting down her spoon.
He ignored her while still listening to Christa tell him how she’d shown Monica the video. “She had no idea?”
“Frank.” Jamia said loudly. “What’s going on?”
“Hold on a minute, Christa.” He lowered the phone. “Gerard gave an interview on Tuesday. He fucking said he’s not engaged anymore.”
“What?” Jamia couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Yeah, and Monica had no fucking clue.”

“I can’t talk right now. We’re headed towards the van to go to the venue.” Mikey said as soon as Alicia picked up.
She was confused. “Okay, so what’s wrong?” She could hear how upset her husband sounded.
Mikey got to the van. His brother wasn’t there. “Where is he?” He asked Ray who was standing by the open door.
“Came out and got into a cab.” Ray answered.
“Fuck.” Mikey couldn’t believe this was happening. “I need to talk to the guys.” Mikey said into the phone. “Call Christa. She’ll tell you what happened.”
Now Alicia was frightened, “Mikey, what the fuck is going on? Are you okay?”
He shook his head, “Call her. I’ll call you back before the concert if I can.” He disconnected and crawled into the van where Bob and Matt were already seated.
Ray got in behind him. “This is all so fucked up.”
Bob shook his head, “I want to know what the fuck is going on with him. How the hell could he hurt Monica like that?”

“What the hell is going on?” Alicia asked as soon as Christa answered. “Mikey told me to call you and he sounded fucked up.”
Christa’s head was beginning to pound. “You by the computer?” She knew as soon as she told Alicia that she would want to see for herself.
“Yeah, why?”
Christa told her the site to go to and the video to pull up. She sat back and listened. Alicia had turned the sound up. Christa closed her eyes waiting.
“Oh fuck.” Alicia uttered. The sound was muted on the video. “Have you talked to Monica?”
“I showed her the video.” Christa said softly.
“Oh my God.” Alicia was beginning to understand, “She didn’t know, did she?”
“It blindsided her. I knew she didn’t know because I’d talked to her earlier this morning. I was afraid someone else would ask her about not being engaged.”
Oh fuck.” Alicia uttered again. “Why would he do that to her? He had to know she’d find out. That is just so fucking wrong.”

Monica pulled off to the side of the road a few blocks from Donna’s. She took several deep breaths. She had to pick up Elle and get home. A voice in her head laughed at the thought of home. It wasn’t a home now. It was Gerard’s house. She was living in the house of a man who’d told the world they were no longer engaged without telling her. Pain shot through her heart. Once more she took a deep breath. She needed to think but her mind was refusing. Get Elle. She had to pick up Elle. It was if she could only think of one thing at a time. Later she would deal with everything else. She started the car again not noticing how badly her hands were shaking.

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