Categories > Original > Romance > Lovers succumbing to a kick in the throat.

If that's how you show love i don't want to do that!!!

by Harrow 0 reviews

sweet reminince of sex eww!

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-06-21 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 783 words


for hour's they sat back to back heaving literally they had never ran that fast even when they were playing a game that involved running ive was sweating and was the one who spoke first " my god i never ran that fast before i think i may have busted my heart " elian who sat turned from him got up and sat on the ground infront of him hair hanging over his face covering his eyes " i think i may have sprung something " he mumbled slowly moving across the floor checking his leg then it went back to silence and elian quickly shot up moving back and forth ive grew tired of trying to watch him so he gazed at the floor putting both hands on his forehead messing up his white bangs " i'll be back " said elian turning to him finally moving his hair out of the way " alright come back quicl incase your mom calls you " ive said " alright " and with that elian was off running down the street into the darkness ive now sat alone fiddling with rocks that layed beneath him he stared for a long time he was'nt actually mad or upset about finding his father doing that it was the way they had walked in on it his ass in the air her vagina all open it was the most sickening thing ever he swallowed so hard trying to keep the vomit down he did'nt want to see that and he had actually licked her juices off of his finger he'd never kiss those lips now ever he liked carolene but not that much he did'nt want to taste her. for hour's it felt like he sat there it had even started to get morning but he did'nt move not one bit and out of the corner of his eye he could see his father come up in a black bathrobe and stood next to him " hey " he said looking down at him " i'm sorry kiddo " he then sat on the steps next to him " i'm so sorry you had to see that i should've have told you that we had been going out i like elian's mother i really do she's cute, funny, and so nice to me she's nothing with how i thought rich women would be she talks so much about you how wonderful, and friendly you are i love her son he's so cute i'm so glad that you 2 are friends it makes this easier to explain to the both of you " ive had been looking at him now not seeing elian come up " mr. david hello " he said blushing trying to look everywhere but at him " it's okay " said the father " you guys should never have to see that i'm so sorry " " what is that that you did? " elian said " um it's called uh making love " " or having sex " elian interrupted " something like that yeah " david answered shifting gaze between them " 2 grownups do that when they love and care about eachother they make love to express those feelings it's a pretty thing when you grow up and do it " " so the man usually rides the woman but much like a pony only he faces her " elian said david and ive both bursted into fits of laughter that lasted then subsided into david saying " um i guess if that's your take but you'll understand when you get older " elian now sat by ive replying " well if i have to do it the way you did then i won't " david smiled pulling the boy's close hugging them " i'm sorry " he mumbled " it's okay dad " ive said looking up at him " yeah dad " elian joked " we forgive you " david smiled " good " and all 3 of them returned home where david and carolene slept sharing the bed and elian and ive slept downstairs sharing a sleeping mat. through the window the 3 bully kids had been watching the fat boy turned around saying " oh my god he's such a fag! " " i know right " said the dark skinned girl and the tanned boy agreed " we should do something about this set that fag straight you know? " " like what? " said the dark girl " beat his ass " he whispered she smiled all of them did they equally agreed " when do we do this? " the tanned boy said " tommorrow " the fat boy simply answered it was settled tommorrow elian would get his ass kicked.

Harrow here took that better than you expected huh? but what do you think will happen to elian now that he's being threatened oh yeah next chapter someone's going to die so um review and tune in bye.
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