Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Siren song

Danny Vs Cronus

by emzigale_07 0 reviews

Danny has her first one on one encounter with Cronus.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-30 - Updated: 2008-08-30 - 2368 words

I would like to point out that I do not own class of the titans, just my stories and ideas.

I hope you like this chapter its a little longer than the first, because that one was realy just to set the scean. please rate and review xxxx

chapter two

The next day at breakfast the hero's were still down about yesterday. Slowly the dorm emptied, Archie and Atlanta had gone for a run, Neil had gone to the

mall to spoil himself, Jay was sailing (for the first time in ages he was haveing fun), Odie was at the school teaching Hermes how to use his new computer

system, Herry was training with Hercules and Theresa was on the roof.

Danny now tired of stareing at these same four walls desided to go for a walk, running up to the roof to let Theresa know where she was going Danny headed


She walked to the park at the other end of town, it seemed a lot of trouble to go to when there was a park just down the street but it was worth while, as

Atlanta and Archie were takeing thier run around the one down the street and she wanted to be alone and bisides, it was her favouret place in town.

Walking to her usual spot Danny touched the necklace around her neck, it was a gift from her Grandma. For her 16th her Grandma had insisted on giveing her

something special, it was a family treasure, from the greek side of my family passed down from generations of Nightingale women . It was a simple gold chain

with delicate links, it didnt look much from a far, but if you got close enough you could see the amazeing deatail on the golden links, it ment the world to


When she reached the spot where she usaly sat( A patch of grass next to a small duck pond.) she didnt feel like sitting and dreaming, something was telling

her to keep walking and she had too much energy to stay still anyway so she carried on.

A little way in the distance Danny could see some sort of party takeing place, a large white marquie sheided huge platters of food from the July sun, people

where laughing and danceing to the songs sang by various party guests on a belting kareoke, Danny smiled at the people enjoying themselves, she hated Kareoke

and avoided singing on one at all costs, in fact she hated singing all togeather. Whenever she had sang as a child ( at school or with friends) she always

got the most piculier reactions from people, so she disided she simply had a bad singing voice and left it at that.

Walking past the party goers Danny could see a tall man dressed in black up ahead, he had black hair streaked with grey a hidious scar on his face and blood

red eyes.Her heart stoped.

"Cronus." she spoke out loud, backing up a bit she took out her PMR. Jay answered.

" Whats wrong?" he asked.

"Its cronus, he's hear in the park on the other side of town." she said and turned the PMR in Cronus' direction to show the leader it was so.

"We'll be right there, I just need to round up the others, don't do anything until we get there." He said and hung up.

"Whatever, im obviously not capable of looking after myself." she mumbled grumpily.

Jeeze its like they didnt trust her to be left on her own, like she couldnt look after herself.But she wasnt stupid, she knew she couldnt take on Cronus

alone, it would be best to get out of veiw and watch him until the others got here.Well that was the plan atleast.Pitty it didnt work.

"Hello Danniel, how lovely to see you." Mocked Cronus now stood in front of her, this was bad, looking up at him she wondered why she had such bad luck.

After the momentery shock of him apearing not only to have noticed her but to be right in front of her Danny regained her voice.

"Pitty I can't say the same thing." looking him streight in the eye to show him she wasnt scared of him, when in actual fact she was uterly terrorfied.He

took a step closer.she took her fight stance, fists raised and feet apart.

"Since your new to this and we havent realy had a chance to chat yet, so I thought we should get to know each other better." Said Cronus at the same time he

took out his scythes which told Danny he wasnt here to talk. Foolish as she was she had left her staf stick pole type thing at home.

"What if I don't want to talk?" she asked.

He laughed and said " Are you afraid of me Danniel?"

"No" she said trying to apear brave." I just don't think you want to talk eigher." eyeing his scythes

At this he laughed again, but his voice and face where seroius when he next spoke.

"Smart girl, I didnt come to talk." and he raised his scythes. Danny flinched, braceing for the blow that would surely come, but it didnt. Cronus had stoped

in mid swing and was stareing at her neck, at her Grandmothers necklace.

"Where did you get that?" he asked reaching out for the chain. Ducking away from his reach she said.

"Whats it to you?" still trying to be brave.

"Its mine it was stolen from me long ago, give it to me!" he lunged forwards again.

"Not likely." Said Danny deliverling a swift kick to Cronus' chest sending him flying backwards, but the God of time simply got back up sumond his scythes

looked her in the eyes and said.

"Give it to me!" His voice cold as ice and hard as rock it was clear to Danny this wasnt up for negotiation, Cronus wanted the necklace and would do anything

to get it.

But stubornly Danny raised her fists again and said.

"No." plainly and simply no, he wasnt getting her Grandmas necklace.

and with that Cronus swung his scythe cutting Dannys arm and drawing blood, he then pulled her close to him holding her tightly he said.

"Give it to me now girl!" that was it she could struggle all she wanted but there was no way she could stop Cronus from getting what he wanted now his grip

was as tight and cold as a vice.

"geroff me!" she shouted struggeling hopeing to atract the attention of a passer by.

"Where is it?" He asked.

confused she replied "wheres what?"

To which he said "Don't play games with me, what have you done with it? It was here a moment ago I saw it" he said raising his scythes yet again.when suddenly a pair af steel bolas sent the scythes flying this was just the opertunity Danny needed to swing out her leg and trip Cronus as he attempted to sumon back his wepon. The other seven heros advanced forward to join their team mate branishin their wepons. Theresa threw Danny a small metalic cylinder which at the touch of a button sprang out into her staf.

Getting to his feet Cronus servayed the scean,he knew the chain would have to wait.

seeing Cronus was ready to take his leave Jay steped forward ready to fight.

"Where do you think your going Cronus?" He shouted at the god.

"Not now Jay" said cronus he then looked at Danny "for now I have more important things to do." he had no idea where the reched girl had hidden his chain, but he would find it, or better yet she would give it to him.

And with that he summoned a portal and was gone. Sighing the heros put away their wepons. Misrable that cronus had got away from them again, and what was all that about with Danniel?

Noticeing the weird horrorfied look on Danny's face Atlanta walked up to her new friend.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Danny's face was as white as a sheet.

"Im fine." she said covering the gash on her arm, embarased she didnt want the others to think she was weak.sudenly she stoped, frozen.

Theresa looked at Atlanta questioningly, neighter friend knew what was wrong with her they had never seen Danny act like this.

Danny had laied her fingers gentely upon her neck for the reasureing presance of her grandma's necklace only to find it wasnt there. Pasty white Danny paniced where was it?

Suddenly Danny was down on all fours rumageing throungh the grass, it wasnt there, oh no.

"Danny, whats wrong?" asked Herry bending down next to her.

"My necklace, I cant find it." she said well and truely worked up now, the most valuble thing she owned and she'd lost it, or worse Cronus had it. She could feel tears stinging her eyes, but she refused to cry.

Seeing how important this was to her, the other seven got down and helped to look. With no joy they disided to go home, Jay had reasoned that with Neil's luck if it was here they would surely have found the necklace by now.

Holding out a hand to help Danny up Herry noticed blood trickeling down her arm, following his gaze Danny covered the gash with her hand.

"Its nothing." she said wanting to reasure her friend.

"Thats not nothing, Cronus did this didnt he? Are you ok?" He said worried for his friend , it was a deep cut and must have hurt. He put an arm round her waist and helped her to her feet, stopped and stared into her eyes, red and blood shot from fighting back tears her emerald eyes were sad and tired.

Stareing back at him Danny (for the first time since she had lost the necklace) felt safe and sure of herself held tightly in Herry's comforting arms. He was the only person who could make her feel this way.

But their moment was cut short when Odie came to inspect Dannys arm.

"Its nothing too serious, you should keep putting pressure on it until we get to the school, Chiron will sort you out." he said and smiled at his friend, he like the others knew something was bothering her.

"Ok everyone lets go." said Jay and they headed out of the park.

reasureing Herry that she could walk on her own and it was only her arm that was hurt Danny walked behined, she knew the others would want to question her about what had happened with Cronus, and she didnt feel like talking about it.

But unfortunetly for Danny this ment she could hear a certian conversation.

At the frount of the prosession was Theresa and Atlanta talking about going to the mall tomorrow to catch a movie, next came Herry and odie disgusing whether to watch a DVD or play on Odies latest vidio game when they got back, then walked Archie and Jay followed by Danny and bringing up the rear Neil gazeing into his mirror as he walked.

Ahead of her Archie and Jay where haveing a hused conversation, but not hushed enough as Danny could make out every word.

"...She was supposed to wait for us, so why did she barrel in on her own?" asked Archie.

"I dont Know Archie, maybe she didnt mean to, she is new you know." Jay said trying to difend Danny, he wanted to give her the benifit of the doubt.

"Exactly she's new, she should lison to us who have been doing this from the begining, I told you she'd get ahead of herself." Danny didnt want to lison anymore, so thats what he thinks is it ? she thought, she knew Archie had had a problem with her at first, he hadnt thought she belonged woth them, especialy since the gods wouldnt say who she was a disendent of, but she had thought they had made progress, maybe even become friends since then, obviously not.

When they reached the dorm Danny told the others she could walk to the school on her own, they could all stay at the dorm pausing only to get a bandage from the dorms first aid box. She wanted to be alone right now anyway, she needed to come up with a good explination for her Grandma as to why she had lost the neclace.

what did Cronus want with the necklace anyway? she wondered, it was nothing special, well to anyone outside her family anyway.

As she walked up the school step she was still feeling sorry for herself, aprocheing the door that hid the gateway to the gods secret home she put her hand in her pocket for her pendant key. She brought out the pendant to find it tangled, as she started work untangeling it she realised the pendant was tangled with a more delicate, decorated chain, her Grandmas necklace. Freeing the two entwined chains she opened the door, she had a question to as chiron.

"Good heavans Danniel, what have you done to your arm?" asked Chiron removeing the bood stained bandage.

"Cronus." she replied.

"I see." He said cleaning the gash.

"Chiron can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Of course, what is it?" asked chiron.

"What is this?" she asked takeing out the necklace, Chiron starled and knocked the bowl of water he had been useing to clean Danny up to the floor.

"Why do you ask?" He asked he seemed to be avoiding answering her question.

"Because cronus said something today, he said it was his and that it had been stolen from him."

"Where did you get it?" asked chiron, Danny slightly anoyed that chiron was answering her questions with questions of his own replied.

"My Grandma, she gave it me for my 16th birthday its kind of a tradition in our family."

"Sit down Danniel, its about time (and im sure Hera would agree) that we told you who your ansester was." he said fetching a book from his shelf.

Sitting down on Chiron phychiatrist type chair, Danny braised herself.
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