Categories > Original > Drama > Blood Sucking Babysitter

Chapter 14- It's On The Inside

by Mo_Was_Here 0 reviews

We learn more about the vampire world and about Colin.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-09-17 - Updated: 2008-09-18 - 1579 words - Complete

Katherine’s POV

I woke to the sound of the front door slamming and I sat bolt straight up, but fell down quickly as a shot of pain ran through my abs.
“Ow,” I complained as my head hit the soft pillow.
Josh’s eyes flickered open and he looked at me confused.
“What?” He asked and I saw a hint of panic in his eyes.
“Nothing I just sat up to quickly.” I said looking at him in the eyes, and then noticed he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking behind me.
I rolled onto my back and followed to invisible line of his gaze over towards the threshold. George and Joey were basically supporting each other as they stumbled into the house. Both of them had black rings under there eyes and they were paler then Helena and the rest of her ‘pals’.
Josh leapt off the bed and ran to help but the shooed him away before he could touch them.
“What? What happened?” Josh asked, he was scared so bad he was shaking so violently that I could see it from where I lay.
“Nothing happened!” Joey screeched and he looked at Josh with deadly gaze and George shifted his position and took a deep breath.
“Colin is going to be okay,” George said staring at his scuffed shoes, “His shoulder is busted and he lost a lot of blood that’s all.” He said giving Josh a stern look.
“When are they coming home?” Josh asked and the shaking decreased a little bit.
“I don’t know, but not anytime soon, Colin is still out on drugs.” George said and he started making his way towards the stairs.
I watched them as they made there way across the room and towards the stairs, poor Colin. If I had just kept my god damned mouth shut none of this would have happened.
Then right that second Joey’s head shot right towards me, it was as if he had read my mind and was now going to yell at me) and he stopped trying to walk and George caught his drift and stopped to.
Joey let go of George’s shoulder and took one step away from him.
“Joey…” George began.
“I will be fine George!” Joey screeched again, staring at me with dark eyes.
I sat up and this time the pain was gone, I moved my legs over the side of the futon and stared back at Joey. I could tell he saw the sorry in my eyes because his softened a little.
I looked over to Josh and saw his eyes moving from me to Joey to George and back to me, as if trying to absorb everything that was going on. Joey could only be a yard away from me now, and then he tripped.
I was to Joey before I even thought about it, I grabbed him out of thin air and pulled him back straight.
I immediately released him then took a step back but stumbled slightly because of the cast that was tight around my leg. My cast, I looked down and stared blankly at it my head full of thoughts. I had no idea how I could have done that I was the most uncoordinated person in the world and yet I could run over to Joey and catch him in seconds with a broken leg, before two perfectly healthy MALE’S even took a step. It was impossible; I took another step (this time to my left and away from them) and walked confidently across the room. As I walked I stared at the things I had never noticed before in Josh’s house, like the endless amount of family photo’s and the antique lamps and matching fake roses. I picked a rose out of one of the vases and held it in my hands and moved my fingers in between the small pedals, when I reached the center of the fake flower there was a stamen and I picked the fake thing out of the center then stopped walking.
“How did you-?” Joey asked across the room.
“I don’t know.” I replied still starring at my cast. “I don’t get it either, I don’t get why I am the one they need. I am not above average, I don’t do anything special. I have never exceeded in anything I have always been normal. I don’t understand…” I trailed off still looking at the fake stamen lying in the palm of my hand.
“You may not think your special,” Josh whispered in my ear and placed his hands on my waists, “But you’re very special to me, and a lot of other people.”
“How am I special?” I whispered back.
“You make everything seem brighter and warmer.” He said a tiny bit louder.
“But I am as cold as ice.” I said at a normal decibel, and it was true, I felt freezing cold.
“You are,” He laughed still whispering, “But your body temperature doesn’t mean anything to anybody, it’s your personality that makes you so special.”
“I have that and of a personality? I didn’t know it was so bad someone would want to kill me…” I said.
“You do not have a bad personality, you have on of the best personalities I have ever seen in my whole life, and I don’t get why your father would want to hurt you, if I was your father I would never let you go.” He whispered.
I blushed and I felt Josh smile, and then George cleared his throat loudly.
“Get a room!” George yelled.
“Technically we are in one, this is the dining room, your in the LIVING room.” Josh said yelling over his shoulder.
“Whatever.” Joey said quietly then hobbled over to George and they began to walk up the stairs.
“Wait!” I said and was over to the stairs in less then a second.
“Stop doing that!” Josh said and he ran over towards me, “Not all of us are vampires.”
“None of us are.” I said and took a step towards George and Joey.
“How are you going to explain all this then?” Joey asked and my mouth fell open with surprise.
“Uh-What?” I asked.
“We are all vamps, Kat, that’s why you are changing right now.” George explained.
My mouth fell right to the ground as I stared at him.
“What?!” I yelled.
“We’re all vampires! Well all of us but my mom and Josh, we aren’t letting them join our coven.” George said sitting down on the stairs and leaning back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I said looking at Josh.
“I couldn’t, can’t tell a mortal anything about vampires or-“He said then cut off and looked away.
“Lichen,” I finished quietly.
“Damn lichen,” Joey said and George nodded in agreement.
“Why won’t you let Josh or your mom join your coven?” I asked.
“We don’t want the lichen after them too, lichens are born to kill and vampires are born to protect every living creature from them, even if it does mean killing them.” George said.
“So why did Helena bite your mom, and Josh?” I asked.
“She’s the scavenger, it’s her job, you can’t get in the way or she has permission to kill you.” George said.
“And you’re the Giver,” Joey said, “You’re the one who gives there blood to help resurrect our king, King Viktor.”
“But I’m a vampire aren’t I? Aren’t I already to dead?” I asked.
“Your not a vampire, at least not fully a vampire, you are half and half, vampire venom runs through your veins and if you join a coven then you transform completely.” George said.
“Oh...” I said then lifted my hand to my heart and heard a slight fluttering sound, like the flapping of humming bird’s wings.
“The venom hurries your blood stream, and heals everything quicker, have you noticed that you have to pee a lot lately?”
“So that’s what has been happening.” I said mumbling slightly.
“Yea and that’s why your bones are healing so quickly.” George said.
“So can I join your coven?” I asked.
“No!” George and Joey said together.
“Well why not? When I join I completely transform and then my blood with alter and it won’t be the same right? Then I won’t have to die!” I said.
“Katherine you don’t understand, once you transform not only will Lichens be after you but so will vampires, and they will form an alliance to kill you.” George said.
“So what do we do now? Sit around and wait for them to come and kill her?” Josh asked.
“No, we hide her.” Joey said.
“Hide me?” I asked.
“Yes, that exactly what we need to do, but we have to wait for Colin to come home.” George said.
“Yea, but for right now we need to rest.” Joey said standing up perfectly fine.
“I agree.” George said.
“Wait a couple more questions!” I said in protest.
“One more.” George and Joey said Heading up the stairs.
“Do you guys drink blood?” I asked and they both stopped immediately where they were and turned around, both their eyes were a deep scarlet and turning a shade darker with every second.
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