Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Together, Still I'm On My Own- Chapter 11up

Your Smile Makes It Worth It

by lostmyfearoffalling 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-21 - Updated: 2009-02-22 - 1094 words - Complete

I shower and wash my hair, blowing it dry because when I let it air dry, it pretty much looks like crap unless I twirl it with my fingers every two seconds. And even then, it still looks mostly like crap.
I throw on jeans and a red and black checked shirt, rolling back the sleeves to reveal my black undershirt, complete with thumbholes so that no one can see my wrists.
After black eyeliner, I’m ready to leave. I cross my fingers when I get out of the car, praying he’ll be here.
I walk especially slow to class, so that I won’t have to wait as long. My heart jumps when I see him, sitting at our table.
I take a deep breath, and walk over, pulling out a stool and dropping my bag onto the floor.
“Hey.” Gerard says quietly, smiling at me.
“Hi.” I can’t think of anything else to say. He looks fine; eyes aren’t bloodshot, skin not any paler than usual. I feel relieved. Maybe I didn’t have anything to worry about.
“Are you ok? How’s your friend?” He asks, with a look of genuine concern in his eye.
“She’s fine.”
“What about you?” He asks again, looking me over. I notice how his eyes linger a bit at my concealed wrists.
“I’m fine too.” I look him in the eye. There’s a slight pause before I speak again. “Gerard, I don’t know how to thank you. About Friday. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” I bite my lip, afraid I’ve said too much. I’m still afraid of getting attached to him.
“No problem. I’m glad I was there.” He says seriously, then smiles. “I have something for you.” There’s a mischievous gleam in his eye.
“What?” I say, brushing my hair out my face.
“I got you something.” He smirks. “And I’m not gonna give it to you until break.”
“Wow. Ok then. Thanks.” I’m so surprised, I don’t know what else to say.
Just then, Mark comes in and I have to turn my attention, regrettably, away from Gerard.
“Now, I know you’re all going to hate this, but I’m being forced to make you watch a boring movie.” Mark says dryly. “It’s gonna suck; I’m warning you now. But tomorrow we’ll be back doing stuff that’s actually art. Rather than watching someone talk about it.” Everyone laughs. Mark takes out a tape and puts it into an ancient VCR.
I kind of zone out for all of it, and the next thing I know, Gerard is saying my name, drawing me out of my reverie.
“Rain. Rainier?” He says.
I shake my head back and forth. “Sorry. I’m back.” I stand up and grab my bag when I see everyone going out the door.
“So, when exactly do I get to see what you got for me? Apropos of nothing, I might add.”
He chuckles. “Two more classes.”
I do a mock groan. Then I look at the clock.
“Crap. I’m gonna be late. You are too.” I turn and run toward my next class. “See you soon.” I call over my shoulder.
“See you soon.” And I hear his footsteps as he runs in the opposite direction.
I barely know what’s going on in my next two classes, but it doesn’t matter. The first one is all about technique. I just listen to the teacher talk. Or more hear her. I can’t honestly say that I’m listening. The next class is mostly about technique. We get to draw for about five minutes. I don’t know what we’re supposed to be drawing. Mine comes out as an angel, who looks suspiciously like Gerard.
Part of me is still scared. To care about Gerard this much The other part loves him too much to care about anything other than him.
I jog outside, not sure where to meet him. It doesn’t really matter, because I run into him on my way down the hall. I trip, but he catches me right before I hit the floor.
“You alright?” I nod, blushing. He pulls me up, then smirks.
“Come on.” He takes me out to the courtyard. It seems to be becoming a haunt of ours.
We sit down on the edge of one of the fountains. He pulls something out of his bag and hands it to me.
“You’re kidding me right? You didn’t…” Is all I can say.
“Yeah. I did.” He laughs.
I stare at the original X-Men. The exact same one I picked up in the store. The one that was fifty dollars.
“Jesus. Gerard, please tell me you didn’t really spend fifty dollars on a comic for me!” My fingers trace the cover, gentle as if it were a soap bubble.
“I frequently spend my money on comics.” He says seriously, before cracking a beautiful smile.
“But on me…” I trail off, flipping through the pages again.
“Of course on you.” He says, as though it should be quite obvious and usual someone would spend fifty dollars on a completely random gift. That on its own is enough. Let alone the random gift be for me.
“Gerard…” I look up at him. “Thank you. So much. I can’t believe it.”
“You’re welcome.” He’s so beautiful. But not perfect. And it makes him all the more amazing.
His hazel eyes bore into mine, and I’m kissing him. He’s surprised for one moment, but then he returns it, enthusiastically.
“I love you.” I whisper to him, once we stop, and my face is in his shoulder.
“I love you too.”
Five hours later, we’re in Starbucks.
“Will you do me a favor?” He asks me. He looks a little nervous.
“Sure.” I say, wondering what it is.
“Will you come to a party with me this weekend. I want to be with you, but I promised my little brother I’d take him.”
“I-,” I stop myself, before I can say I know. “Sure. “
“I’m sorr-“ He starts to say, but I can cut him off.
“Don’t. I’m happy to go with you.” I’m happy to be with you.
He smiles, relieved. “Thanks Rain.”
“Anytime. Anything. Anything for you.” Again, I think I’ve said too much. But the smile is worth it.
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