Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Together, Still I'm On My Own- Chapter 13 up

I'm So Goddamn Sorry

by lostmyfearoffalling 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-24 - Updated: 2009-02-24 - 653 words - Complete

I remember nothing of the car ride. Nothing of getting home. Nothing of the unfamiliar bed I have just awakened to find myself in. And definitely nothing of the oversized black t-shirt I am wearing. Without pants.
Light is streaming into the room. I have no idea where I am. I don’t know how I got there. But I know my head hurts like hell and I’m about to be sick.
I throw off the sheets, which kills me because I’m freezing. I see a door ajar, and amazingly, I make it to it. Even more amazingly, it’s a bathroom.
I stumble towards the toilet, bracing myself against the sink. I hear a voice behind me just as ice spikes in my chest and I begin to vomit.
Someone grabs my shoulders, holding me in a familiar grip. In my peripheral vision I can see the jet black hair.
“Rain, are you ok?”
I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, nodding.
Gerard looks worried. “Can you walk?” I nod again, taking a couple steps. Suddenly the floor is right in front of my face.
“Guess not.” Gerard says, in a attempt at humor.
“I’m ok.” I say, trying weakly to convince him.
“No you’re not. Just lay down.” He picks me up and lays me back down, in what I now assume is his bed.
I curl into a ball under the covers, trying to get warm. Gerard strokes my hair a couple times. “What do you usually have when you’re hung over?”
“I…I don’t think I’ve ever been hung over before. I never drink enough for that.”
Gerard laughs bitterly. “Wow. Hold on then.” I shut my eyes when he goes away; I don’t have reason to keep them open. I hear footsteps, and I open my eyes quickly, to see Gerard handing me a pill.
“Asprin.” He says. I get the feeling he’s been in my position quite a few times. I take it and swallow it. He hands me a glass of water, which I take a few sips of. I hand it back to him and try to sit up, show him I’m alright.
That’s when I notice the expression on his face. He’s absolutely furious. But not with me. With himself.
“Rainier, I am so goddamn sorry. I can’t believe I let this happen to you. I’m sorry I was gone for so long, I got sidetracked. I tried to come back sooner. And that guy, I’m so sorry.” He puts his head in his hands, and it brings tears to my eyes.
“Gerard, it’s fine. It’s not your fault I got drunk.”
He pulls his head out of his hands. “But that guy…he gave you almost half a bottle of vodka. I could’ve stopped that.”
“Gerard, please don’t worry about it anymore.” I look around the room again, coming to my senses a little bit. “What happened? I can’t really remember anything.”
“Well, Bob and I beat up that guy…” He looks proud of himself. “And then I decided we had to get you out, so Mikey helped me get you to the car.” He omits the part about me throwing up on the lawn. “Mikey drove us here, I put you in bed and Ray and Bob picked up Mikey.” He shrugs.
“And the clothes?” I hold up the corner of the t-shirt.
He blushes. “Your clothes were all wet, booze or something. You changed yourself though, I swear.”
I smile at him. “It’s fine.”
“How do you feel now?” He asks.
“Better.” I say. It’s true.
“Do you want some food?”
I shake my head. I’m not that much better yet. I feel my eyelids sliding closed.
“That’s it. Just go to sleep Rain.”
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