Categories > Original > Drama > Blood Sucking Babysitter

Chapter 23- Finale; Part 1

by Mo_Was_Here 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Published: 2009-03-18 - Updated: 2009-03-18 - 1308 words - Complete

Katherine’s POV

The words hit me like a ton of ice chards. Suddenly I was shaking and sweating and I couldn’t get myself together again. Goliath had slid off the bed and was clinging to my leg looking up at me hopefully. I couldn’t look down at him, for some reason I had a great fear of meeting eyes with him or anyone else.
“H-how much longer?” I asked my voice shaking.
At first she didn’t answer my question then I opened my mouth to speak again but she beat me, “Seventy-three seconds.” She said and her voice was no longer emotionless and firm, but it was quiet and scared.
“Shit!” I shouted and ran about the room checking to make sure the weapons where in the right places.
“Katherine! Katherine!” Axo shouted.
“What?!” I asked searching under my mattress.
“Underneath the floorboards is a jumpsuit, wear it, it will help you!” She said and I looked around at the floor. There wasn’t a hatch or any hint of an uneven floorboard. Then with a pulse of venom I kicked the ground with as much force as I could and it shattered, then I saw a gleaming black jumpsuit underneath the white fiberglass, I pulled it out and started ripping off my old clothes and quickly pulling on the black jumpsuit. The jumpsuit seemed to recognize every aspect of my body it fit well not tight or lose in any spot, the moment it touched my body it was cool and fixed its fibers snuggly against my skin.
I zipped up the front of it then started putting my weapons in the convenient pockets it had, when I heard the black carrier belt start to move.
I ran over to it and grabbed my bookcase and shoved it in the chute blocking anyone from getting in. Then the carrier belt stopped and people began to hit the bookcase, it rattled with every hit and slowly became loser until,
“You know what! FUCK THIS!” A man shouted and a loud bang erupted from within the chute and the book case and half the wall came shooting out filling the room with debris and dust.
I had fallen backwards from the force and looked around the room, five dark figures where moving from the wall where to chute had been; now there was a gaping hole. The room was full of dust and I could barely make out there figures, then I crawled backwards and found Goliath lying under a pile of debris. I quickly got him out from under it then hid under the bed.
“I think I hear something moving,” Helena said in a dark cool voice.
“I can’t see or hear anything, maybe they moved her, led us to believe she was here but really isn’t.” Said Raymond and I heard Helena scowl.
“We all know you helped her escape once Raymond, we don’t need your help again.” Lucius spat and I heard his footsteps coming closer.
“She was dying! We need blood from a living descendant! What good would it be having a dead one?!” Raymond shouted.
“Stop it!” Helena shouted and her words rung throughout the room, “Lets find her first.”
They began to move throughout the room and I heard one of them getting closer, I grabbed Goliath and we slid under the bed and watched their feet get closer and closer.
“Nice bed,” Lucius said and he laid down on it.
“Get up, Lucius!” Helena shouted but before he could I raised both my knees and kicked the bottom of the mattress with all my strength as he went flying towards the ceiling and hit it with a loud thud and went flying back towards the ground and landed a couple feet away. I leapt up and Goliath followed, the room was still heavy with dust but I made out four figures walking slowly over to us, and Lucius hunched over on the floor slowly getting up.
“Not so nice to see you again, Katherine.” Helena hissed.
“Yes, I have to say that a good day would be one without you.” I said coolly.
“Don’t think you can over power us,” She said laughing softly, “There are five of us and one of you; it’ll be easier if you just give up now.”
“Actually, it’s three against five, and I think you should just give up Helena, nobody likes you anyways.” I said slightly nudging Goliath.
“Katherine, unless you can pull off a Duplication Charm I don’t see three of you.” She said looking around behind me as if there was someone hiding.
“Don’t be stupid, Helena, oh but wait you already are so there’s no point of telling you not to be.” said Mackena, as she moved out of the hole in the wall.
Helena growled at Mackena then multiple things happened at once, Helena and Mackena dived at each other and began fighting furiously, Goliath leaped out from behind the bed and caught Lucius right in the face and began to attack him, the two other vampires who I didn’t know ran towards me, and Raymond ran from the room.
I felt the venom pulsing through my veins so I made the bed in front of me stand up and one of the vampires hit it, I placed it down on the ground then the other one ran forwards and kicked me hard in the chest. I flew backwards and hit the wall but rebounded off of it and punched him hard across the face so he went flying and knocked into Lucius and Goliath. I grabbed the other vampire around the ankle and flung him around into the wall, then pulled out one of the neon blue guns and shot him twice in the head and twice in the heart. The shots reverberated inside the small room and time seemed to pause as I saw black blood ooze from the bullet holes, the bullets seemed to have broken inside his body and leak a neon blue liquid that burned everything it touched. Then the other vampire jumped on my back and I whirled around and elbowed him hard in the face making him let go and then we faced each other, he seemed to be furious that I had shot his friends because his face was mixed up in anger and his eyes were all black, like on extremely big pupil.
He started to move backwards and hunch over letting out a low snarl as he did. I watched him move and felt the anger and tension he had, I clung to the gun in my right hand and took a deep breath. I hadn’t realized how different the room was now it was full of smog that smelt like dust and wood shavings and the constant sounds of flesh against flesh made the environment even worse than it looked.
Then suddenly the vampire pounced and as he came flying across the room I stared into his angered eyes and lifted the gun. It took one small breath and a loud bang and he came toppling to the floor in mid jump. I stared down at his body just and black blood began seeping through a hole in his neck and left a puddle around him.
Then I heard the loud cracking noise of a gun shot. I looked up and hunched backwards my fangs growing in as I peered through the smog trying to find where the gun shot had come from. I stepped over the vampires body carefully avoiding his black acrid blood. I couldn’t see anyone, I heard Helena and Mackena fighting somewhere but I couldn’t see anything. Then my foot nudged something hard, but soft, and unmistakably small.
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