Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
Achieving Clarity
36 reviewsLuna discovers a way to help Harry Potter defeat Voldemort and takes the initiative
Achieving Clarity
(#) aremont 2009-03-31
Keep it going I really like what you have so far. I always thought Luna and Hermione were both perfect for Harry, both add some balance to his life that he sorely needs.
Author's response
Yes, balance is exactly what we're striving for here, a bit of Bohemia to offset the British decorum.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) pi3142 2009-03-31
Whoooohoo... H/Hr/L! Brainy chicks rule...Author's response
Hear, hear!
Brainy is sexy, pass it on!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) gand982 2009-03-31
Enjoyed most of your stories. This one has promise, Luna and Hermione is just so right together.Hope you continue this trip.Author's response
I have to agree, the Harry/Hermione/Luna mix is like a tip shelf margarita, and Luna is the Gran Marnier!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) stick97 2009-03-31
H/L/Hr works for me-Brains, Heart and imagination.
Great combination.Author's response
It's one of my favorite combos as well.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) thekev 2009-03-31
Great chapter i can't wait to read more. update soon pleazAuthor's response
I hope to update weekly,
just not weakly.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2009-03-31
Superb beginning, I really like the dynamic so far, and it seems to have nowhere to go but up!
Looking forward to more.Author's response
I'm having fun writing it, and that's usually a good sign.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Wolfric 2009-04-01
I enjoyed your story and I hope there is more to come. Luna is one of my favorite characters. I prefer a sly Luna to one completely divorced from reality. Thanks for writing. W.Author's response
This started off as a one shot, I just hope I can keep it fresh for a few more chapters.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Brian64 2009-04-01
Very well done PerfesserN. This chapter was chock full of win and awesome.
Needless to say I lurve H/Hr/L, so I hope that continues..
Eagerly looking forward to the next instalment.Author's response
It's grarifying to see all the Luna fans out there, or rather the Harry/Hermione/Luna fans.
I'll do my best to keep it fresh.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) pi3142 2009-04-01
Oh oh oh... bonus points for Padma...Author's response
What can I say?
Brainy chicks rule!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DrT 2009-04-01
Oooo, this looks like it will be fun! I can't wait to see what the Lovegoods have in mind!Author's response
This is how I measure success in a story, if DrT likes it, then I'm doing something right!
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