Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
Achieving Clarity
36 reviewsLuna discovers a way to help Harry Potter defeat Voldemort and takes the initiative
Achieving Clarity
(#) pettybureaucrat 2009-04-01
Great start and an unusual pair for Harry. Hermione and Luna always seemed so diametrically opposite, but you've made them compatible.
Maybe Harry could find a little time for Padma?Author's response
Sometimes opposites compliment each other, like opposite color co-ordination.
As for Padma?
Patience, patience. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) ladegard 2009-04-01
Please continue this, I greatly look forward to seeing what you're going to do with it. And thank you for writing.Author's response
This was going to be a one-shot, but the reader reaction has been overwhelming.
I think I can squeeze a couple more chapters out of it.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) NacNud 2009-04-01
I've always loved the H/Hr/L combo but it's found so rarely. I've greatly enjoyed many of your other stories so can't wait to see more. Keep up the good work.Author's response
And thank you for the kind words of encouragement.
Expect another chapter or three before it's through.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) dennisud 2009-04-01
Oh I likey, and having Luna Play Freud was very catartic!
Still I like theyway this is goping and I hope to see Ron and what he will do with this new wrinkle.
BTW I'm highly anticipating how they will handle Dumbles here.
dennisudAuthor's response
I wonder how many people caught the fact that the ‘psychoanalyst’ put herself on the couch and the ‘patients’ in the chairs.
Expect a confrontation of the Weasley variety, but note, this story is really about Luna, so there won’t be any scenes in the Gryffindor tower.
The Burrow, on the other hand. . .
Oh, and I’ve outlined a scene where Luna dazzles Dumbles with her insights.
I just hope to do it justice when I do write it.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) jargasthelost 2009-04-01
I have a feeling this is is the start of a beautiful, if not kooky, relationship for our hero.
Can't wait to see moreAuthor's response
Of course, the hero(ine) here is Luna, it is her story, after all.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Vanir 2009-04-01
Now that I've calmed down a bit, it amuses me to notice that a clearsighted, analytical witch would certainly stand out as odd to the weirdly average Joe Wizard. The whole society is so incredibly bonkers that it wouldn't recognise logic in any way, shape or form. This slightly Foundationist Luna would be a very odd bird. Go Asimov! And Perfessor!
Vanir, revived.Author's response
Always good to see other Asimov fans out there - yep, Luna is the ultimate "straight man" in this story as her's is the only world view that isn't skewed.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DavidMPotter 2009-04-01
This is one of the best beginnings to a story on ficwad ever. BRAVO Keep posting. Keep up the great work.Author's response
Thanx, Chapter 2 will be up this week.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) grookill 2009-04-01
I know it's not a one-shot, but part of me wishes it were. I mean, how do you top this?
Great job!Author's response
At first it was going to be a one-shot. Now the tough part, keeping it going, while at the same time keeping it fresh.
Wish me luck!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) BrotherBludgeon 2009-04-01
Actually, I always preferred the translation: "Give me but one firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the Earth."
Great line, powerful. A lot of potential for paraphrase, too.
"Give me but one pad on which to quill, and I will rewrite the Earth."
-Rita Skeeter
"Gimme a li'l spider no bigger'n me pinkie, and I'll fill th' woods fulla great big Acromantulas... I shouldn'a told yeh tha'."
-Rubeus HagridAuthor's response
Two very nice paraphrases, oh wait, that's redundant.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) belthazor2 2009-04-01
Yeeehaaa, keep updating?Author's response
Patience, grasshopper!
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