Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
Achieving Clarity
(#) Celexs 2010-08-08
I just finished rereading this story. As with the first time it was an enjoyable read. I missed the comment about the dice roll of death the first time but noticed it and the hint that you had already rolled it in the chapter after that notice with Luna's statement of the die has been cast. Either way the story was awesome for starting as a one shot, i am very glad that Harry got his happy ending, and look forward to any more work that you post.
CelAchieving Clarity
(#) sargentaaron2004 2012-08-26
Excellent story, enjoyed every moment of it! I was wondering if you have read "the Sword of Gryffindor" as it's a great story and also mentions on how Ginny looks like Harry's mother... lol so wrongAchieving Clarity
(#) sargentaaron2004 2012-08-26
Excellent story, enjoyed every moment of it! I was wondering if you have read "the Sword of Gryffindor" as it's a great story and also mentions on how Ginny looks like Harry's mother... lol so wrongAchieving Clarity
(#) PhoenixRoseQueen 2013-01-19
Eh, the only thing I have to say about your A/N is that, we really don't know what happened in those two decades between DH and the prologue. All we know is that Harry a Harry and his wife sent off their kids, and met up with his friends and saw an old enemy. We don't know what changes were made in the wizarding world or not. We don't know what the Malfoy family went through in order to stay in Britain or if they went through anything at all. Apparently their values as a pureblood family did not change, but you can't change values, can struggle to change beliefs, but you can change habits. I like to think that the Malfoys actually did go through crap at the end of the war, simply because they were still alive. Sure, they saved Harry's life twice, but that doesn't count for the dozen times they tried to end it, or the crimes that Lucius committed. Draco had to answer to his own choices, as did Lucius and Narcissa.
And I'm nearly certain that Hermione, Harry, and Kingsley would not have let the Ministry continue as it had.
Otherwise, I rather liked this story. I liked the twist on Luna, and this version of Harry's "harem" since normally he has Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, with one or two other girls. I'm a Harmony fan myself, so I appreciate any story with the two of them, but adding Padma and even Myrtle were nice twists ^_^Achieving Clarity
(#) NobleK 2015-05-19
Please either mark this complete or post the dang Epilogue already!?!Achieving Clarity
(#) Sascha_no_Shugo 2020-02-01
Alright so wow I know this review is super late. Like years in the making, this was a great story.
Personally there were flaws I noticed. The dice roll of death definitely shouldn’t have been mentioned though it seemingly worked out for the best to round the story off with a lesson from Harry about allowing evil to raise.
However on the positive side I am a huge Harry/Hermione fan and Luna is a very close second.
The story was well written and extremely entertaining.
I do have one thing about Draco though. I know you made him into a absolutely waste of human rubbish in your story and I can see why you did, however in the books/movie he doesn’t have a choice in the matter. It was either do a Voldemort says or your family dies. By the end of the seventh book he realized the error in he own ways and even somewhat helped Harry out.
Well this was all I wanted to say, again this was a very enjoyable story
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