Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh Baby!

That's my babeh!

by shehadtheworld12 11 reviews

You voted, you got it (:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-07-10 - Updated: 2009-07-19 - 1175 words - Complete

A/N: Special thanks for the reviews.(: Enjoy. 100% fiction. I'm not responsible for wet pants xD

"Ja-Mia! Did you get me my Twizzlers, and athlete's foot cure from Walmart?"

"Yes Frank."

"Cause I need it uber bad."

"I'm aware of that. Trust me."

"Okay, I wuv you."

"Sure you do."


"Mikey? You've been asleep for lightyears now. Get up." Alicia sighed as Mikey was under the bedspread sleeping his skinny life away. She walked closer and lifted the spread to see Mikey barely breathing. Immediately Alicia called his name several times more, but no answer.

"Mikey! Are you okay?! Answer me!" She began to panic. As soon as Alicia was ready to scream, Mikey turned over, and released himself as Alicia froze, but managed to plug her nose.

"Damn robots, those are my cookies, ya hear?" Mikey mumbled in his sleep.

"Oh my god." Alicia whispered while placing a hand to her chest. "Could only happen to me right?"

"What part don't you understand robot? The cookie is mine, whore." He began to snore.



It was finally friday and Ray, Christa, Lindsey and Gerard, Belle and Bob were at the doctor's office waiting to be called in, while Frank and Jamia planned to visit her parents in Belleville, while Mikey was still asleep and Alicia was recovering from the heart attack she almost had.

Belle was humming 'the cupcake song' to the baby, while Bob was looking through a drum magazine, his favorite one called 'Drummer's United.' The only one who really wanted to know what they were having was Ray. Everyone else wants to keep the genders a suprise.

"Can we go to Starbuck's after this? I want a Biscotti." Gerard said flipping through the Kerrang! magazine, reading the latest issue of how Marilyn Manson has gone insane, and midget tossing in Georgia.

"If you behave and don't fight with the doctor, like ya did last time, then maybe."

"I wasn't fighting. I was merely proving a point."

"Whatever the case, just behave or you won't get your Biscotti."

"I better get some frigging biscotti." Gerard mumbled under his breath.

"Hello Ray Toro, how are you today?" Dr.Gooberitz smiled.

"I'm good doc."

"Okay let's get started. Lay down please." Ray happily layed down on the noisy stupid crinkle paper. He grabbed the ultrasound piece and turned on the screen. Ray was anxious and Christa was rubbing her hands together. After a minute of technical fixing, Dr.Gooberitz put the cold goo on Ray's stomach then moved the piece around and the next minute was pure bliss. Gasps filled the air from Ray and Christa, who stared lovingly at the little shadow on the screen. The baby's thumb was in his mouth and the little body was curled.

"It''s beautiful. I'm getting all choked up." Ray put a fist to his mouth and breathed deeply.

'Okay, so far so good. The baby's fine. Breathing seems normal. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

"Of course doctor." He smiled then pushed a button, and soon the 'thump, thump, thump' noise could be heard.

"Very nice, strong heartbeat."

"And now for the sex?" They nodded. The doctor moved the mouse around and specifically clicked on a certain area.

"Congrats Mr.Toro you will be having a girl."



"Yay!!" He clapped his hands.

"A daughter." Christa smiled.

"See Christa? I told you, the color I chose was a sign!"

"Not now Ray."

"Mr.Bryar please sit still."

"I can't! This damn crinkly paper is getting in muh way!" He tried sitting down, but he couldn't and this made Belle bite her tongue, in an effort to not laugh, as he struggled.

"Okay just sit on top of it, just one more push. There! Just stay there."

"Good. Okay let's move on." The doctor grabbed the cold goo, and Bob cringed.

"Hey! Watch where your putting that."

"EEK! I'm so happy right now. I feel like I'm on cloud nine." Belle smiled.

" many Red Bulls have you had this week?" Belle glared at Bob.

"I'm gonna pretend to not hear that, Robert."

"Stop calling me Robert, or I'm putting my foot-"

"There's your baby." The doctor cut him off. Belle jumped up and down, while Bob [for the first time ever] was almost gonna cry. [Real men cry xD]

"It's gorgeous!"

"I know!" Bob added.

"Heartbeat?" The doctor asked, and they both shrugged and nodded. Then a loud noise erupted, moments after the button was pushed.

"Was that the heartbeat?" Belle smiled.

"Uhh, no that was actually a burp."

"Oh, well that's definitely your child Bob."

"I'm not gonna beat around bush, Doc. I want to know everything, except for the sex, got it?"

"Indeed Mr.Way."


"There's your baby." Lindsey already had tears in her eyes from the screen.

"It's amazing Gee, look!"

"Duh, I'm it's father, 'it' gets the best parts from me."

"And if I'm lucky, hopefully it won't be so dramatic like you."

"I'm not dramatic, I'm a realist!"

"A real pain in the ass." Lindsey retorted.

"Well everything seems fine, keep eating healthy, and no more coffee Gerard. Not until after the baby is born."

"Are you cereal?! I need to have my coffee. I can't live without it, the horror!" He cried dramatically while the doctor gave Lindsey a sympathetic look, when the one on her face was basically screaming, 'Help me.'

"Good luck." Was all the doctor could say.

After everyone was checked out, the doctor's gave them the ultrasound pictures, obviously to keep for momentos. Everyone came out with a smile plastered on their faces.

"Hu hu ha ha! Ray's baby looks like it flipping you off!" Gerard laughed. While rocking on Frank's rocking chair.

"No it doesn't." Ray said laughing as he stared at the glowing picture of the babeh.

"I'll bet you anything that when Bob's child is born, it'll have a beard." Frank said matter of factly.

"That's a damn lie." Bob snapped. [Never make fun of a man's beard.]

"50 bucks, that little face is hairy." Frank raised his hand for Bob to shake.

"You're on." Bob scoffed.

"Wait a minute, that means that Frank's babeh will inherit Frank's shortness." Mikey intervened.

"Whoa, you're crossing the line there, bro." Frank seethed.

"Am I right or am I right, Frodo?"

"Ey man, you wanna go?!" Frank said getting up, but fell back alittle from his belly, then fully stood up glaring.

"You. Me. Right here. Right now." Frank fumed.

"Guys chill." Bob warned, followed by a burp.

"No, no. Let the mini me say what he needs to say." Mikey smirked.

"Skankstrumpet!" Frank yelled.

"Coffee whore!"



"Cunt blossom!"

"Alright guys, come on. This isn't necessary." Gerard sighed. They both nodded with glares. Frank put out his index and middle fingers to his eyes, and then at Mikey.

"It's all good, Mikey's just a player hater."


By the way just to clear things up, the fathers will not be giving birth out the arse, because well....yeah. (:

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