Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Parents Suck. Again.
Parents Suck. Again.
(#) Harlequingurl95 2009-07-18
Duude... no offence but your mumz a bitch... i'm sorry 4 sayin but yeah... And I think she should be proud that your brother listens to you! My sister dont listen 2 anything I say!
Hang in there hun!
xXxAuthor's response
Haha! Absolutely none taken!!!! I say that all the time. So do all my friends. Thanks! I am proud of my brother. He's pretty cool. And I can't wait to see what he's like when he's older. Thanks for the support!
xoxoxParents Suck. Again.
(#) X-InkyBlackLace-X 2009-07-18
Not to be rude...but I've decided I don't like your mother.
Your brother sounds absolutely adorable, and your Dad seems pretty cool too.
Unlucky for having such an assy Mum though S:
Author's response
Haha, like I said, you're allowed to not like my mother. In fact, I quite encourage it. ;]
My brother's pretty wicked, and my dad walks on fucking water in my mind. He completely makes up for my mom. Most of the time anyhow. Thanks! xoxoxParents Suck. Again.
(#) IeroMyHeroMCR 2009-07-18
It's ok Harlequingurl95 i tell her that her mom is a bitch to her face then she says "no, she's a fucking bitch" haha. Was this the day i stayed over... she did seem pissed. My mommmy saw the picture i drew of Frankie and she's like "this is really good how did you do his makeup" i thought it was funny then i was like "with a color pencil" yayyyys. When are you leaving for Georgia love?Author's response
Haha. I do say that! I love you darlin! Haha, for all you reading this, when she was over she's like, "no offense, but is your mom gonna leave soon?" It's great! Dude, I'm drawing you a fucking bad ass frankie! You're a lucky little bitch. Love you darlin xoxox
By the way, I left on Friday morning. ;]Parents Suck. Again.
(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-07-18
I think you're mom is in denial because BEFORE my mom started liking My Chem and stuff, MY brother defended them too(don't you just luff eleven-year-olds?) and my mom did the whole vomiting act. Of course my dad wasn't there or whatever(divorce) but yeah. I know what you go through. And lemme tell you: nothing is worse than your mom making fun of your weight or how you look. I broke a window(instead of my moms face) because she called me a fat pumpkin.
Just keep ranting.. OH! And teach your lil' bro more and make us all proud :) XD
REVENGEAuthor's response
Haha, wow I'm not alone with the vomiting thing! It's fucking ridiculous really. Adults need to have more respect for that...I do love little brothers.
I SO FEEL YOUR PAIN FOR MOMS MAKING FUN OF WEIGHT AND HOW YOU LOOK! That is actually my biggest issue to date with my mom, because literally, all she cares about is her appearance. That's it. Outward appearance. She used to call me fat when I was seven. And eight. And nine. And ten. You get the picture. She'd make me excerise by running in circles in our basement. It's so twisted and out of wack. I wish I broke a window. I did throw a pair of her high heels out the window of our yard. That was great. And I spit on her chair. And leave her make up bottles open so they get ruined....petty revenge.
I'll teach my brother as much as he'll let me. He knows a ton though!
xoxox. Thanks!Parents Suck. Again.
(#) Iero_My_Hero 2009-07-18
My mom ALWAYS does that and so does my dad. All they ever do is critisize the bands I listen to and laugh if I say that they actually have some kind of purpose and it pisses me off. And whenever I'm listening to MCR or they see the posters on my walls they either a) laugh b) make a disgusted face c) make fun of them or d) tell me that they're just another "pointess band". They mean a lot to me, so I feel like bashing my parents heads in. My parents officially SUCK.Author's response
My mom always tries to shove it off as a phase, and when I try to tell people about it she cuts me off and says that I'm a freaky obsessive, and that in a month I'm not gonna care about MCR anymore. I come so close to smacking my mom across the face everyday. It's insane. My dad is radically amazing though. So only one of my parents sucks. Keep holding on hon! xoxoxParents Suck. Again.
(#) Sol13 2009-07-18
The only advice I can give is this. Roll your eyes behind her back and then start laughing like a manic. Tell her she's so hilarious. Be sarcastic with her. That's what I do with my grandparents. They FINALLY gave up trying to make me what they want me to be. As long as she is confused she won't know what to do. But you know her limits so don't stretch them TOO awfully far. Good Luck!Parents Suck. Again.
(#) nadialexandra 2009-07-18
Uhm... yeah. See, this is where teenage pregnancy pays off. (as horrible as that sounds...) My mom, being the young and incredibly amazing woman she is, doesn't do that shit. She just rolls her eyes or laughs (nicely) when I say something a bit excessive (i.e.: Gerard likes his pajamas to match, Mikey's first concert was a Smashing Pumpkins concert, Ray doesn't like they way they all smell, Bob likes T.A.T.U., Frank will always find some way to take a bath- stuff like that.) but that's it. Once again, she thinks she's cool because she's 31 with a 13 year old daughter and takes her to concerts and introduces her to amazing music. SoIcan'tsympathize.
But I CAN say that I hope your mother rots in a large pit. :3Author's response
Haha I don't think that's horrible at all! My dad totally knows all the excessive stuff you mentioned, because he listens to me talk about it all the time and he watched LOTMs and stuff. It's hysterical. That's awesome about your mom! Thanks. Maybe I'll rally up a bunch of people and we can all throw her in the pit! xoxoxParents Suck. Again.
(#) InsertWittyNameHere 2009-07-18
I can totally relate to you. My mother is always commenting on the way I dress and the bands i listen to.
'i don't want you turning goth now Maeve, that freaky stuff'
She'd say ' I don't see other girls your age wearing that'
I try to explain i don't want to be like every other girl, i want to be myself.
But the next day, she would come home bags of shopping, not for her but for me.
Clothes Id never wear by choice, when she then realises im not wearing them she guilt trip me into wearing them.
Not only that, but she comments on my weight non stop. Which is hurtful hearing it from your own mother. She doesnt subtly do it either she says nasty remarks.
Lately its been really getting to me, and ive tried talking to her but she laughed in my face and told me to 'grow up'
Disgusting really. I understand what your going through. Im sorry your moms like that :( hope things get better.Author's response
My mom does the exact some fucking thing, and it is so annoying! All she cares about is how you look to everyone else. She always says I look goth, and compares me to the sluts at school that she doesn't even know. She just makes up shit. It's pathetic. She bought me these skirts and dresses, and gets fucking angry (we're talking trembling and smacking and spitting in my face angry) when I complain about wearing them, and she tries to make me feel bad by saying that she bought them for me, but won't even listen to me when I try to tell her I never wanted it in the first place. My mom isn't subtle about my weight, and she acts like I have the worst acne in the world. It's ridiculous. My mom twists my words and makes herself the victim, so we can never talk about it.
The other day, I actually broke down for the first time. Because she got angry at me, because she came home from work and I didn't go talk to her; I stayed in my room and read a book. So she was all immature, and she just came crashing down on me about it. Here's the thing about me- if other people insult me or my friends, I attack them. But for some reason, when my mom is yelling at me, I just stand and listen. So there she was, complaining I didn't care about her, or want a relationship, and how I didn't seem to try to spend time to get to know her. Which was ironic, because she hasn't tried to know anything about me.
I never cry in front of her, but the moment that I got out of her room, I cried for about two hours. I just didn't know what to do. Because the same thing happens over and over again, and I just stand and let her lecture me and never defend myself. It's just gonna stay like that too. That's the worst part.
Sorry, this was the biggest bitching/rambling session. But I really, really, really REALLY understand what you're saying. Keep hanging in there. You're not alone. xoxox.Parents Suck. Again.
(#) vampyGee 2009-07-19
i know just what you mean, my mom is the same way, and can be very imature at the worst times. but if your teaching your brother about mcr, than you freakin rock! good luck! and ignore your mom, maybe she has like constant pms or something.Author's response
haha dude, she does have constant PMS. and a bunch of other shit too! I will totally keep teaching my brother! And I think he's gonna be gay, so he'll probably love Gerard too! HAha. Thanks. xoxoxParents Suck. Again.
(#) MyFamousLastWords 2009-07-20
That sucks ass.
My older sister got me into the music I'm into now, sorta. Mothers can be annoying, mines sucks sometimes too. She said once when I was listening to music on T.V
'When you turn 16 are you going to hang yourself' and like lines like that, now though I just get over them. She does like MCR though, and pervs on Gerard Way which is creepy. Or like when you say something like the lines of 'I'm dying' being sarcastic or so she'd say 'It's that music you listen to'. It's like WTF.
Or the time she tells you, you were an accident and she couldn't love you as much as your older sister when you were born, it's sorta funny now.
I'll stop blabbering now, but with your mother just maybe ignore her and try to stop caring about the stuff she comes out with. Or just argue with her until you win and she'll have nothing left to say, who knows, my ideas suck but aye.
Maybe things will get better someday. Hopefully.
ML, F oxox.Author's response
See, my mom doesn't know enough about MCR to pull the suicide shit. She doesn't care enough to find out. Which is probably a good thing.
Wow. That sucks what your mom said about you. I get how it becomes funny. Don't know if you read my thing "not what i wanted" but that's kinda similar. I don't know what's worse- your parent saying they love you less than the sibling, or your parent saying they'd rather have anyone else but you. I don't is funny.
Haha. I'm bad at ignoring it. And arguing never works. But whatever. Thanks for the support. xoxox
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