Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Doesn't Anyone Ever Notice Her?

James Bond Syndrome

by bubbly-gum 6 reviews

Implied Frerard and Bob gets James Bond Syndrome.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-07-30 - Updated: 2009-07-30 - 1106 words - Complete

A/N: Yeah! Thanks to the reviewers for reviewing, funnily enough. Second chapter, hope you like.

Ray's P.O.V

So there we were spying on Bob and Alice and by we, I mean: Me, Frank, Mikey and Gerard. We were standing at the door to the bunk room, ears pressed against it listening to what they were saying. We're nosey like that. I was at the bottom of the door with Frank leaning against my fro and squashing it. Gerard was on top of Frank (both were loving it, even if they won't admit they like each other). Mikey was leaning on top of Gerard slightly, ear pressed against the door, as all of us were doing. We heard every word they said, shame we didn't hear Bob until he opened the door and we fell in a heap in front of him. Fuck, the guys weigh a tonn when they're on top of you.
"Get your fat ass off of me Frankie" I shouted at him, I couldn't see him but I knew he would be pouting, and as usual Gerard jumped to his defence at once.
"Frankie doesn't have a fat ass!" I heard his muffled voice shout at me from above somewhere.
"Thanks Gee" Came Frankie's voice from next to my ear. Shit, I think I've upset him, he sounds really sad.
"Anytime hun..erm...Frankie" Mikey laughed.
"Ouch Gee! That fucking hurt!"
"Good!" shouted Gee back Mikey.
"Um...guys?" I said quietly.
"Yeah?" came a simutaneoous reply of everyone above me.
"Get the fuck off me now!!!" I shouted as loud as I could. Having trouble breathing now, not good. I didn't shout that often, so everyone scrambled at once to get off me. There was a general grumbling of 'ouch', 'fuck off' and 'poor Bob'. Speaking of Bob, I need to find him.
Ouch, ouch, ouch I thought when I stood up. Eugh, I'm gonna be bruised.

Bob's P.O.V

I need to get away from the bus. And the guys listening in, fucking great. I like this girl so much. There is just something about her, I don't know what it is. And she just...I don't know...sometimes I think she likes me and then nothing, just nothing. I don't fucking know. I just kept wondering about the bus park, it was beginning to get cold and dark but I didn't care. I was going to turn the corner when I heard voices. I stopped in-case I was interupting something. Hold on...I know that voice...Alice! I moved closer to corner of the bus I was standing at.
"Yeah, I don't know hun...I like him and all but I just don't know." Alice then laughed, well more a giggle. Soooo cute. I almost laughed...almost. Hold on! Someone else just giggled and I know only one person who giggles like that...Gerard! That dick, what the fuck is he doing?
"He was upset when you wouldn't hang out with him" I could tell Gee was worried about me. Awww so he's not a dick after all.
"I know. Argh, I hated lieing to him but I had to, ya know" She...lied to me...about what? As if reading my thoughts Gerard asked the million dollar question.
"What did you lie to him about?" She sighed, she sounds cute even when she sighs. Wait, what the fuck is going on with me? I'm never like this. Man this girl has me fucked up.
"I told him I was busy when I wasn't" Oh no, was she crying.
"Aww sugar, don't cry it'll work out eventually. He's not like Alex ya know. he wouldn't do that. I've known Bob along time."
"I know. I know. But I can't help but worry about it. I don't think I could stand it, if it...if it happened...again"
"It won't sugar. Bob's one of my best friends but I'll kick his if he hurts you" Gerard sounded so serious. Gerard kick my ass, yeah right! Clearly Alice was thinkig the same thing cause she started laughing.
"What???" Man Gee sounds pissed.
"Sorry, just the thought of you trying to kick Bob's ass. Wouldn't happen...ever" She started laughing again.
"Whatever" Gerard muttered before walking off. I stood still wondering wither to turn around the corner and pretend I never heard any of this or go back to the bus. Hmm who is Alex and what happened before?
"I know your there Bob" Shit, did I just hear her right? Um...fuck...what do i say. 'Oh hey Alice I was just eaves-dropping on your conversation with Gerard.' She'd hit me!
I heard her sigh.
"Fine, don't talk, be all rubbish James Bond-y." I took a deep breath and stepped around the corner. And there was Alice, leaning against a tour bus. Eyes shut, blowing bubbles with chewing gum.
"Hey" I said trying to sound casual and failing.
She smirked before standing up and turning to face me.
"Hey Bob, or should I call you Mr Bond?" She ws trying hard to be serious.
"Nope, names Bryar, Bob Bryar" I said whilst winking at her. And with that she started laughin again, which made me laugh too. We saw Brian walking towards us and we stopped laughing.
"Hey. Me and the guys are gonna go to the cinema later on. You guys in?" He asked us both.
"Depends, what's on?" Alice asked, trying not to collapse into giggles again.
"Uh...James Bond I think" Me and Alice looked at each other and collapsed into laughter again.
"Oookaay" Brian said, giving us both a funny look before walking off again. We laughed for several more minutes and it evenatually stopped becuase we both couldn't breathe.
" seeing as I don't think we can see the movie without laughing again"
"Yeah" she giggled.
"I mean I know you already said no and everything but you could still I don't know maybe like...hang out with me and...well probably the guys too but they won't annoy you. I won't let them" I grinned at the last part. Alice blushed slightly.
"Hmmm...well...alright...friends?" She asked sticking out her hand for me to shake. So she only wanted to be friends with me. I shook her hand.
"Friends" I said forcing a smile.

Gah! Is it getting worse, or is it just me? Please review, I rlly need to know what you guys think. Also I'm I getting the language, so to speak, right cause I'm actually from Britian, so I'm not to sure. :P

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