Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Stanford

Ping-Pong: I won?

by GalacticFTW 1 review

It's cute, but you don't have to read it.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-27 - 1073 words

Chapter 15

Lucian explained to us what happened. Cyrus captured him while he was in bed… he decided to revolt against Cyrus and brainwash him into giving up his position as TG leader… he had an idea about “a new Team Galactic”… we both loved this idea.

“Well, maybe I should just rejoin then,” I said.

“Me, too…!” Marie nodded.

“Wow... that was unexpected. Alright, you are in. If you want new nicknames or your old ones, just tell me.” He stood up. Marie and I looked at each other.

“Rigel,” I smiled. I’ve always wanted to be called that!

“Vega,” Marie grinned.

“Nice names... what should mine be? Hmm… about… Altair…? You guys like that?” He asked.

“I will be Bellatrix,” Cynthia smiled.

“Thanks Lucian!” We said in unison.

“No problem!” He smiled.

“We love your names!” We said in unison like robots.

“Thank you!” They said in unison with a little more enthusiasm.

“No problem,” we both replied.

“I will be back,” he smiled and walked off. He had about three root beers…

“What’s taking him so long?” I spoke up about 5 minutes later. “I guess we could go to bed.”

“That’s fine with me, I’ll tell him you two went to bed,” Cynthia smiled.

“Goodbye, we’ll see you later!” Marie smiled.

“Bye guys!” I smiled as well. “’Later… we’ll visit soon” We both walked off and went back home. She leant upon my shoulder, half-asleep.

“We’re home sweetie,” I smiled.

“Oh… very good…,” she smiled back and rubbed her eyes. I unlocked the door, checked and we got ready for bed…

But tonight was different for some odd reason… I could barely sleep. I have no idea why… I finally did fall asleep… Today was going to be the Ping-Pong Tournament. Marie shook me so I could wake up.


“Wake up, silly,” she whispered.

“Hmm… oh… it’s the day, isn’t it?!” I grinned and immediately jumped out of bed. She grinned. “I’ll be ready in a sec!” I put on my normal clothes. (I happened to be wearing PJs… who doesn’t? They were a dark blue with black stripes).

“Your PJs are so cute!” She giggled.

“Well so are yours!” I chuckled. Hers were pink with Bunearies. I finally got the correct clothes on.

“OK, I’m ready!” I grinned. My stomach roared at me… I always was a human garbage disposal. She giggled again.

“Hehe! I see you’re hungry, as usual!” She mockingly rolled her eyes. I stuck my tongue out.

“I don’t even feel like eating, I wanna play Ping-Pong!” I grinned.

“Let’s go then!” She pointed.


“Well, we’re here…,” I sighed, still hungry.

“Wonder who’ll win?”

“It’s too hard to tell right now.”

“We’ll try our best!” She grinned.

“Yes,” I nodded and let Tibby out. She let her Lopunny, Lily out.

“Ready to play some games!” Lily spoke.

“Aren’t you cute…?” She rubbed her head.

“Yes… she is…,” Tibby stared at her. I blinked.

“Hello,” said someone. We turned around. “I’m Kay,” he held out his hand. (A/N: His Japanese/English name is Ō/O, but for the sake of the story, his name in this story is Kay for now! :P Because O is a stupid name.)

“Hi, I’m Stanford,” I shook his hand.

“I’m Marie,” she shook his hand as well. We both noticed that he had a very nice Shiftry.

“Wow,” we both said.

“Thanks. Ya see I’m a former champion of this tournament. You’ll have to face Jakob, the new champion.”

“Interesting… when do we get started…?” I asked.

“In a few minutes, I’ll be over here, see you later!” He smiled and walked off.

“Bye!” We both said. Tibby seemed to be “flirting” with Lily…

“Remember when I used to do that with you?” I chuckled. She nodded and giggled.

“Love at first sight!” She sighed. I chuckled.

“Were are ready to begin, please find your spots everyone!” An announcer said. A line-up (A/N: Have no idea what this is called...) on a screen showed everyone who was facing who. I was facing a blonde dude... Tibby and I walked up to him.

“You will lose!” The dude said... Never even said his friggin’ name!

“GO!!!” Said the announcer. I grabbed my paddle. He served. I hit it so hard that not even his Prinplup could pass the ball.

“You’re good...,” he chuckled.

“What the hell?!” His Prinplup mumbled.

“I’ve been practicing for weeks now,” I smirked. I gained one point for this. He served again, and hit it really hard, but Tibby was able to hit and we scored once again. The game finally ended and we won!

“Yes!” Tibby grinned.

“High five!” I grinned and he high-fived me the best he could. Marie walked up to me; happy as a lark!

“I won!” She grinned.

“I did too!” I grinned back. We both high-fived each other. The people that were eliminated left for the stands. The line-up thing appeared on the screen again. I was facing a brunette lady... We walked up to her.

“You ready?” She asked gruffly, as if she smoked a cigarettes.

“Oh yeah I am...,” I smirked. I won. And again, I won about five games. Marie had to drop out in the third round due to a bloody nose (not sure what happened, I’m guessing either a ball or paddle hit her). I felt bad for her... Now the it was time to face the champion... I just stared at his Swampert...


I was the first one to serve. “Uh,” I grunted. My arm was getting quite tired... He severed; the ball was so damn fast that Tibby and I could barely follow it... but somehow he was able to knock it back and get one point. I smirked and the champ served. We all hit the ball a few times... the time ended...

I won. I WON!! YES!! I had won!

And guess what the prize is? Six nuggets with some sort of food...

“Hooray Stanford!!!” Marie cheered from crowd while holding her nose.

“Say cheese!” said a cameraman. Tibby stood in front of me; we both closed our eyes and grinned as big as we possibly could.

This was probably the best day of my life. We both smiled happily while walking home.
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