Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > SnazzyShipping

Houston, we have a problem?

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-29 - Updated: 2009-09-29 - 764 words

A/N: Going to introduce Flint’s POV, now. Oh yeah, if you think the previous chapter was nasty, read chapter 96 of Lucian, M.D.; once I add it. Maybe you won’t hate me as much?


Chapter 19: Lucian’s and Cynthia’s POV IV (and Flint’s)


They definitely love each other,” I thought.



“So how are you?” I asked.

“Not very good,” she looked a little green. “I did something very stupid, too,” she looked at Flint. The two blushed… hard.

“What happened?” I blinked, taken aback by their blushing.



“I mistook Flint for Volkner and accidentally –”

“’Accidentally’ what?” He looked at me funny.



“Oh shit,” I mumbled inaudibly.



“Well?” I waited.

“– Had sex with my brother!” She replied, almost in tears. Should I comfort her or be angry at her?

“You what?!” Was all I could say – appalled at this! I was unsure whether to vomit or faint… I nearly punched her in the face.



Should I tell him?” I thought, flushing a deep red. “Lucian, hang on, I can explain.”

“Explain?! How can you?! One word: disgusting!” He growled.

“Calm down! I know I had sex with my sister, so what?! The point is, she was drunk and wouldn’t stop bothering me! It was also midnight; I knew that Volkie would be asleep by then. I was somewhat drunk, too; but not much as her, though -- she had also had about four beers. And I couldn’t resist… she was turning me on! I can assure you, she isn’t pregnant, either.”

“How can I know that?” He narrowed his eyes. Cynthia was quiet.

I reached into my pocket. “This,” I waved an empty condom wrapper. He seemingly sighed in relief.

“I’m glad she isn’t pregnant… but still… that’s gross…,” he calmed down. “I’m hungry, how about you guys? And sit, please.” After he said that; I realised we were both still standing.

“Sure!” We nodded and sat down.

“Hmm… pancakes sounds nice, how about you Cynthia?” I smiled.

“It does sound good!” She nodded.

“I think you’re right, they do sound good,” he nodded.



“May I take your order?” Said a waitress. Oh God… she was so hot with her blue and white dress, navy blue shorts, and pigtails.



My God, she is hot, with those cute pigtails and black hair and blue dress…,” I thought. I then noticed a Poochyena puppy by her feet. “Oh God, that’s so cute!” I grinned. Lucian and Cynthia saw it, too.

“Aww…!!!” The two said, grinning.

“Thank you guys, I’m Candice!” She grinned. “I’m from Snowpoint City, but I come here during the spring and summer to work here,” she paused. “Oh sorry, got distracted! What did you want?”

“Pancakes, please,” we all said, smiling.

“Would you like anything to drink with that?”

“Coffee–” I replied. “–With crème and milk.”

“Same,” Cynthia replied.

“Hot chocolate,” Lucian smiled.



“Hot chocolate is my favourite drink! Anyways, great, coming right up…!” She grinned and walked off. I looked at Flint; he was writing down our phone number on a napkin, he had the biggest grin I had ever seen.

“Flint!” I lightly hit him. “What are you doing?!”

His grin turned into a scowl. “Trying to see if she wants to go out with me.”

“Ahem!” I cleared my throat. “How will she react to you know,” I coughed. “Us having sex?!” I looked at Lucian and he crossed his arms. He wasn’t very happy with me. It’s my revenge for him making Fantina pregnant.

“Here are your pancakes,” Candice said, smiling. “Coffee for you two,” she handed it to Flint and I. “And hot chocolate for you,” she handed it to him. Flint was somehow able to manipulate his hangs into her jeans pocket and stuff it in there without her even noticing.

“Thank you!” We all said.

“No problem!” She grinned and walked off. I wandered what big bro would do next… When I eat pancakes, I put a lot of syrup on; enough to make a normal person sick. Flint and Lucian blinked.

“Rark!” (“Hey down here!”) The Poochyena puppy barked.

“Eev!” (“Don’t forget me!”) A little Eevee pup yipped.

We all looked at them and said “awww!”


A/N: Hoped you liked it, I’m going to continue a story about Flint and Candice getting together later. :P I think it is called SlushShipping, am I right or wrong?
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