Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

Aurora Borealis

by GalacticFTW 1 review

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-02 - Updated: 2009-10-03 - 828 words

Chapter 78

I looked ahead and saw a weird blue light… somehow attracted me, since I’m still part Pokemon… (A/N: Got the idea from DP 089). I looked at Merick and Articuno… they seemed to be in a daze. The blue light was so beautiful… seemed to be emanating from an unknown source. I, too, was in a daze. Cynthia looked at us all funny and then noticed the blue light and shrugged. She waved her hand in front of me and I snapped out of it. I furrowed my brow.

“What… happened?”

“You were in a daze,” she replied. She waved her hand in front of Articuno and Merick.

“What… a pretty… blue… light…,” Merick drooled.

“Yeah…,” Articuno (still dunno her name) sounded like she was in a trance. She flew off and he ran off.

“Hey!!!” We both said and ran after them. We came to a stopping point to the edge of a lake.

“Yo wassup?” said a weird Lumineon. It sounded like it used to be human. One of those weird flashbacks ran through my head… he was a former gangster that got shot while he was walking his pet Mightenya, he died… in the hospital where I WORK! I blinked and felt bad for him. “Yo! I’m Leon, what’s your name?” He stopped glowing and the other two snapped out of their daze.

“Lucian,” I replied, slightly blushing… this is embarrassing…



“Aurora.” What a lovely name for an Articuno!

“Hmmm… what are you four homies doing here?” He asked and smiling the best he could.

“Cynthia and I came to get our wish granted by Jirachi,” I responded.

“Well you’re in luck! I saw him a few days ago!” He grinned, the best he could and waved his beautiful fins around. It was mesmerising… I was a bit speechless.

“Say… would you like to come with us? It sure does look cold in there…,” Cynthia said happily. I covered Cynthia’s mouth.

“I have an even better idea,” I tried to whisper over the sound of my stomach.

“Hmmm…?” She mumbled.

“We ask and see if he can catch us any food,” I whispered and winked.

“Hmm…!” She nodded. I nodded back.

“Leon… per chance, would you have any food down in that little pond of yours?” I asked. I swear I had to yell over the sound of my stomach! “I think I’m about to collapse…,” I did just that.

“Oh my goodness! My homie fainted! I better get all of you some food!” He dove underwater. I opened my eyes and saw that he was gone… I could barely move. Cynthia collapsed onto her knees right next to me. We both fell asleep before we even noticed. Merick noticed this and dove into the water and Aurora waited patiently.

I woke up to a crunching noise from Aurora and Merick eating some crayfish. “Hmm… that looks good…,” I mumbled.

“What smells so good…?” Cynthia mumbled.

“Hey my human homies woke up!” Leon said. “Well, what you smell is a mix of crayfish and well, fish!”

“How’d you burn them? Lumineon can’t learn any fire type attacks,” Cynthia blinked.

“I used Hidden Power! It just happens to be fire type attack somehow… I dunno why,” he replied.

“THANK YOU!!” We both said and ate so fast that we almost threw up.

“I’m… already… full…,” I mumbled and collapsed onto my back.

“Me… too…,” she did the same.

“We… should go soon… after I digest this…,” I grinned.

“Yeah…,” she said. I looked at the sky… it began to snow.

“Hey… it’s snowing…,” I smiled. “Doesn’t this remind you of something?”

“Oh… my God… you’re right! It does remind me of something… that one February a long time ago… when you had that… weird dream…,” she fell asleep. I did the same despite snow falling onto me. I accidentally rolled onto Cynthia in my sleep. I woke up to see that it wasn’t Cynthia, but one of Aurora’s feet… she was standing over us.

“Oh… sorry…,” I looked up and she smiled at me. “So… you’re doing this on purpose?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “I don’t think you deserve to be so cold.”

“Yeah…,” I looked at my breath. “It is cold.”

Cynthia woke up to see Aurora standing over her. “Wow…,” was all she could say.

“I think we should get going,” I spoke up.

“Yeah,” she agreed with me. We both got up. I wondered about Leon… would he want to come with us…?

“Hey Leon, would you like to come with us?” I smiled.

“Hmm… sure!” He jumped out of the water and into Cynthia’s arms. Merick and Aurora smiled. We began to walk off and they followed…


A/N: Remember: the thing about humans being reincarnated into Pokemon is NOT my idea! It's srgeman's (he is from fanfiction) idea! (Give credit to him.)
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