Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Visiting Hours

by wordhammer 0 reviews

Holly is released, reconnects, and gets out some anger while catching Padfoot.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2009-10-07 - Updated: 2009-10-08 - 11165 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related concepts are owned by someone who isn't me. I will never seek or accept money for the circulation of this work.

Holly Evans and the Spiral Path
Chapter 31
: Visiting Hours

22nd May, 1994

Mum, Grandmum Minerva said I should transcribe this since you were feeling so out of sorts. It may seem obvious to say, but I think you should try to stay out of prison from now on. If you do that I promise to stay away from whiskey.
Hermione had approached Professor McGonagall about going along with her to Azkaban when you were released. Professor McGonagall told Hermione that she didn't think it would be appropriate, nor would she wish to subject anyone to that place if they didn't have to be. Hermione suggested that Holly might appreciate a friendly face, to which Professor McGonagall said "And why would you think she would feel that way about you at this point?" Hermione's stunned silence didn't deter Grandmum's stern gaze in the least. Grandmum Minerva then offered Hermione that if she wished to send anything to you that she would bring it with her. Hermione scribed a note but all it said was 'Newt, go with her. Let Holly know I missed her and that I hope to see her soon.' I took the advice and attached myself to the letter. Grandmum must have figured that would happen as she started talking to me as soon as we had Floo'ed to a dark sitting room in a smallish cottage.
"Newt, be a dear and set yourself onto some parchment there. I'll leave out the other Journal so you can catch up on events. If you can think of anything unusual that might happen today, I would appreciate some kind of warning. I'll make some tea for us. Miss Tonks should be here in a short while and then I shall see about retrieving our beloved miscreant."
'Beloved'- that's you, Mum.
After Natalia arrived to hold down the fort, Grandmum made certain to invite me onto her arm and we Apparated to that 'Landing Pad' you had described before. Grandmum walked the desolate strip of land to the entrance bunker where we were escorted in by an Auror. On the other side of the security cage we saw Minister Fudge looking quite disgruntled while he waited for his personal guards to cover his passage through the steel turnstile-thing. Once through, he turned a derisive eye on Grandmum.
"Minerva." he said.
"Cornelius," Grandmum replied.
"I am the Minister of Magic; you should address me as such."
"I apologise, Minister. Perhaps I wouldn't have mistaken your greeting for a cordial and familiar one if you had addressed me as Professor or Deputy Headmistress."
"Well then. Professor, your charge awaits you."
"I would assume so, but I believe you have something for me first; Miss Evans' wand and release form, proving she has fulfilled her penance."
"The Aurors have her wand," the Minister said dismissively. He fumbled in his robes for a moment and then handed Grandmum a folded parchment. As Grandmum opened and read the document, the Minister bustled his way towards the door.
"Minister Fudge. You have neglected to sign this document..."
The Minister stopped and then turned back.
"... though I'm sure it was merely an oversight."
Grandmum was very cordial in her tone, but her volume focused the whole room on their conversation. With the parchment thrust towards him, Fudge walked back to the Auror's desk, snatched the paper from Grandmum and using the desk quill, signed his name on the line validating the document. Grandmum seemed to muse as the Minister finished the paperwork.
"It's moments like this that remind me to speak of your leadership to the students as our elections come close. I think summer is a fine time to discuss the nuances of politics, what with families all coming together. There is a vote later this year, is there not?"
Minister Fudge glanced around, noticing the eight Aurors also occupying the room and smiled wanly.
"Just an oversight, I'm sure. Good day to you, Professor."
"And to you Minister."
As the Minister left the building we saw you poking your head around the corner of the opposite hallway. You were still dressed in the sackcloth tunic even though you had your robes and clothing folded in your arms. At least you had your shoes on. The Aurors led you through the security processes and through the steel turnstile until you were standing before us, looking pale, haunted and small. Grandmum gave you a quick hug, retrieved your wand from the Auror checkpoint guard and then you walked all the way to the Landing Pad before Grandmum could get you to say anything.
"Holly, please tell me. How are you? What happened? Can you say nothing? Is there anything going on in that forceful brain of yours?"
"Snap. Crackle. Pop."
"Oh, thank Merlin. I was beginning to think you were your daughter."
"No, (sigh) I won."
Once clear of the wards, Grandmum held you close and we Apparated back to her cottage.
The second we arrived Natalia sprung out of her chair, you dropped your burden to the floor and the two of you started hugging and crying for the next ten minutes. At some point Natalia handed you a bag of candy and sent you to take a shower. I think maybe you shouldn't have eaten quite so many of Albus' lemon sours while you were washing up.

Transcription: 22nd May, 1994 starting 6:48 PM

Minerva and Natalia are sitting in the parlour of Minerva's small cottage in Ferness, Aberdeenshire drinking tea and sampling from a tray of sweetmeats while waiting for Holly to return downstairs from her shower.
Natalia: "What do I do, Professor?"
Minerva: "You're asking me now? You're committed to her. Follow her. Be the best follower you can. I should think no other person on earth knows Miss Evans better than you at this point."
Natalia: "I... I know what's in her past, but that don't mean I know shite of what she needs!"
Minerva: "Then wait for her to tell you. Holly must command, so it would be best if she learns how to do it before she needs the skill."
Natalia: "At least I'm done with Azkaban duty."
Minerva: "Miss Tonks, perhaps it would be best if your change in schedule weren't so obviously linked to Holly's release."
Natalia: "I gotta go back? Awwww."
Minerva: "A few more times. Just to be sure.
Holly drops into the middle of the room from where she had crawled in across the ceiling like a spider, causing both women to exclaim in surprise and Natalia to tip her chair backward to crash onto the floor.
Minerva: "Oh my word!"
Natalia: "Fecking Hell! OOOOF!"
Holly taps her head with her wand, ending the Spider-Climb spell.
Holly: "Mmmmm howdy!"
Minerva: "Was that entirely necessary?"
Holly: "I certainly hope not. Where's the fun in that?"
Holly wavers a little while standing in place.
Minerva: "Are you drunk, Holly?"
Holly shakes her head slowly, with some exaggeration.
Holly: "No, but I can say I am altogether much calmer now."
Natalia: "Hols, how many of the lemon sours did you eat?"
Holly tosses the empty bag so that it bounces off Natalia's chin as she stands up while uprighting her chair.
Holly: "I didn't feel like sharing. Sorry."
Minerva: "Miss Tonks! What were you thinking?"
Natalia: "I was thinking 'me poor love Holly's been living her worst memories for the last five days, so a little smoother is only slightly more than polite'. That's what I was thinking. Since Holly doesn't like lemon that much I wasn't figuring she'd shotgun the lot of 'em!"
Minerva: "Holly did you..."
Holly's expression has fallen into a tremulous look of anxiety. Both of the other women move immediately to sit Holly down in an armchair. Holly looks up at them.
Holly: (worriedly) "Snapcracklepop!"
Natalia: "Oh, Hols, I'm sooo sorry. Here. Drink some tea, sweetie."
Natalia kisses Holly's forehead and then finds her chair, drawing it close enough to Holly's so that she can hold her hand. Minerva moves in as Natalia retreats to take the temperature on Holly's face and look deeply into her eyes.
Minerva: "Perhaps that wasn't an imprudent choice after all. I should probably mention it to Poppy for those students having the worst time this year. Yet you seem to be wavering between calm and hysteria..."
Holly: "I'm... it's... have a seat Mum. I need to explain. I think it will help me to say it aloud."
Minerva looks once more into Holly's eyes and then seats herself again. Holly looks down into her lap for a minute while she marshals her focus.
Holly: "I don't know if Natalia told you how we re-entered Azkaban, but she had me stand outside the cell under the Cloak while she stunned Sim-Holly. Sim had approached, expecting her weekly elixir but Natalia hit her with the spell instead. We waited while the Aurors who had detected the spell came to ask her what happened and after she explained that 'I' was getting out of hand, they left. I handed Natalia my Cloak and she let me into the cell and then left me to do the job undisturbed, at my insistence."
Natalia: "And I put up a Silencing Charm around the room. Hols told me not to come back until my normal patrol."
Minerva: "Miss Tonks had explained the basics but I didn't realise you were left alone."
Holly: "All for the best, I assure you.
Y'know, it's one thing to say 'I need to kill this thing' but it's entirely another when you're looking at yourself across a cold stone prison cell and realise you must do a murder. It doesn't matter whether Sim was fully sentient or not. She was alive. She felt pain. She understood things. I stared at her as she breathed in and out until I finally set aside my trepidation and got up to... do the job.
She was playing 'possum and jumped me almost immediately. We wrestled ferociously for about an hour- she dislocated my hip and I had broken her arm, and both of us had been punctured by the door spikes a few times. Sim finally had me pinned with her good arm choking me when she started to fall apart. The look of horror that crossed her face- she felt cheated. Sim had nearly won and her own body was robbing her of victory. With the loss of leverage I was able to switch positions until I had her in a headlock. With a twist I heard the Snap. She started to whine, though all her limbs stopped thrashing about. I exerted more pressure with what little strength I had left and heard a Crackle as several tendons tore free. She started hyperventilating with the pain shooting throughout her body. After a few minutes I had regained enough strength and was able to end her suffering, with a Pop. I knew it was over, because her body quickly melted into a fleshy morass. Only this remained."
Holly reaches down to the pile of clothes she brought back from Azkaban and pulls out what looks like a small white bowl- actually part of the skull of a human girl without the jawbone. Holly holds it up to show the others and Natalia gently takes it from Holly to place it on the coffee table.
Holly: "And for the next eternity, I heard the sounds and felt the utter despair of knowing I am truly damned. Snap. Crackle. Pop."
Minerva and Natalia both are weeping quietly but sit stunned in their chairs.
Holly: "Y'know, any time one of you would like to Obliviate me of that, I'd appreciate it."
Both women move to draw their wands but Holly has relaxed back into her seat, waving her hand in dismissal.
Holly: "Nah, never mind. It's not that hard any more. I wouldn't recommend Dementors as therapy but I've kinda moved past it."
Natalia: "Are you joking?"
Holly: "WELL WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?! I can't tell anymore! Oh, do you have any fruit? I'd really like something tasty that has nothing to do with meat."
Minerva: "I...think maybe this was premature..."
Holly: "Oh, no. She was due to die. Or were you referring to supper?"
Natalia: "Holly, you're really not acting normal..."
Holly: "Compared to the other murderers you've rescued from Azkaban?"
Natalia: "Ahh... well..."
Minerva: "Holly, what do you need right now?"
Holly: "Mango. Just say the word with me a couple times. It really brightens my mood."
Natalia starts crying.
Holly: "Oh, Honey!"
Holly gets up rather clumsily from the chair, taking mincing steps around the low coffee table until she is standing in front of Natalia's seat. Holly drops to a crouch and engages Natalia in a warm, loving kiss. Natalia shares the kiss but continues to cry even after Holly pulls back to look at her friend.
Holly: "Natalia, please don't fret. I understand how you feel. But Gordon can't give me babies and I think Harry's too young to be a father just yet, alright?"
Natalia's crying is disrupted by the desperate laugh that issues from deep within her.
Natalia: "Holly, don't tease me about that. I love you and I know you love me but you love Hermione more, and y'know, it's cool. Just don't tease me..."
Holly: "The HELL it is! What good is knowing you're in love if you can't demonstrate it? Like this..."
Natalia: "Whoa!"
Holly pulls sharply on the neckline of Natalia's top until her right breast is exposed and immediately starts to lick it. Natalia jumps up and grabs Holly up in her arms.
Natalia: "That's it! I'm taking you to bed."
Holly: "Well, effin' finally! I have SUCH an itch that my tongue cannot reach. Believe me, I've tried..."
Minerva stands up behind Natalia and taps her wand on Holly's head.
Minerva: "Dormus"
Holly slumps in Natalia's arms.
Natalia: "Th-thanks, Professor. I'll just... just tuck her in, then."
Natalia carries Holly up the stairs presumably to the guest room. Minerva walks over to a small side cabinet and retrieves a dusty bottle and two thick-bottomed glasses, placing the collection onto the coffee table before settling back into her chair. With a flick of her wand the bottle is uncorked and lifts itself to fill the tumbler closest to Minerva with a dark amber liquid. Natalia returns several minutes later to find Minerva sitting in her chair sipping from the glass and staring off in the distance. As Natalia sits back down, Minerva snaps out of her reverie.
Minerva: "Whiskey?"
Natalia: "Yes, please. A double."
Minerva tips back her glass to empty the contents down her throat and then leans forward to fill it once more from the dusty bottle before filling the other tumbler in front of Natalia's chair.
Minerva: "Ohh, I'll not be holding any back tonight. It'll make returning to Hogwarts tomorrow a bit bumpy, but I can't say I wasn't expecting that."
Natalia: "And Holly?"
Minerva: "Holly will do as she sees fit, I'm sure. There's enough hangover cure in the washroom cupboard for all of us. You'll let her know?"
Natalia: "You... want me to stay?"
Minerva: "Yes. Holly shouldn't be alone this night. You should stay with her in the guest room, Natalia."
Natalia: "Thank you. For that, for all this..."
Minerva: "I care for Holly greatly, Natalia. I'm just not feeling very accomplished in the execution of my guardian duties."
Natalia: "Give yourself an out, Minerva. You've only had the job three months by your accounting and she was headed to prison when you took the position."
Transcription ends.
Actually, transcription gets very fuzzy after sampling Natalia's whiskey. I woke up in a soup bowl in Minerva's chiller. Grandmum said I had spilled onto the floor, looking like a melted grape popsicle. If you go to prison again, I could very well end up down someone's drainpipe.



23rd May, 1994

Again, I hope Natalia and I didn't ruin your morning completely but we really needed the time together. If I was feeling better I would have remembered the Silencing charms. Don't blame Natalia, as I didn't give her much time to think as she awoke this morning. There was much apologising to be done, and actions are always more meaningful for her.
In the interest of keeping you up to date on who knows what about whom, Newt's going to transcribe my reunion with Hermione. The room got crowded right quick.
Transcription: 23rd May, 1994 starting 12:20 PM
In an unused classroom in Hogwarts, Holly sits quietly in a desk chair looking quite ill. She has her robe wrapped tightly around her shoulders and is curled up with her legs drawn up to her chest. The door to this isolated classroom opens and Hermione enters tentatively, looking for the occupant in the diffuse light coming from the overcast sky seen through the window.
Hermione: "Hello? Professor McGonagall sent me to this room and told me to introduce myself. I'm Hermione Gr-... Holly? Is that you?!"
Holly looks up morosely, nodding slowly and releasing a slight sniffle.
Holly: "Hi."
Hermione rushes forward but stops as she notices Holly has remained curled into the chair. Holly looks up at Hermione through her frameless glasses and gives a haunting stare.
Hermione: "Holly, how... how are you?"
Holly: "Surviving, I suppose. I can say it's no great joy coming back here with the Dementors hanging about, but this is better than... there. By a longshot."
Hermione: "Holly, how... how did you survive? What was it... like?"
Holly uncurls from the chair and stands partially, only to slump to the ground clutching at Hermione's robes to keep her balance. Hermione immediately bends down to hold Holly's shoulders.
Holly: "Oh it was awful! The constant screaming! Day in, day out, nothing but toil and cooking and cleaning. And then there was the sex! Constant, demanding, never-ending sex from dusk until dawn and through the day again. THAT WOMAN CANNOT BE SATISFIED! I tried (sniff) I really tried (SOB) But she was too much for me! OH God, Hermione! Save me from that horrible taskmistress and her insatiable desires!"
Natalia appears suddenly from under the Cloak with a look of indignation.
Natalia: "Hey now, you started it!"
Holly waves at Natalia dismissively.
Holly: "Talia be quiet for now, I'm in the middle of something. OH GOD, HERMIONE! PLEASE JUST TAKE ME HOME and put me someplace safe! (SOB) A closet will do...anywhere but in the company of that crazed madwoman!"
Hermione stands up and puts her hands on her hips in quite the harrumph.
Hermione: "You're having me on, aren't you?"
Holly smiles and stands up, taking a moment to straighten Hermione's robes for her.
Holly: "Only partly- I was entirely a volunteer. How was your spring?"
Hermione: "You were in prison!"
Holly: "Yes, but after day 9 I wasn't in Azkaban. I have soooo much to tell you and so much to talk about, but the most important question is the one I asked you before."
Hermione's face reflects her warring emotions until she resolves to a slightly irritated confusion.
Hermione: "What question was that?"
Holly pulls Hermione aside and steps closer, within arm’s reach. She stares through her glasses deeply into Hermione's eyes. Her playful expression melts into a look of imploring hope.
Holly: "Did you miss me?"
Hermione starts to tear up and she grips Holly's forearms to steady herself.
Hermione: "YYYYES! Oh, Holly! I'm so sorry! I said such awful things to you and it wasn't even how I felt! Can you ever forgive me?"
Holly: "Just give me a hug and tell me you love me, silly."
Hermione wraps Holly in a fierce hug that is immediately reciprocated.
Hermione: "I love you."
Holly: "I can't believe that worked!"
Holly and Hermione continue to hold each other tightly for several minutes, both girls weeping slightly but with prim smiles. Finally, Hermione relaxes slightly and her expression turns more unhappy.
Hermione: "I guess... you've been having sex... with your friend there. That's best I suppose. I really don't feel... sexually towards you anymore. I mean, I've tried to think... but I just can't bring myself to force it... and..."
Holly: "Hermione, I understand. I just want you back in my life. As more than friends."
Hermione: "...but less than lovers?"
Holly: "Yes."
Natalia steps over to the two girls as they release their hug and revert to staring into each other's tear-stained faces.
Natalia: "So, I'm sorry, what does that make you two now?"
Holly grins madly.
Holly: "Marauders!"
Hermione smiles appreciatively with a chuckle.
Hermione: "Marauders."
Holly smiles back for a minute and then seems to get distracted by a thought or sense of something.
Holly: "Wait, does that mean we get all naked with the twins?"
Fred & George: "We surely hope so!"
Fred and George appear next to the gaggle of girls as their invisibility fades.
Holly: "Fred! George! Your Disillusionment is superb, just cut back on the aftershave, yah?"
As Holly reaches to give George an emphatic handshake, Hermione turns to the newly appeared redheads and thumps Fred in the arm with a quick swing.
Fred: "Ow!"
Hermione: "You wankers! I've a mind to drag you both down every staircase in Hogwarts by your ears!"
Fred: "You can tell Holly's back..."
George: "... 'cause Hermione's getting violent again!"
Hermione: "I would have been violent before if I had found you! You two bastards ruined what little fun I could have had with Seamus! You have your OWL exams to study for yet still you spent every other waking moment making it impossible for us to have time alone!"
George: "He wasn't worthy of you, Bookworm."
Hermione: "Don't call me that!"
Fred: "All the Marauders have aliases!"
George: "Absolutely!"
Fred: "So yours should be Bookworm!"
Holly: "The originals based theirs on their Animagus forms, y'know?"
Fred & George: "Sure, but we haven't tried that out, have we?"
Holly steps back slightly, standing in an officious way, with her hand raised up as if invoking a higher power.
Holly: "Hermione, you Marauder name shall be..."
Hermione: "Holly, don't you dare..."
Holly: "Kittyhawk."
Hermione: "Why that?"
Holly moves close to whisper in Hermione's ear.
Holly: (whispering) "It represents the combination of cat and bird, and because you barely got off the ground despite making history."
Holly steps back again. Hermione gives her a sour look of distrust and annoyance for a moment. Hermione then smirks.
Hermione: "Well... alright then. Yours should be Rook."
Holly: "I like it. I'll take it. Why, though?"
Hermione: "Because that's what you are. A rook, Corvus Frugilegus; one of the smartest subtypes of crow, known for being inventive enough to use tools to get food. You were too small to be a raven so I looked it up."
Holly: "A scavenging crow. Hooray."
Hermione: "Yes, but a smart one."
Holly smirks and then turns to wave Natalia into the conversation.
Holly: "Rook it is, then. Friends, I'd like to introduce you to..."
Fred & George: "TONKS!"
Fred: "Bless my soul, Nymphadora! We never thought to see you in range of our tricks again."
George: "Uhh, Fred..."
Natalia walks up to Fred with a big smile on her face, approaching close enough to kiss him. Her hand shoots down between his legs to grab a sensitive appendage.
Fred: "OOh!"
Natalia: "Just so we're clear carrot-top, my name is NaTALia!"
As she speaks the middle syllable Fred lets out a groan and doubles over, clutching onto Natalia's arm before collapsing to the floor.
Fred: "(Urgk!) I shrivel, corrected."
George: "Uhh, Natalia. I like it! Sounds almost foreign."
Natalia turns her attention to the other twin with a big grin.
Natalia: "I know! Holly gave it to me! Isn't it grand?"
Holly: "By the way, I heard you lot took sweet revenge on the Slytherins with some sort of plague. How did that play out exactly?"
Hermione: "Oh for the love of God don't encourage them!"
George: "You're missing the spirit of this enterprise, Kittyhawk. This was art!"
From the ground, Fred moans slightly.
Fred: "Y-yup. Best ever. (Ooooohh)"
George: "See, we felt motivated to take revenge for you but hadn't planned anything global since our first years. Ginny overheard us talking about it and felt she should honour you for kindly handing us our victory over the Slytherins!"
Hermione: "Yes, well the Slytherins could hardly field a team after the... altercation but Ginny did fly admirably on your Nimbus in two other matches."
George: "So then of all people Neville Longbottom pops in to well-wish you and comes up with a right inspiration."
Fred rises to kneeling while still breathing heavily.
Fred: "Unplumbed depths in that one. (Ohh.)"
George: "Right you are, Fred. So Neville comes up with these plant parasites what normally infest vegetables in China, see. Well the little buggers can do a right number on the stomach if they're eaten, causing the stomach acids to froth up and out once it eats through their shells- it usually takes a day. Well, Neville acquires these bad boys and hands them off to Gin-Gin. She convinces the elves to put 'em into everyone's pudding that night."
Fred finally rises to standing, though his face is quite flushed.
Fred: "Elves give us food happily but know better than take any from us. (Cough, cough)"
George: "Everyone but everyone takes in the little buggers, particularly after me and Fred make a to-do about shunning some other foodstuffs, like you two used to."
Holly: "That works, except how did you get it to only affect the Slytherins?"
George: "See, that's the genius part. Neville tells us the only way the Chinese keep these buggers in check is 'cause they die without reacting to stomach acid when they're exposed to certain harsh sounds."
Fred: "It's why Chinese opera sounds like it does. Apparently they had quite the infestation several centuries back and the muggles just kept on with it."
George: "So we play Chinese Opera early the next morning over WWRX, blaming it on Peeves, and it isn't until dinner that the snakes start spewing magenta foam!"
Fred: "None of them bought the radios, as they were declared contraband by Head of House decree!"
Hermione: "Except Tracy Davis did, and she escaped the suffering along with her roommate Pansy. Most of the Slytherins blamed her, you know!"
Fred & George: "Icing on the cake!"
Holly: "Masterful, gentleman. Just masterful."
George: "So what should we be called?"
Holly looks briefly annoyed.
Holly: "The Tweedles, Dee and Dum. You need to find your forms, first. We'll send you the formula for the Animagus discovery potion and the Cleansing Draught; it'll take time to brew so you'll have to let us know how it turns out this summer."
Fred & George: "Wicked!"
Hermione: "Oh, well... if you are going to do this, don't do it simultaneously, make sure you can't wander off and keep a large bucket and an icepack handy."
Fred & George: "Yes, Mum."
Holly: "Lads, you should make enough to share with your co-conspirators."
George: "Gin-gin? Alright. I doubt Longbottom would go for it, though."
Holly: "Ask him. He's already surprised you once. In the meantime, I'd like some privacy for girl-talk if you don't mind."
Fred & George: "Yeah, alright. See you at dinner!"
Holly: "Not tonight, but soon."
The Twins leave the room with a coordinated jaunty wave.
Natalia: "You feel strongly that they'll abide by those instructions?"
Holly & Hermione: "Not really."
Natalia starts bouncing in place for a moment.
Natalia: "So, can I be a Marauder, too?"
Holly: "You'll have to ask your cousin when we bring him in from the cold."
Hermione: "Her cousin?"
Holly: "Sirius Black. He's innocent, Hermione. We need to catch him before the Dementors do."
Hermione's face drops in shock, quickly changing to an expression of resigned doom.
Hermione: (in monotone) "I really missed you. Really. It was so boring not being in life-threatening situations. Absolutely dull."
Holly makes a quick concerned frown.
Holly: "You seem distressed. Can I kiss you? It might help."
Hermione rolls her eyes.
Hermione: "If only because it may be my last opportunity."
Natalia: "Ooh! In that case, can I have a go?"
Hermione: "What? No!"
Natalia: "I don't think she likes me."
Holly: "It's 'cause she doesn't know you."
Natalia: "What's to know? I'm harmless!"
Hermione: "Are you joking? Aside from nearly castrating Fred with your grip just now, you're no doubt the one who took Holly off-grounds right before... before Pansy called for help. When Holly was in prison you evidently broke her out of Azkaban and had sex with her nightly for nearly three months straight!"
Natalia: "I guess she does know me."
Holly: "Nah, that's just facts. If she knew you, she'd want to kiss you."
Hermione turns to face Holly anxiously.
Hermione: "Holly! How can you say that?"
Holly nods to ease Hermione's discomfort, distracting her slightly.
Holly: "You should meet Gordon. Gordon?"
As Hermione turns around she is surprised to see Gordon standing not six inches from her, wearing a dark grey wool suit with matching robes loosely hung around his shoulders. Gordon stares down into Hermione's eyes kindly. Hermione looks slightly awestruck as she slowly shakes Gordon's proffered hand.
Hermione: "Ohhhh. It's very nice to meet you. Well, I uhhh... (gulp) that is... you... have very nice eyes."
Gordon: "Now would you kiss me?"
Hermione: "I... I'd seriously consider it. (Gulp) ...if my life was ending. O-or we had a meal together first."
Gordon: "So you're asking me out on a date?"
Hermione: "Well, not as such..."
Holly: "Yeah, Natalia. You can be a Marauder. Pranking the others is a hallmark."
Gordon: "Excellent!"
Gordon gently raises Hermione's hand to kiss it, shifting back into Natalia just as she applies the warm smooch. Hermione jerks her hand back to hold it against her chest in surprise.
Hermione: "Yahh!"
Natalia grins and winks at Hermione.
Hermione: "Am I right in thinking you're a Metamorphmagus?"
Natalia: "Oooh! She is well-read! Yah, I'm the only living Metamorph in Europe that I'm aware of."
Hermione: "And...and what is it that you... do?"
Natalia moves closer once more, staring into Hermione's eyes with a lustful burn.
Natalia: "As much as I can, as often as I can."
Hermione gulps.
Holly: "Yah, she's an Auror, Hermione. A Dark wizard catcher."
Natalia's smile softens slightly, becoming more affectionate.
Natalia: "I still wouldn't mind that date, Miss Hermione."
Hermione: "Let's... just... keep things friendly, shall we?"
Natalia: "Absolutely! As I understand it, Holly's version of friendly includes..."
Hermione: "No! Not that! Oooh! Some days I feel that all you want to do is embarrass me, Holly."
Holly: "That was Natalia!"
Hermione: "Yes but she was acting by your urging. I swear, there is a whirling aura of madness that follows you and people just get sucked right into it! Usually me."
Holly: "I cherish these moments of madness with you, Hermione. The rest of the time, things are just scary."
Holly turns Hermione towards her and embraces her closely but gently. Hermione returns the hug and both girls begin to get quite emotional, their embrace strong and comforting with each girl resting her head on the other's shoulder. Natalia looks at them kindly for a minute, then steps forward to kiss the top of Holly's head.
Natalia: "I'm going to hunt down some fruit. Take your time."
Holly: "Thanks, 'Talia."
Natalia leaves the room closing the door quietly behind her. After another minute the girls relax their embrace. Hermione looks down to Holly's collarbone, letting herself be distracted by the scar trailing from under Holly's green v-neck jumper.
Hermione: "So... you and Miss Tonks are a... couple?"
Holly: "Not exactly. We've gone through some intense experiences together and come to an understanding about how close we like to be with each other. You know how intense experiences can drive a relationship."
Hermione releases their embrace and steps back slightly.
Hermione: "I suppose I do. So is that what we had? Just the lingering excitement after several life-threatening adventures?"
Holly shifts her weight to one leg and moves her hands to her hips.
Holly: "You sound upset. I thought you were emphatically hetero and blamed me for bending your morals, yet now you seem jealous. What's it going to be, Hermione?"
Hermione turns to the side slightly and tightly crosses her arms.
Hermione: "Just because I can't return your feelings doesn't mean the rejection hurts any less."
Holly: "I didn't reject you."
Hermione: "Oh, I suppose this is where you point out that sex isn't the same thing as love!"
Holly moves to a stronger stance and begins to use her hands more to communicate.
Holly: "It isn't, but unlike Natalia I'm choosing only to have sex with someone I love. Hermione, I haven't rejected you. I sought love and comfort with a friend who needed the same. I got it. I still love you and that's the curse of it.
Hermione: "Explain."
Holly: "Maybe if you hadn't ever been in my life, Natalia and I could have been more to each other. Yet here you are and you're pissed as Hell because while I was gone I was sleeping with another person. Maybe I'm a little insane from the isolation, but I don't think I could have asked for a more gratifying sign of your feelings for me given how we left things. Congratulations. You own my heart. What you do with it is up to you."
Hermione drops her arms to her sides and turns to face Holly once more.
Hermione: "I... but... this isn't... how can I own your heart? What sort of poetic claptrap is that?!"
Holly: "I gave it to you. You didn't give it back yet. Don't worry, I can't think of a more noble person to hold it right now."
Hermione begins to look distracted, her right hand reaching up to touch her temple, as if to offset some pressure there.
Hermione: "But... Holly... I can't be trusted. Holly, someone modified my mind, probably when you were dealing with Harry's reappearance. I... don't desire you because it is unnatural, but at the same time I am unnaturally compelled to not desire women at all."
Holly: "Well that's clear as a bog."
Hermione: "What I mean is, well... first of all you were right. What we did together wasn't your fault, nor was our falling out. There was a spell making it hard for me to be near you, or to trust you but I've purged that recently. In addition to that, in my own convictions I know women are not meant to love women, but that seems a recent modification as well. On the other hand, I know my mind well enough now to say that I don't think I would have responded sexually to you this year if I wasn't under some other influence. It was probably a lingering effect of the botched Polyjuice which was finally purged when I took the same curative which restored your... womanly development. Finally, I believe intellectually in my deepest heart of hearts that I love you, for who you are and how you see me."
Holly: "You believe intellectually in your heart of hearts...?"
Hermione: "Don't get me started on the irony! Holly, if I cannot be with you in love because of all of this... static, then... well... I think I should see what love with someone else has to offer."
Hermione's stance loses all the anxious energy of her tirade.
Holly: "Well, I think I can help you with the first problem, but not without some research digging into your mind which we don't have time for at the moment. I still have some leftover Catifying Polyjuice if you'd like to experience the joy of fur once more, even if only to test for your theoretical shift in morals. Assuming you can rebrew your Rehumanizing Draught, that would be a fair proving ground. I just don't think that's an experiment we should consider until the first problem is addressed. The last part sounds like you want to find a boy to play with."
Hermione: "Well, not like a toy... Holly, um... how would you feel if I asked Harry..."
Holly: "And I don't have time for that conversation, either. Sirius' life is at risk. Do you mind if we schedule your entertainments after we resolve the current crisis? I'd be happy to help, just not now."
Hermione looks up and stares into Holly's calm expression.
Hermione: "You're different. More focused and commanding."
Holly: "And?"
Hermione smiles wryly.
Hermione: "I like it. You don't seem angry all the time."
Holly smiles back.
Holly: "I love you, too. Let's find the rest of the Marauders and come up with a way to trap a Grim, shall we?"
Hermione gives with an incredulous rolling of her eyes.
Hermione: "And you still have the most interesting hobbies of anyone I've met."
Holly: "You have no idea."
Both girls move to leave the room but Holly grabs Hermione's hand in her own and stops walking, drawing Hermione to turn and face her.
Holly: "Hermione... I really did miss you. There is no one like you. And I will love you until I am dead. Possibly longer."
Hermione stares somewhat unsteadily at Holly, and then steps forward to embrace her, wrapping both arms around the shorter girl's shoulders. Holly turns her head to lay it upon Hermione's shoulder and slides her arms around Hermione's waist. Hermione's hands start to grip and explore portions of Holly's shoulders, arms and back.
Hermione: "My God, your muscles are like iron! What did that woman do to you?"
Holly: (sighing exhaustedly) "As much as she could, as often as she could..."
Transcription ends.



Our plans are to start things after eight this evening. We'll do our best not to attract attention, but I would appreciate it if you could 'run interference' against any undue scrutiny by the staff. Let me know if there's any glaringly obvious flaw in our plan. Natalia and I will be hiding out until then, so call for Dobby if you need to find us.

Transcription: 23rd May, 1994 starting 1:33 PM
Holly and Hermione reunite with Natalia after walking for a bit. Hermione asks a portrait of a wizened gentleman in an Elizabethan doublet where Professor Lupin might be and receives curt instructions to an isolated classroom. By the time they arrive at their destination, Hermione has fallen behind while apologising to the attention-starved elderly courtier. Inside the classroom, Moony is sitting at a worktable with several scrolls spread across the table. Holly and Natalia enter the room quietly, but Moony notices them immediately just the same. Holly steps forward somewhat tentatively.
Holly: "Hello, Professor. Long time no see."
Moony gives Holly a pained smile.
Moony: "How are you feeling, Holly?"
Holly smiles as she strides forward to give Moony a hug.
Holly: "I am grateful to have friends. I wasn't sure how you felt about my actions before, and I imagine you've been told some disconcerting things lately."
Moony: "That's a bit of an understatement. I've spent the last twelve years furious with the wrong man. It feels good to know we are going to do something to correct that."
Holly: "Yes it does!
Holly steps back and gestures for Natalia to step forward in greeting.
Holly: "Moony... I mean, Professor Remus Lupin, allow me to introduce you to Natalia Tonks. She's an Auror cadet and my loyal friend as well. Natalia, this is one of my parents' best friends, as well as the Defense instructor."
Natalia: "This year's model, eh? Nice to meetcha!"
Natalia moves forward with a bounce, offering her hand across the table. Remus steps back and looks at her with mild concern.
Moony: "Well, we've never been introduced but I've seen you several times before."
Natalia drops her hand and gives Moony a coy smile while leaning against the table.
Natalia: "Have you now?"
Moony: "Yes. The first time was at Gringott's bank during the hols before Yule when the bank was especially busy. Every queue to the tellers was budged up by a dozen people and you kept changing queue, trying to get closer, when finally you stumbled into one gentleman, pulling his robes down from around his shoulders. He stumbled forward and the subsequent collapse of the queue resembled nothing less than a human domino effect. I still haven't figured out how I ended up stumbling to the ground. The second time..."
Natalia stands back slightly and raises her hands slightly defensively.
Natalia: "Yeah, alright. That could happen to anyone, y'know! All that ruckus for four Galleons, six sickles besides."
Moony: "The second time you were in the Leaky Cauldron having a pint with some of your Auror-cadet mates..."
Natalia: "Oh, no. You were there then?"
Moony: "...and while slinging your mug about you succeeded in knocking the waitress' platter from her hands, causing several skewers to fall directly through the forearms of the three elderly ladies who had already asked your group to calm themselves."
Natalia: "Y'know, Tom said he regretted the whole Hawaiian shish-kabob night thing from the start, so you can't blame me..."
Moony: "And the last time I saw you was when you and Holly entered into the castle following a very distracted Headmaster. You seemed to be wrestling furiously with a set of goggles stuck to your face and ended up elbowing Cedric Diggory into the arms of his Head of House, causing them to land in a compromising position just as the doors to the Great Hall opened to let out a special class for the first-years I was holding, on how to offset the effect of the Dementors."
Natalia: "And I think I should be praised for offering those poor dears the best Patronus-worthy memory they are likely to have yet seen in their short lives! Diggory's palms digging so earnestly on Pomona's baps for a grip would send any young boy to bed with a smile. I'm fair to sure Pomona went to bed happy, too."
Holly's snickering becomes audible.
Holly: "Yeah, that was excellent!"
Natalia: "Wouldn'a been anything at all Holly, if you had told me how to release the Sticking Charm on the goggles."
Holly: "I hadn't thought that far ahead- you needed a sifting defense against Dumbledore."
Natalia: "Oh, yeah. Well met, then!"
Moony looks warily at Natalia's re-extended hand and then picks up a quill to begin making notes once more.
Moony: "Yes. Just... stay on that side of the table."
Natalia retracts her hand with a sour expression, standing back from the table and crossing her arms defensively.
Natalia: "Oatmeal."
Moony: "Klutz."
Holly: "Natalia, either he doesn't know how to play the game or he doesn't want to. Let's get to it. Where's Kittyhawk?"
Natalia: "Loo."
Moony: "Kittyhawk?"
Holly: "Hermione and I gave ourselves Marauder names for this operation. She's Kittyhawk and I'm Rook."
Moony: "You don't mind being a chess piece?"
Holly locks eyes with Moony.
Holly: "I already was. Rook's a promotion from pawn."
Moony: "Ahh, right."
Hermione enters and closes the door behind her, casting an Imperturbable Charm and Colloportus on it before approaching the table. Moony breaks Holly's stare to greet Hermione.
Moony: "Hello, Kittyhawk."
Hermione: "I suppose that's going to stick now."
Natalia: "It's better than Bookworm, eh?"
As Hermione shrugs in defeat, Moony unfolds the already-activated Marauder's Map onto the table, revealing a new fold-out page showing the extended grounds.
Moony: "Ladies, if you please. Holly, I haven't been idle since you contacted Minerva about Padfoot's situation. I've spent the last week adding Marauder Monitors on the older trees in the Forbidden Forest. The Map has this extension that should give at least partial data for the first mile from the edge of the school wards. The problem is that unlike corridors a forest is open terrain, so only so much coverage is possible and with so many extra Monitors far from the castle the Map doesn't update as quickly. We'll have to watch it closely as he may appear as merely a flicker, depending on what paths he's using. The good news is that I've seen his imprint several times since adding the Monitors to the Forest, so we know he's still out there."
Holly: "Any pattern?"
Moony: "Too little info to say."
Holly: "So what we need to do is lure him in to us, which is kinda what I was expecting. If we can lure him into the right position we can trap him before he bolts or changes form, and then haul him out of range of the Dementors until we can arrange for justice to be served, instead of just the law. Natalia sent a message to Director Bones that she may know where to find Sirius Black and that we also believe he's innocent. We're still waiting on her reply but we've been jumping around a bit lately. Her owl may be quite frustrated by the time it finds us here."
Hermione: "Still, we should find out how to approach the situation. There may be a legal precedent that we can use to ensure he gets a fair hearing. I can dig into that with some help from Neville and uhh, others."
Holly gives Hermione a look of concern but pushes past it.
Holly: "Sounds good. So how do we lure the Grim?"
Hermione turns to Moony.
Hermione: "Scent of Aphrodesia?"
Moony: "No, we'll end up with every carnivore with a nose coming to hunt. Perhaps a Will o' Wisp?"
Hermione: "The effect is quite short range, and I thought dogs only see grayscale."
Moony: "Yes, of course. It's visual confusion; without the colours the effect would be minimal."
Hermione and Moony both look up at the same time to point towards the other.
Hermione & Moony: "Siren's Song!"
Natalia: "That was spooky."
Hermione: "It would have the range..."
Moony: "...and can be keyed to a more specific target. That will bring him close, but he'll need a reason to follow a specific path."
Holly: "That's my job. Mr. Black has been in Azkaban for a dozen years. He'd follow something he's been dreaming about but never expected to see again- Lily."
Moony: "If you're thinking of an illusion, Padfoot's more aural and olfactory in identifying people."
Holly: "I know."
With a tap of her foot, Holly's jeans, green pullover and black long-sleeved shirt are replaced with a one-piece long-sleeved cotton shift, tie-dyed in a mix of pink, purple and teal that grips Holly's curves tightly. Her brown hiking boots remain as they were. With a tap of her wand, Holly's combat goggles on her forehead reshape into wire-frame round glasses with bottle-green lenses. She pulls them down to replace her normal frameless glasses that disappeared with her other outfit.
Holly: "You've a sharp nose, Moony. Who do I smell like now?"
Moony stands up slowly from the table, eyes agog.
Moony: "Merlin! If you were six inches taller you'd be Lily herself. (Sniff) It's perfect."
Holly: "Mum had some spare clothes stored away. This fit me better than the rest.
Moony: "(Gulp) I'll say."
Hermione: "How did you switch clothes without using your wand?"
Holly: "I have Switching spells embedded on a toe ring. I tap the toe while thinking of changing clothes and the other set appears."
Hermione: "Well, that's all fair and good, but you'll have to practice the Siren's Song if this is going to work. You think of the person or creature you're attempting to attract, in this case a black dog, and then sing the song following this wand movement. It goes like this."
Holly: "Wait, we don't want to call him yet."
Hermione: "It won't carry far without a fog- the Siren's Song travels across water."
Hermione places her wand to her throat with a flourish.
Hermione: (singing) "AaaAaaAhhh, AuuuAaaaaAAA!"
Natalia: "And she just knows this off the top of her head?"
Holly: "I told you; Hermione's a marvel."
Hermione blushes. Holly mimics Hermione's wand movement.
Holly: (singing, if you can call it that) "Auuuaghk (Ahem) AuuuuuAaaAaaaaAuuuAaaaAHHH!"
Hermione: "Honestly Holly, are you are woman or not? Your voice sounds like a dying bird!"
Holly gestures towards her breasts in irritation.
Holly: "Woman, what's it look like? What I am NOT is a vocalist. That comes from being choked too many times and inhaling caustic fumes without safety equipment. Blame Vernon for having me strip and repaint the shed twice."
Hermione: "Oh. Perhaps I should be Lily instead."
Holly: "No. You may sing beautifully, but I look the part."
Moony: "(Gulp) I'll say."
Holly turns to see that Moony is still staring at her, though his ogling seems to have followed her gesture.
Holly: "Somebody slap Moony; he's stuck again. What we'll do is have you sing the Siren song from beneath the Cloak. Once he's close you can fall back in case it gets ugly."
Hermione: (indignantly) "But I can defend mys... WAAAH!"
With a flick of Holly's wand, Hermione is upended and hanging several feet off the floor with Hermione frantically holding her skirt against her thighs to keep from exposing her knickers.
Holly: "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Hermione: "Let. Me. Down!"
Holly: "Liberacorpus."
Hermione: "OOF!"
Hermione drops to the floor clumsily and slowly rises to glare at Holly.
Hermione: "I wasn't ready!"
Holly: "You aren't ready, and I won't risk losing you so soon after you've taken up hugging me again."
Hermione: "So I should stop hugging you. I'm already considering it!"
Holly: "Hermione, you're not going into combat until you can knock me on my arse. I need you. Don't die on me."
Hermione turns away from Holly in a huff. In a quick movement, Hermione whips out her wand once more and turns back to aim at Holly.
Hermione: "Stupe.... WAAH!"
Holly's Protego was already in place as her wand dances in Hermione's direction, ending with a Disarming Hex that sends Hermione's wand flying. Holly smirks seeing her upended friend once more attempting to defend her modesty. Natalia's smile grows wide.
Natalia: "Nice red knickers there, Hermione."
Hermione: "What? They're blue."
Moony: "Not anymore..."
Hermione looks around her rumpled skirt to see that her underthings have been recoloured apple-red in the exchange of spells.
Hermione: "Oooh! Let me down!"
Holly: "Mmm, no."
Hermione: "Fine. You win. Please let me down so I may contribute?"
With a double-flick of her wand, Holly re-inverts Hermione and gently brings her down to stand on the floor.
Holly points to Hermione and then herself.
Holly: "Astronomer... Astronaut."
Hermione: "Days like this I don't know whether to kiss you or hex you."
Natalia: "I usually choose both to speed things along."
Hermione: (mumbling) "We'll see who laughs last when your knickers are turned to steel wool!"
Holly: "See, now I know when you'll attack, 'cause I only wear them four days a month."
Hermione stares at Holly in her hippie dress as she leans over the table to inspect the Map.
Hermione: "Well I... um... good! I like a challenge! (mumbling) I also see today's not one of the four."
Looking back at Hermione over the ridge of the green Lennon glasses, Holly smiles appreciatively.
Holly: "There's the girl I missed. Always observant."
Natalia turns to Hermione.
Natalia: "Say, if you're not partial to red, can I have your knickers?"
Hermione: "I... what?"
Natalia: ""
Hermione: "Miss Tonks!"
Natalia: "It was worth a try, especially if Holly's going to upend you again."
Moony: "Good point. I mean, 'Please show a little more respect to my student, Miss Tonks.'"
Hermione: "You know, working with you lot is making me seriously reconsider wearing skirts."
Holly, Natalia, Moony: "FINALLY!"
Hermione: "What?"
Holly: "It's a tactical faux-pas..."
Natalia: "And completely exposes your legs to fire and fluids."
Moony: "...not to mention making some of us feel like we're in the midst of an extended seduction."
Holly: "You've got great legs, Hermione. They are powerful weapons that should be used responsibly."
Hermione looks at each of the others as they turn their collective gaze down towards her pleat-covered thighs.
Hermione: "I'll... just be in the library then."
Hermione backs out of the room as three pairs of eyes gaze longingly at Hermione's slender calves. After fussing nervously with the door, Hermione cancels her locking spell and quickly leaves. As the door closes, the remaining occupants blink reflexively before gathering around the Map once more.
Holly: "I already feel like I can think more clearly. 'Voice like a dying bird' indeed!"
Natalia: "I see what you like..."
Moony: "Do you have any idea how much self-control I had to exert while brewing potions with her?"
Holly: "Yes. Yes I do. Thank you Moony."
Holly rubs Moony's back with one hand in consolement.
Moony: "And then you start flashing me and shoving my hands over your breasts and this dress..."
Holly: "You missed me, too, didn't you?"
Moony growls at Holly and then takes a new look at the Map.
Moony: (GRRRrrrrr) "Tell me when we're going to capture my friend. I have classes to teach."
Holly: "When's the next full moon?"
Moony: "Late tomorrow night. I should be safe until after tomorrow's dinner."
Holly: "Tonight, then. We'll set things up just after first curfew. Hopefully Hermione can make headway on the best legal approach for bringing Sirius in to seek some real justice in case Madame Bones can't or won't respond, but we should save Sirius from his career as Dementor bait without delay."
Transcription ends.



Minerva (Agent M),
I'll have Newt give you the status update but I'm heading to your office in a short bit to discuss our options (once we've situated the Professor). Sorry to keep late hours, but this is important.

Newt, give this one a spy-feel, would you?
After-action report for Operation: Padlock?
Cool. Use the Marauder names, too.
Why is Natalia's name Callisto?
Callisto was the nymph Zeus seduced by shapechanging into Hera, his wife.
I was wondering where you found that since Natalia can't be an Animagus and calling her 'Sapien' would be unflattering.
Actually, 'Sapien' isn't bad- I should have asked you first. I considered 'Noman' but Natalia came up with Callisto, which works better. She's a big fan of Greek Mythology.
Callisto doesn't meet a very happy end, Holly.
Yes, and Hermione isn't a town in America. Besides, no one meets a happy end in Greek stories. They're either immortal or screwed, sometimes both. Can we get to where you explain the current situation to Minerva, now?
Yes, Rook, but we report to Agent M.
Have at it, Sketcher. Time's ticking.
I should give out the names from now on.

Transcription, Operation: Padlock. 23rd May, 1994 starting 8:04 PM GST

Agents Rook, Kittyhawk, Callisto and Moony gather just after 8 PM outside the doors of Hogwarts and Disillusion themselves before heading off down the paths past Hagrid's Hut and into the Forbidden Forest. Once arriving at the designated clearing they drop their chameleonizing spells and collect around Moony, who produces the Marauder's Map for tactical reference. Sketcher is clinging to Kittyhawk's hair in order to stay out of the way of spellfire.
Moony: "I recce'd this clearing over the weekend and when Rook suggested an ambush it came immediately to mind- this dale has steep slopes making a quick escape difficult, even for a Grim. Callisto and I will keep watch at those two positions in the trees, waiting for your approach. Once you lure Padfoot past the ridgeline, we'll activate Entangling traps in the brush and we can attack on your signal."
Rook: "Right. Assuming this works, Kittyhawk and I will be ghosting our way into the dale with Padfoot following. Once Padfoot is following me, I want you to cut the Siren Song and edge out to the other side, Kittyhawk."
Kittyhawk: "But Hol-uhh... Rook, you'll be left in the center alone!"
Rook: "Precisely. Padfoot has to feel like he can trust the situation. If he picks up on the ambush, we'll have that much harder a time catching him. The signal will be me standing after crouching to the ground to face him, or if he suddenly bolts."
Moony: "Remember to lead the target, as Padfoot has explosive speed."
Rook and Kittyhawk walk off towards the deeper forest as Moony and Callisto begin prepping the dale's traps. After walking for a while, Rook and Kittyhawk stop and take a moment to commiserate.
Rook: (whispering) "Any ideas or concerns?"
Kittyhawk: (whispering) "Many, but for the moment I suggest we start our trolling and hope for the best."
Kittyhawk swirls the Cloak around her to disappear completely. A whispered charm traps her scent within the Cloak's confines as well.
Kittyhawk: (singing) "AaaAaaAhhh, AuuuAaaaaAAA."
The enchanted music echoes out hauntingly into the dark and mist-shrouded forest, probably reaching across the Black lake and out to the edges of Acromantula territory.
Rook: (whispering) "Let's start walking. Follow my steps so you don't trip."
Rook taps her head with her ash wand, causing her form to emit a soft, ghostly glow.
Kittyhawk: (singing) "AaaAaaAhhh, AuuuAaaaaAAA."
Rook and Kittyhawk make a slow meandering trek back towards the dale. After twenty minutes, both are startled by an unexpected sound. Rook turns to see a bedraggled but massive shaggy black dog stop its approach some ten meters to their right.
Padfoot: (Whine?)
Rook: (whispering) "Kittyhawk, head for the dale."
Kittyhawk releases her wand from against her throat, casts a quick 'Point me' spell and carefully retreats to head back to the dale. Rook can be heard faintly after Kittyhawk clears the next rise.
Rook: "Follow me, Padfoot. That's a boy. It's time to bring you home."
Kittyhawk doubles her speed once she moves further enough from Rook that Padfoot would hopefully not take notice. Within minutes she arrives in the dale, pulls back the Cloak and speaks up towards the trees.
Kittyhawk: "Moony, they're on the way. Maybe five minutes out."
Suddenly a red flash shoots from the trees to strike Kittyhawk in the chest, causing her to fall unconscious to the ground. Professor Snape emerges from the brush, levitating a bound Moony and Callisto behind him.
Snape: "Thank you, Miss Granger. That is most illuminating."
Sketcher sneaks away from Kittyhawk to climb up the rise, hoping to catch sight of Rook and Padfoot as they approach. Snape removes the Cloak from around Kittyhawk and binds her in an Incarcerous as well, moving the trio of captives further down the dale, resting them behind a prickly bush. They are out of sight, but Sketcher hears the oily bat-like Professor as he spouts vitriol against Moony to pass the time.
Snape: "Yes, I have spoken to the Headmaster many a time, insisting that you were colluding with Black, but he wouldn't hear of it. He is entirely too trusting. Once your criminal friend shows his wretched hide I can bring the lot of you back to the castle. Then we shall see how the last of my... school mates... faces their fate. They say living well is the best revenge. Living beyond my enemies seems a good start."
With a squinty eye, Snape launches off several additional spells onto his captives and then moves up the dale to find an advantageous blind for his own ambush. Minutes pass in silence. Rook appears, leading along an uncertain Padfoot who trails a few meters behind. Padfoot stops suddenly as Rook approaches the rise and begins to growl.
Rook: "Come on, Padfoot. There's no one here who means you ill..."
Rook stops herself, turning towards the rise and crouching down as Padfoot renews his growl. Rook shifts back to face Padfoot, grasping a fallen length of wood.
Snape: "L-Lily? No, of course not. Come forward, Miss Evans. I have my wand on you. Toss yours to the ground, there."
Rook tosses the ash wand to the ground and then twists upwards as Snape fires off another red spell but his Stunner passes through empty space. Rook finishes her Apparition with a quiet 'pop' to appear behind Snape, the arc of her log's swing connecting with the back of his head, knocking the Professor forward to bounce off the tree he was using for cover and fall to the ground at Rook's feet. Snape looks up just in time to see her follow-through swing break his nose and knock him unconscious. Rook tosses the log to the ground and collects up Snape's wand. With a clicking sound, she calls Padfoot who bounds up and over the rise to see Snape's body. After a few barks, Padfoot trundles down the dale to the bush where Moony, Callisto and Kittyhawk remain bound. Rook follows the Grim's trail and stops at the edge of the brush to move her hands to her hips.
Rook: "I can't take you lot anywhere."
As Rook uses Snape's wand to cancel the spell effects holding her companions, Padfoot bounds back to Snape's body, circling the unconscious Professor several times before lifting his leg and urinating on him.
Transcription ends.

Further details are best summarized by stating that the agents retrieved their wands and returned to Hogwarts grounds. The following conversation occurred within Hagrid's hut a short time later.

Transcription, Operation: Padlock tactical review. 23rd May, 1994 starting 9:40 PM GST

Callisto, Kittyhawk, Moony and Rook sit around Hagrid's hearth. Professor Snape remains bound and unconscious on Fang's dog-bed. Padfoot sits at Rook's feet facing Moony, wagging his tail happily with stew dripping from his jowls. Hagrid is absent as he was known to be visiting the Acromantulas this evening with Fang. Sketcher has returned to lurking in Kittyhawk's hair.
Moony: "I keep trying to tell you, Padfoot. It's alright. You can stop being a dog now."
Kittyhawk: "Actually, I'm not sure that's the case. The Dementors haven't been able to find Padfoot because they are looking for Sirius Black. If he were to revert to human, they may detect him and circle in on us."
Rook: "It's a fair point, but I don't give them that much sensory acuity."
Callisto: "Hols, is it my imagination or are you using bigger words?"
Rook: "Kittyhawk brings out the oral in me."
Kittyhawk: "HOLLY!"
Rook: "We're all friends here, except the git in the corner, of course."
Moony: "Yes, how is it Severus’ ambush didn't capture you as well?"
Rook points at her bottle-green Lennon glasses.
Rook: "These are still my combat goggles. The enchantments include night vision and infrared now. He stuck out like a sore thumb behind those bushes."
Kittyhawk: "And you didn't use your wand because..."
Rook: "I have anger issues. Viable targets are hard to come by. 'Oh, Professor! I had no idea it was you out there in the dark! I hope this won't affect my scores in the potions final.'"
Moony and Callisto laugh, while Kittyhawk gives a sour expression followed by a smirk. Moony pulls out his wand.
Moony: "I think I'll force the issue, since Sirius doesn't seem inclined to help me out here. Restituo Clementia."
With a wave of pink emanating from his wand, Moony forces Padfoot to shift into a human form, a sickly and dirt-stained older man with bedraggled black hair and beard wearing the rough tatters of a prison jumpsuit. Sirius sits up with an irritated yelp.
Moony: "Sirius?"
Sirius: (Whine? Bark!)
Moony: "Are you playing with me?"
Rook moves down to sit in front of the dazed and disheveled man and stares deeply into his black eyes. Sirius lets out an odd whine but maintains the eye contact for a minute.
Sirius: (Bark! Bark!)
Rook: "Uhh, Moony? He's still a dog. He recognises you, realises that I'm not quite Lily but is okay with it, and feels that Callisto over there seems familiar and acceptable."
Moony: "Well, I didn't see that coming."
Rook: "More importantly, he's worried about a rat he's been... OMIGOD!"
Moony already has jumped up and pulled out the Marauder's Map to lay it out on Hagrid's dining table.
Moony: "I solemnly swear I am up to no good. Reveal Marauders. Damnit. Reveal familiars."
After a few minutes of scanning the Map, Kittyhawk gasps.
Kittyhawk: "Oh, no! He's about four yards from the edge of the wards!"
Following Kittyhawk's pointed finger, the name 'Wormtail' can be seen slowly making its way across a demarcation line Moony added to show the Hogwarts protection wards. As the name crosses the line it changes to Peter Pettigrew for three seconds before disappearing completely from the Map. The agents all look up at each other.
Rook, Callisto and Moony: "FUCK!"
Kittyhawk: "Yes, that's a bit of a conundrum, isn't it?"
Sirius: (Bark!)
Transcription ends.

Sirius is back to being Padfoot and staying with Hagrid who just got back. I'll be at your office at 11:00 PM.



Omake from Newt:
Holly: "When's the next full moon?"
Moony: "Late tomorrow night."
Holly: "Tonight, then. We'll set things up just after first curfew. Hopefully Hermione can make headway on the best legal approach for bringing Sirius in to seek some real justice in case Madame Bones can't or won't respond, but we should save Sirius from his career as Dementor bait without delay."
Moony stands up from the table, collects his scrolls and exits the classroom shaking his head. As the door closes, Holly rises up from looking at the Map and stares at Natalia for a moment.
Holly: "'Talia?"
Natalia turns a coy smirk to Holly.
Natalia: "Holly?"
Holly: "Race you!"
Both girls begins stripping off their clothes and laughing. After furiously doffing her boots, Holly's one-piece cotton dress flies into the air followed soon after by Holly as she jumps to tackle Natalia to the floor behind the desk.
Natalia: "No fair! And I thought you wore a bra today!"
Holly: "Switched away. You start licking while I finish your deshabillation. Evanesco!"
Natalia: "Damnit, I liked that top!"
Holly: "Move faster next time. Ow! Not with a cat's tongue!"
Newt, Minerva doesn't want to hear it- cut it off right before Moony leaves.
Awwww, mum.
Why aren't you using your Everlasting Scroll for this?
Grandmum Minerva hasn't given it back yet. It's been two weeks and I'm getting frisky.
Why would she...? Never mind. Some questions just aren't worth the asking.

Author's (sappy and personal) Note: When my Great Uncle 'came out' to his family and the uproar had finally died down, my Grandfather asked him "Well if you don't like ladies, fine, but what is it exactly that you... do with men?"
"As much as I can, as often as I can."
It was brave talk for 1956. Some of my favorite quotes come from the people I know.
This one's for you Uncle Milton. Some say we don't really die so long as someone remembers us. I remember you.
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