Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Stanford

The best thing I've ever done

by GalacticFTW 1 review

:D It's cute, but you don't have to read it. *sniffles*

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-28 - Updated: 2009-10-29 - 2226 words

A/N: I got the newest version of Microsoft Word, huzzah for me! :D Oh, no one’s cheering… ah well. Oh yeah, you didn’t have to read the last couple of chapters, but if you did, that’s all right.


Chapter 27

“So… is there anything interesting you can do here?” Stan asked.

“Well… there is a gym here… maybe Jasper could try it out…,” I shrugged. “Only problem is, I do recall Iggy and Luca talking about battling the gym today, so maybe he could try it tomorrow?”

“Right, that sounds fun!” Jasper grinned.


The next day, Jasper’s POV

“Are you guys ready?” I asked all of my Pokémon.

“Pika,” Pikachu nodded.

“Steel…,” Steelix growled.

“Squirtle,” Squirtle replied coolly.

“Hey Jasper,” Dad rubbed my head. “If you need any help just ask… I don’t think I trust your Steelix just yet…”

“Uh… what do you mean?” I asked.

He cleared his throat. “I mean… it was rampaging and you just caught it… it’s very powerful, are you sure you’re up to it?”

“Look Dad… it does do what I say… I can tell… because I feel something inside me – I think it’s Azelf to be honest,” I nodded. Dad patted me on the head.

“It’s because you’re excited,” he smiled. “It’s your first gym battle… turns out the gym leader uses rock types, so maybe you should catch a water type?”

“Great idea Dad,” I grinned. He smiled again.

“Here, I can help,” he nodded. We both heard an odd roaring in the distance…

“What was that?” We both said in unison.


Stan’s POV

“It sounded like a Gyarados…,” I mumbled. “I know that because Cyrus commanded a bunch of Gyarados…”

“Haha I have finally found you…,” a hefty voice said; it was the one from before. It must have been Apollo… “Where is that bastard Émile?” He grumbled.

“None of your business…,” I growled.

“Right here… Apollo,” Dad griped. The scales crepitated as the huge serpent-like fish moved. “So… what do you want?” He spat something on the ground (it wasn’t chewing tobacco though). “Leave this to me…,” Dad nodded.

“Oh?” I mumbled. “OK then,” I shrugged. “What’s with you two, if you don’t mind me asking?” I whispered.

“He nearly raped my girlfriend…,” he replied, slightly angered. “Also, you can only help me if you think I’m in danger…”

“Right…,” I nodded in utter confusion. Jasper was silent the whole time.

“Go Sceptile…,” he let the giant green lizard out. It roared.

“You think you could possibly defeat me?!” Apollo barked evilly. “I highly doubt it… go Blaziken!” He let out the giant chicken-like creature. It squawked violently.

“I know you’re going to cheat and use two Pokémon at once,” Dad chuckled. “So, Go Staraptor!” He let out the shiny tan bird with a light blue crest. It sparked in the sunshine. He shook his head for me to come here. “Stan… I have an idea…,” he whispered, “you sneak around back when he’s not watching, and you attack him from behind. Got it?” I nodded and he handed me a radio. “Good,” he nodded back. I made sure Apollo wasn’t looking and I got down on my hands and knees and slowly crawled to the back of a tree. I quickly jumped to the top of the tree and began to jump to each branch, until I was at the top of the tree. I could see the two from up there. I nodded and climbed down and ran to another tree that was even further than the one I was in before – I had made it to the opposite side of the lake. I could clearly see both of them from this vantage point.

“Good… you made it, over,” he said via radio.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Over…”

“Watch closely, all right? Over…”

“Will do, Looker, over,” I replied. I didn’t want to call him ‘Dad’ for obvious reasons. I watched in horror as Apollo’s Gyarados and Blaziken ripped through Dad’s Pokémon… Apollo just stood there, chuckled and grinning.

“Stan… do it now, over!” Dad commanded.

“Will do, over!” I smirked and let Skywing and Fergie out. “Skywing, Fergie, attack that Gyarados and Blaziken with Brave Bird!” I commanded. “And if that doesn’t work, then use whatever you want!” Skywing nuzzled me and I jumped onto her. The two birds burst into flames as they tucked in their wings; the two must have been going at least sixty miles per hour. The wind stung my face. The two began to glow blue and rammed into the Gyarados with such forced that the force knocked me off Skywing’s back and I landed face-first into the lake below. I apparently the water knocked me out because I couldn’t feel a thing as I just floated in the water…

The next thing I knew, I could feel Dad pushing his hands on my chest as I coughed up water. I hacked. “Ugh… what-what happened…?” I looked over to see everyone else standing near me.

“You nearly drowned… you and I was able to defeat Apollo but he escaped, I wasn’t able to arrest him…,” Dad sighed. He helped me up and I coughed up more water, but it was more than just water, it was blood.

“Dad… I-I coughed up blood…,” I heaved. “Oh… I don’t feel very good…”

“Shh…,” he hushed me. “It’s because you hit the water with so much force that it injured your chest… hence why you’re coughing up blood…”

“Dad… I hate to admit it… but-but I’m kind of scared…,” I shuddered and sniffled. I noticed my nose was bleeding, too. “Was I choking on my own blood too…?”

“Yes… you were that and water, too…,” he hugged me tightly. I-I finally had a father I could rely on….

“I-I love you Dad…,” I hugged tightly back. I couldn’t help it, I bawled. “I-I always wanted a Dad… someone to rely on… someone to care about me… someone to love me…”

“I-I love you too, my son…”

“In peace, Love tunes the shepherd's reed;
In war, he mounts the warrior’s steed;
In halls, in gay attire is seen;
In hamlets, dances on the green.
Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below, and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love…,” I mumbled.

“Sir Walter Scott…?” My Dad asked, letting go. I coughed up more blood (which landed on his shirt and jeans) and nodded.

“S-sorry…,” I sighed.

“No… no… it’s OK…,” he smiled. “Come here, get yourself some hugs,” he nodded and everyone came over and they all got big hugs from him. I collapsed in his arms. “Come on… let’s take you to a bed…,” he grinned and picked me up. I must have slept the whole day…

I hacked and coughed… I saw that it was already 11:24 AM. Marie was lying down next to me.

“Hey Stan…,” she mumbled and woke up. “How are you?” I groaned slightly.

“Good…,” I rubbed my head. “I guess,” I felt a bit dizzy from being so hungry. “So hungry…”

“We should get something to eat then,” she smiled and patted my head. I looked over to see Dad had fallen asleep on the floor. “Looks like your dad fell asleep on the floor,” she jumped off the bed.

I jumped off the bed as well. “Dad…,” I knelt beside him and shook him. “Dad…,” I shook him again. He groaned.

“Ugh…,” he slowly woke up. He sat up. “I was sleeping in the chair and I must have fallen asleep on the floor…”

“Aww… were you watching over me?” I grinned.

He nodded. “Yeah… I watched you to make sure you were all right. You sure didn’t look to good…”

“Well, I’m starving,” I stretched and we both got up. “What do you have that I could eat? I could eat a horse!” I chuckled. Marie smirked at me while Dad blinked.

He chuckled, “you can make whatever you want, I don’t care,” he paused. “Hang on, I have a better idea, how would you like to catch your breakfast? Just you and me, together, alone?” He then looked at Marie. “Marie, Jade and Jasper, you can do whatever you want, I don’t care,” he smiled.

“Sure thing,” Marie nodded and smiled. She walked off happily.

“Come along now,” Dad patted me on the back. Despite me wearing pyjamas, we both walked out to the lake in the backyard; with two fishing poles and all.

“Cast over there, it’s the best spot,” Dad smiled. I smiled and did what he told me, he casted just opposite of where I was. “So… it’s about high time I told you what happened and why it hurts every time I urinate…,” he cleared his throat. “So you see… I was sitting on a log, (like what we’re sitting on right now), with my girlfriend, Cassidy; right next to me… so I leant over to kiss her, and I got… well you know… as we started to French kiss…”

“Dad… you can say ‘erection’ in front of me, I don’t care… I get them all the time, especially if I stare at Marie for too long…,” I mumbled.

“Right… she really turned me on… the next thing I knew, my Croagunk pops out of his poke ball and jabs me hard in the crotch. The next thing I heard was a hard snap. I cannot quite recall what happened next, except the fact that I was screaming bloody murder and ended up in the hospital… and ever since that day, it hurts every time.”

“Oh… I am-I am so sorry…. I have a tale to tell too… anyway, I was asked to skateboard down a stairwell, well, as you know – whatever goes up must come down, I landed straight on my groin, fell down two flights of stairs and nearly bled to death. I lost one of my testicles and nearly broke my penis because of that, and they said my sperm was non-motile and that I was sterile…”

Dad started to burst into tears. “I-I really m-miss h-her…”

“D-dad… don’t do that… you’re going to make me cry too…”

“I’m sorry… I have never been able to let it out all these years… if you were caught crying at my job, you were looked down upon… all these years I’ve pretty much lived in an office… filled with parsimonious, hard-hitting men that don’t give a crap about how you feel… except if someone in your family died, but other than that, they don’t care about how anyone felt. It was a tough job, I’ve thought about quitting but I know I can’t, because it would look bad on my part – especially to my mum and dad.”

“I see… let it all out Dad… it’s OK…,” I hugged him and let him weep on my shoulder. “Dad… I have an idea… maybe we can find out where she is…”

“She’s in Britain… London to be exact…”

“Oh… are you sure she hasn’t moved or anything?” I asked, trying to placate him the best I could. “If she has, she maybe around somewhere…”

“I doubt it… she could be married for all I know and her last name could have changed…”

“Dad – let’s not give up, we can find her – I just know it!” I grinned and he stopped bawling.

“Y-you really mean that…,” he sniffled. I nodded. “Thank you… it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me…”

“Is that true…”

“Yeah…,” he sighed. I felt a tug on my life.

“All right, I got something finally!” I grinned and reeled the line in. The fish flopped like crazy, as I reeled it in.

“Ooh… it’s a trout, that’s the best kind of fish,” he took what looked like a syringe out of his pocket. He put it in its mouth and it slowly died peacefully. I knew it was a type of tranquiliser, used to kill living things humanely, however, it can be extremely dangerous to humans though – it can kill someone in about 20 minutes.

“I’m glad you have tranquiliser darts… a lot better than hacking its head off.” I nodded.

“Yeah me too… I keep them all the time; it’s the best thing to do... Oh yeah… this trout will only feed one person, how about we catch five?”

“Great idea…,” I nodded.

“Phew…,” I sighed in relief. We had finally caught five fish. Dad told me rod and reel is the best way to catch fish, because Pokémon can crush the spine and ruin the flavour of the fish.

“So… Jasper, are you ready for your battle with Brock?” I grinned.

“Yeah!” He nodded and grinned. “I can’t wait!”

“That’s my kind of attitude!” I grinned.



A/N: sniffles Oh… I’m not crying… all right… I am… you caught me… oh, well… I promise you Stan will help his daddy find his ex-girlfriend – would you like me to do that?
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