Categories > Cartoons > Fairly OddParents > Any Way for Payback?

Chapter 9: Observed Date

by unknown20troper 0 reviews

Poof continues to observe Norm and Timmy's date. Norm discovers that Timmy wants more than dates and shagging.

Category: Fairly OddParents - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Norm,Timmy Turner - Published: 2009-12-11 - Updated: 2009-12-11 - 928 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairly OddParents.

Author’s Note: Concrit welcomed, particularly on characterization, though it can be on anything else that I’m doing wrong. Norm and Timmy will not fall in love immediately. If either of them doesn’t like the pairing, that is just an attempt to keep them in character. They both will probably like the pairing by the end of the fanfic. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!

Chapter 9: Observed Date

Norm tried to keep his mind on revenge, but Turner was constantly kissing him. His kisses were so good that Norm had trouble remembering why he wanted revenge on the guy, but he eventually reminded himself of the unpleasant stuff that Turner had done to him – just as Turner kissed him again!

Turner at least knew not to kiss him while he ate. Norm was glad that he had some common sense, though the kisses were good, and genies don’t need to breathe anyway.

Tim wondered why Norm was so confused, and unhappy. He clearly liked his kisses, so Tim knew that his kisses weren’t causing distress to his genie.

Was Norm still upset about what happened earlier? Was this not enough to make up for it? Did he think that Tim was only using him as a convenient lay, and as something to date, and kiss?

Norm noticed that Turner was getting worried, and rolled his eyes. He was not that upset, honestly. He just wanted revenge on the guy, but was too distracted by his kisses to create a plan. He quickly faked a smile.

Turner continued eating, and Norm let out a sigh of relief. He no longer had to attempt to comprehend that Turner seemed to care about him, and could hate him regardless.

Timmy, and Norm kissed, causing Poof to yawn. Romance didn’t tend to interest eight-year old boys, and he was no exception.

He gazed over at another of round, dark mauve tables, and found that the people there held less interest to him than Norm, and Timmy did.

“So, Tur-Tim, what do like to do – other than date me, that is?”

“Uh…” replied Tim, fiddling nervously with the tablecloth. “I play sports…”

“That’s sounds vague,” replied Norm suavely, resting his hands on the mauve fabric of the tablecloth.

“Yeah,” replied Tim. “I guess it does. I’m on Dimmsdale High’s football team – the Dimmsdale Dodo’s.”

Norm wanted to sardonically comment on the fact that dodos were extinct, but he restrained himself. Despite that, he did like to watch football, though he didn’t ever want to play it, since the name made it clear that feet were needed, and he had a tail instead.

“Oh,” replied Norm. “I watch; not play.”

He indicated his tail.

“I see why,” replied Turner. Norm noticed that Turner was gazing at his tail eagerly, and rolled his eyes. Why did he have to get Turner thinking about his tail?

“Never mind, Turner,” he replied in irritation, trying to make his tail less noticeable and failing. “I watch baseball; usually.”

“Do you play?”

Norm wondered how he’d answer that one. He had only played baseball a few times, during his two-week span of freedom after winning Fairy Idol. His entrapment made it hard for him to play team sports, or just sports, period.

However, he wasn’t sure how Turner would react to that. Would he laugh at him? Would he pity him? Would he set him free immediately?

“Rarely,” replied Norm, figuring that a short, vague answer would be best. Turner had no sympathy for his situation when he was ten, and he had trouble believing that Turner would now. He also figured that it would be difficult to explain the two-week span after Fairy Idol without mentioning anything that he didn’t want Turner to know.

“Oh,” replied Turner, frowning. “Do you like it?”

“Yeah,” replied Norm. “It’s fun.”

“Great,” replied Turner, his face brightening. “How about you play a few games with Chester, AJ, my back-up friends, and me?”

“Sure,” replied Norm happily, surprised that Turner wanted to play baseball with him, instead of just date, kiss, and shag. That had never occurred to his other lovers – which were only called that because their nether regions had touched his. He was just an object to them, just like he was to his masters. However, Turner apparently found him to be enough of a person for it to occur to him that he might like to play baseball with him. That contradicted everything he believed about Turner. However, Norm was an intelligent genie, and could come up with an explanation that didn’t. Maybe one of the players was sick, and Turner needed a replacement. Yep, that would work.

He sighed in relief, now that issue was resolved.

Poof was taken aback. Timmy wanted to play baseball with Norm? Norm accepted? Weren’t they supposed to be trading witty banter, insulting each other and their mothers, and trying to kill each other? Norm was supposed to be defeated, not dated!

He probably was plotting a way to kill Timmy right now, thinking of exactly what death trap he wanted to use….

Poof had met villains before; Poof had watched television and read – more like looked at – comics too. Villains were always creating evil schemes, and some were masters of trickery. He had heard that Norm was a master of trickery. As soon as he came up with a plan, or executed an already made one, Timmy would be doomed!
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